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"Stay true to your passion and be persistent" with Rachel Lake of Rachel Beth Jewellery

Photo credit: Rachel Lake of Rachel Beth Jewellery

We had the pleasure of interviewing Rachel Beth, the talented jewelry designer and entrepreneur behind Rachel Beth Jewellery, to hear about her background and journey. Here’s what she shared with us.

Can you tell our readers about your background?

I’m Rachel Lake, the founder and owner of Rachel Beth Jewellery. My journey into the world of jewellery design started in a quaint town near the Blue Mountains in New South Wales and took me through various esteemed jewellery establishments across Sydney, including the eastern suburbs & historic Strand Arcade in the CBD.  

Over the years, I’ve honed my craft and developed a passion for creating custom, meaningful jewellery pieces that celebrate life's significant moments. In addition to being an entrepreneur, I’m also a mother to our wonderful 18-month-old son, who brings immense joy and balance to our life. 

What inspired you to start your business?

My inspiration stemmed from a deep-seated love for crafting jewellery that tells a story. Working in various jewellers, I saw the joy and significance that a custom piece can bring to someone's life. This realisation ignited my desire to create a brand where every piece is tailored to capture the essence of my clients' style and most cherished life moments.

Where is your business based?

Rachel Beth Jewellery is based in Sydney. We understand that life can be busy, and that’s why we also offer virtual consultations, allowing you to bring your dream jewellery to life from the comfort of your own home. This flexible approach ensures that no matter where you are, you can still have a personalised and engaging experience with us. 

How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took? 

Starting Rachel Beth Jewellery five years ago involved a combination of planning, skill development, and a leap of faith. I began by investing in the necessary tools and materials to create my own designs. Then, I reached out to my network of clients and colleagues in the jewellery industry, letting them know about my new venture. The initial phase also included setting up a website and social media presence to showcase my work and attract potential clients.

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?

The most effective way to raise awareness has been through a combination of social media engagement and word of mouth. Instagram, in particular, has been a powerful platform for showcasing my jewellery creations and the story behind each piece.

Additionally, past customers have been wonderful ambassadors, showing their new jewellery piece to their family and friends.

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

One of the biggest challenges has been establishing a distinctive presence in a competitive market. Overcoming this required a strong focus on personalisation and exceptional customer service. Building trust and maintaining open, honest communication with clients has been crucial. We also strive to continually innovate and offer unique designs that resonate with our clients' personal stories. 

How do you stay focused?

Staying focused involves setting clear goals and maintaining a deep connection to my passion for jewellery design. Additionally, I balance my creative and business responsibilities by allocating specific times for design work, client meetings, administrative tasks and family time. My husband Damien and our son are also great motivators, as they inspires me to stay disciplined and organised so I can maximise both work and family time. 

How do you differentiate your business from the competition?

Rachel Beth Jewellery stands out by offering unique Gemstones and diamonds with custom designs that reflects of our clients' vision and style. This commitment to personalisation, along with our dedication to exceptional craftsmanship, sets us apart from others in the industry. 

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?

Our most effective marketing strategy has been leveraging the power of social media, particularly Instagram, to showcase our custom pieces and engage with our audience. High-quality visuals and storytelling help highlight our designs. Additionally, we focus on building strong relationships with our clients, encouraging them to share their experiences and refer us to their friends and family. 

What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?

My advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is to stay true to your passion and be persistent. Building a business is a journey with many ups and downs, but maintaining your focus on what truly drives you will help navigate challenges. Also, don't be afraid to seek advice and learn from others in your field. Networking and building a supportive community can provide invaluable insights and opportunities.

What's your favourite app? Why?

My favourite app is Trello. It’s an incredibly versatile tool for project management and keeping my creative process organised. I use it to track client orders, manage design ideas, and streamline day-to-day operations. With the demands of running a business and being a mother, Trello helps keep everything on track seamlessly.

What's your favourite business tool or resource? Why?

Aside from Trello, which I use for managing projects and keeping track of client work, Canva is another favourite tool. It’s fantastic for creating visually appealing marketing materials and social media posts without needing extensive graphic design skills. It helps me maintain a professional and cohesive brand presence online.

Who is your business role model? Why?

I don’t have a single business role model. Instead, I take inspiration from a variety of people, each offering unique insights and strengths depending on the task at hand.  

How do you balance work and life?

Balancing work and life is always a challenge, especially with an 18-month-old at home. I prioritise setting boundaries and ensuring that I make time for activities that rejuvenate me. I schedule regular breaks and make sure to spend quality time with Joshua and my family helps maintain a healthy balance and keeps my creativity flowing. It's about finding a rhythm that allows me to give my best both at work and at home. 

What’s your favourite way to decompress?

My favourite way to decompress is to go for walk in the park with my family, being in nature helps clear my mind and provides a fresh perspective and allow me to relax and recharge, which is essential for maintaining creativity and focus. 

How do you differentiate your business from the competition?

Every piece we create is a unique reflection of our clients' vision, style, and life milestones.

One of our key differentiators is our focus on using ethically sourced diamonds and Australian Sapphires . The gemstones are not only stunning in their beauty but also possess unique qualities that make them highly desirable. Beyond the classic deep blue, Australian sapphires come in a diverse spectrum of colours, including lush greens, warm yellows, and fiery oranges, mirroring the vibrant landscapes and breathtaking sunsets of Australia. Some sapphires even exhibit enchanting colour zones, blending blues and greens or transitioning between different hues, making each stone a distinctive masterpiece.

Sapphires rank second only to diamonds on the Mohs hardness scale, making them incredibly durable and perfect for everyday wear. Their hardness ensures they retain their brilliance and beauty over time, offering both aesthetic appeal and practicality for those seeking a lasting piece of jewellery. This durability, combined with their captivating range of colours, makes sapphires an excellent choice for clients looking for a resilient and unique gemstones. 

We are also deeply committed to ethical and sustainable practices, which is another significant aspect that sets Rachel Beth Jewellery apart. All our diamonds and sapphires are ethically sourced, supporting sustainable mining practices and contributing to local communities. Ethical sourcing is integral to our brand values and resonates with clients who are conscious of the impact their purchases have on the environment and society. We take great care in ensuring that our gemstones are obtained through responsible and fair practices, providing our clients with the confidence that their jewellery is not only beautiful but also ethically produced.

In addition to our use of ethically sourced stones, we incorporate recycled gold in our designs whenever possible. Using recycled gold reduces the demand for newly mined gold, which can have significant environmental and social impacts. Recycled gold offers the same quality and durability as newly mined gold but with a smaller carbon footprint. By repurposing gold from existing sources, we help minimise the negative effects of gold mining, such as habitat destruction and pollution. This makes our jewellery a more sustainable and eco-friendly choice. 

Our clients appreciate that they are not only receiving a beautifully crafted piece of jewellery but also supporting practices that align with their values of sustainability and ethical responsibility. 

How can our readers connect with you?

Readers can connect with us through our website at RachelBethJewellery.com.au and follow us on Instagram @Rachelbethjewellery for the latest updates and designs. We love engaging with our community and are always available to discuss custom design ideas or answer any questions about our pieces.

Rachel Lake

Rachel Beth Jewellery

M: 0425 221 528

E: Rachel@RachelBethJewellery.com.au

W: RachelBethJewellery.com.au

Connect with us:
IG: @Rachelbethjewellery