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How to Generate More Effective Leads for Your Business

It’s more important than ever before to find and convert qualified leads to your business if you want to survive in today’s highly competitive marketplace. We outline the exact steps below you should take to start generating the right leads for your business today.

Finding and generating qualified leads can seem like a difficult and overwhelming task if it’s something you’re not used to doing for your business. The right online leads generate sales if you can successfully convert them from visitors/readers to paying customers. But there’s no chance of a sale if you’re not generating leads to begin with. It’s the basis for online success when it comes to making sales and that’s why you can’t afford to overlook it for a second longer. Here are some of the things that you can do to get better at generating effective leads now.

Start the Process by Identifying Relevant Leads Via Databases and Other Targeted Online Sources 

Identifying the right leads for your business is one of the most important things you’ll need to do if you want to run a profitable one. If you want to go about making this happen, it makes sense to use industry and targeted databases. In different industries there are often particular databases you can pay to access. These will then help you in your targeting and marketing efforts, so don’t knock this option until you’ve tried it. 

When we first launched FemFounder.co in 2017, we used fashion and beauty industry databases to find prospects who could potentially be interested in our offerings. By researching and segmenting these potential leads, this approach helped us generate our first 5,000 email subscribers in the community.

Personalize Every Interaction and Directly Engage People to Start and Continue the Conversation

Building one-to-one relationships is the best way to build trust with those who don’t know you or your company. Directly engaging the right people will help you achieve more qualified leads. People need to be engaged in a direct way if you want to get their attention. Email marketing is one example of this and it’s still a very effective method when it’s done in a personalized manner. People often discount the effectiveness of email marketing in 2020, but that’s a big mistake. Email marketing still has one of the best ROI’s out of all digital marketing. In fact, the average ROI for every dollar spent on email marketing is about $42.00 according to Oberlo.com. Knowing this, email marketing is a low-cost strategy to build relationships with a targeted audience.

Host or Run a Giveaway to Reach More Targeted Consumers; Promote on Social Media and Other Free Outlets 

Running a giveaway is a great way to get people interested in your business and what it’s doing but it has to be done the right way. Let’s face it; we all like the idea of getting something for nothing. If you can run a giveaway that offers something that people genuinely want, people will sign up, share your posts, or do whatever you’re asking them to do in order to be in with a chance of winning the price. Giveaways should have a high-perceived value to attract the most targeted leads. Whenever we run a giveaway, the value of the prize is always higher than $250.00 to attract the most participants. 

We also promote our giveaways on Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram to reach wider audiences for free.

Find, Create, and Implement the Right Digital Marketing Strategy for Your Business Type

The right digital marketing strategy will need to be at the core of everything you do when appealing to people and generating leads online. Places like cardinal digital marketing can help you with setting up the right approach if you’re currently feeling a little lost. Digital marketing isn’t easy and getting professional assistance can make a world of difference when it comes to finding success and increasing leads and conversions.

·       Your Digital Marketing Strategy: Define the Right Sales Funnel Outline for Your Business

Any digital marketing strategy begins with an outline. Here are a few steps to help you start the process:

·       Begin by identifying your ideal customer and where this person hangs out online such as what social media platforms, what blogs they read, and what influencers they follow

·       Create a value ladder of your offerings; start with the lowest cost offering

·       Map your customer journey, which illustrates how you move customers from your lowest cost offer to your highest cost offer

·       Design sales pages and emails that help sell your offerings

·       Develop marketing messages that resonate with that target audience

·       Ultimately implement a sales funnel that captures the right leads and moves them through from the top to the bottom, so they buy your offerings

Creating the right sales funnel with a robust digital marketing strategy takes research and time but it’s worth is weight in gold when done the right way. A strong sales funnel operates like a well-oiled machine that requires minimal maintenance.

Optimize Your Web Pages to Capture the Right Leads 

Generating leads is all well and good, but it’ll be for nothing if those leads aren’t being converted, so it’s important that they are qualified and are most likely to make a purchase.

It’s up to you to optimize all of your web pages if you want to ensure people actually buy from you the way you want them to. Optimization will help with SEO, but on-page calls to action will also be important if you want people to eventually pull that trigger and make a purchase. We recommend strategically placing calls to action and opt-ins throughout your website to capture email addresses. The top places for calls to action and opt-ins are a delayed popup, in the footer, in the right margin, an announcement bar, and even a separate opt-in page. This will help you capture emails to grow your business.

Generating effective leads and converting those leads is one of the biggest challenges businesses have to overcome online. If you can make the most of the advice we’ve laid out above, you should start to notice more positive outcomes for your business in this department.