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3 Marketing Careers

The field of marketing is diverse. Small companies may employ one person who handles everything from social media platforms to brochures, while larger companies can have a whole team of people who devote themselves to different parts of the campaign.


The people who create the written part of an advertisement, which is known as copy, are copywriters. They write eye-catching headlines and pertinent informational sentences, paragraphs, or posts to entice customers. A good copywriter will use knowledge about their product, combined with information about search engine optimization (SEO) to get their ads in front of as many potential buyers as possible. Companies that don’t have a copywriter often hire an outside company to assist them in the form of a digital marketing company or SEO reseller. Even digital marketing companies that specialize in other things may hire an SEO reseller.

Campaign Planner

Someone with a broad view of the overall strategy would do a good job planning an entire campaign. They need to consider the tone of the brand, the target audience, sales projections, and industry peaks and valleys to craft a campaign that maximizes return on investment. Being able to make intelligent decisions regarding the companies current and future abilities, along with the industry patterns is a must when planning a campaign.

Social Media Manager

In a world where an increasing number of individuals are using the internet on a regular basis, being able to efficiently connect with many consumers has become more important than ever. Knowing what social media platforms are popular among which demographic can be the difference between a successful campaign and one that falls flat. Monitoring the culture, ages, gender, and interactions between people on different platforms is key in selecting the correct platform and crafting a well-written post that gets the right attention. Anyone managing social media accounts should be prepared for an ever-changing atmosphere as trends shift.

Marketing is a challenging and rewarding field of work that is consistently in demand. No matter what marketing position is chosen, the daily activities are likely to be interesting, engaging, and fulfilling.