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Tara Jacobsen, Co-Founder & Director of Groei Education

Photo credit: Tara Jacobsen

“Start-up life comes with turbulence, especially in the early months (even years), but learning not to get unsettled by this and leaning into this disruption and seeking opportunity, is how new ideas form and how your products and services take shape.” - Tara Jacobsen

Can you tell our readers about your background?

Tara Jacobsen has over 25 years of experience in innovative education and regional business growth. As co-founder of Groei, an innovation education organisation, she has supported, mentored, and inspired thousands of business owners, start-ups, and young people across regional Australia.

She was the program designer and facilitator of the award-winning USQ Wire Program, which connected hundreds of geographically isolated women to start new or expand existing businesses.

Tara has extensive expertise in developing and implementing pilot programs for both federal and state government projects, playing a crucial role in driving innovation and positive change across various sectors, particularly in the nexus between education and real-world application.

What inspired you to start your business?

I’m a mother and step-mother to four teenagers/young adults and when it came time to support them during their subject selection and career planning, I realised quickly that the traditional senior school pathway didn’t suit them all. The subjects available were overly theoretical for one of my daughters, lacking the hands-on, entrepreneurial focus she craved.

I developed Knoei Colab, a program that would allow her to follow an accepted elective pathway, but with an emphasis on building things, exploring creativity, and fostering entrepreneurial skills. Knoei Colab offered her a practical qualification that opened doors to both university and industry, and allowed her to begin a start-up side hustle aligned with her strengths. Creating Knoei Colab not only supported her but provided a framework that acknowledged the different learning styles and futures children aspired to, bridging a gap in the education system by offering a balanced pathway to real-world outcomes.

Where is your business based? Groei Education is based on the Sunshine Coast, but given many of our programs are delivered virtually, our business is able to support young people Australia wide.

How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?

I realised after extensive experience navigating the senior school years with my own children, that there was a significant disconnect between school and potential offerings. Selections within the traditional school system were limited and didn’t align with their passions and areas of interest. As an educator, I felt driven to help provide a solution, this is how Knoei Colab was created.

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?

We’ve utilised a broad range of marketing efforts to increase awareness of the programs we offer, with a strong focus being placed on social media advertising alongside good old fashioned networking and word of mouth.

You can’t underestimate the strength in building a strong support network and community when starting up a business. These people become your brand ambassadors and help build awareness, both within your circle and beyond. If you’re starting up a  business, getting out and about and networking, has to be a pivotal piece of your marketing strategy.

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

Embracing failure and accepting change is paramount for any founder. Start-up life comes with turbulence, especially in the early months (even years), but learning not to get unsettled by this and leaning into this disruption and seeking opportunity, is how new ideas form and how your products and services take shape.

How do you stay focused?

I always look at the big picture and end goal to change up the education space. I’m determined to shift how young people are educated and this remains my focus. It can be easy to get bogged down by the daily running of the business, but I’m extremely focused on outcomes to bridge the disconnect. When students participate in our programs and develop into incredible humans, with confidence, passion and drive, I know that every inch of energy poured into the business is worth it.

How do you differentiate your business from the competition?

Our approach is personalised and designed specifically to meet the growing needs of young people and industry trends. As trends evolve, so too do our offerings. We adapt our programs based off these needs and as such, ensure our qualifications stay relevant and aligned with employment needs. We’re entrepreneurs, teachers and parents, who are committed to shaping the way we educate young people, so it stays relevant and exciting.

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?

A combination of creative social media advertising and networking. We’re a small organisation, but we know how to connect and reach out to our community to help tell our story. If your product or service has a positive impact on someone, sure enough they’ll tell their friends and slowly momentum builds. Where ever there’s an opportunity to speak about Groei Education and the impactful work we’re doing, I’ll make sure I do.


What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?

Put your energy into learning new things that spark your interest and get you curious. The more you try, experiment, problem solve and fail, the more you’ll grow and learn in the process. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, use these experiences to deepen your learning and understanding.

What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius’,  I read it regularly, it reminds me that life is complex, and change is a given and finding stillness in that is important and an ongoing practice.

What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why?

I’m an innovator and entrepreneur and love nothing more than incorporating AI into everything I do. Not only is it fun and exciting to see the possible opportunities that come with artificial intelligence, but it’s also an essential component of doing business in the modern world. We teach our students about the future of work and the evolving landscape that we’re living in, it’s essential that it is a strong component of how I work, how the team works and how we do business.

Who is your business role model? Why?

We’re so fortunate that so many incredible humans in modern history often write a book or produce a podcast so we can get greater insight into their minds. A big favourite of mine is Richard Fidler, I love listening to his stories and learning about others and their stories. There are so many amazing men and women who have done incredible things throughout history, many of which haven’t been celebrated. I continue to learn from business owners, founders, entrepreneurs from all walks of life...taking ideas and inspiration from many and adapting them to my own business strategy.

How do you balance work and life? I’ll always make sure I move my body, whether that’s taking a morning swim in the ocean, or going for a walk. There is absolutely no doubt that juggling life and running a business is hard work. I make sure I connect with friends and family on the weekend and take long hikes to clear my head. Getting the balance right requires concerted effort and experience has taught me that something has to give, and it’s generally your health. So, prioritising ‘me’ and looking after myself is paramount for the success of the business and for my own wellbeing.

What’s your favorite way to decompress?

Taking a long walk or going for a hike is my favourite way to decompress. If I’m time poor, I’ll prioritise doing some meditation or yoga to help relax my mind and slow down my thoughts. When I can, I always try and take a 30 minute nap in the afternoon. This is my reset button and clears my head for the next half of the day.

What do you have planned for the next six months?

The next six months have some truly exciting things in store, from launching our future-focused micro-credentials nationally and prospects of moving into a global market.

How our readers connect with you? (LinkedIn and website)

