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Four Steps to Improve Your Negotiation Skills

Negotiating is a powerful skill that you can use in every aspect of your life. In business, it can help you get to the top. It can help you get paid what you deserve, secure clients, clear goals, and so much more. You need to be able to negotiate in life. It is one of the most essential skills at your disposal and it must be kept sharp at all times. Only when you are an expert negotiator can you see your goals through, get the best deal, and convince people of your worth.

1.   Take Negotiation Classes

If you don’t feel like you are up to par and want to kickstart your negotiation skills, then taking a negotiation class or course is definitely beneficial, but don’t be a passive participant. Use what you learn and apply it to your own life as soon as you can. Negotiation is a communication skill, which means it must be adapted for each person you are negotiating with. This means you need to practice – and practice a lot.

2.   Go Above and Beyond When it Comes to Preparing for a Negotiation 

You need to be able to see and understand areas of opportunity. If you go in with just one goal in mind you will blind yourself to other possibilities and make any negotiation process short and abrupt. Negotiation is all about give and take, and if you can go in with more than one way to approach the negotiation you and the other party are far more likely to walk away with a happy conclusion.

3.   Have the Right Tools to Make Your Job Easier 

Negotiating is a tiring, lengthy process, especially when you bring legal obligation into the mix. Contracts are built upon negotiation, but they are so much more than just coming to an agreement. If you want to make your negotiations effective, then you need the right tools at your disposal. Contract lifecycle management software is one such tool, though there are a variety of others to help you improve your negotiation skills just by keeping better track of your progress.

4.   Read the Room and Be Aware of Body Language

You could say all the right things the wrong way and completely tank your negotiation efforts. It’s a sad reality, but it happens all the time. People don’t want to be cowed - they don’t want to feel like their backs are against the wall. They don’t even want to do business with people that they don’t like. Though there will be instances where they have no choice, never underestimate the amount a person will cut their own nose off to spite their face. By reading the room and the body language of the person you are negotiating with you can adapt on the go, and make the entire process far more pleasant. 

A great negotiator will make you feel like a friend like they are doing you a favor, and like you are making the best deal. In many cases, this is done by being a friend and offering them a fair deal that just happens to benefit you. If they need to back down on certain points, then you need to be careful with how you approach it. Done right, you can make everyone feel like a winner.