"Every moment of your day is thinking about your business" with Dr. Keri Ohlrich

Dr. Keri Ohlrich

Dr. Keri Ohlrich has led an impressive career as an outcome-focused business executive in her 20+ years working in the HR field. She is the CEO and co-founder of Abbracci Group and the co-author of the book, The Way of the HR Warrior. Dr. Ohlrich has been featured in several HR and business industry articles, interviewed on multiple podcasts, and spoken at numerous events in the United States and internationally.

Can you tell our readers about your background?

I was raised in the suburbs of Chicago and wanted to leave the Midwest for college. I left for Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and was thrilled to study psychology. I did not think I was going to be in business or Human Resources. After bouncing around a bit and trying to figure out my life and work, I obtained my MS in Global Human Resources from Loyola University Chicago and my MS in International Peace and Conflict Resolution. Upon graduating from American, I needed to get a paying job!

I started in a global HR rotational program at a Fortune 500 company and realized that HR is subversive psychology in action! I was using my skills in peace and conflict resolution and psychology while helping people. I realized that I could help the individual and implement programs that impacted 3000 supervisors at one time. It is difficult and complex work and well worth the challenge. For the next two decades, I held positions at a variety of organizations ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. I created and implemented HR processes, redesigned the talent function for an organization serving 25,000 global employees, led change management for a new business strategy, and overhauled the Human Resources department.

In my 30’s I still had my nagging goal of obtaining a Ph.D. I studied for my degree while working a full-time job and having a baby (not the best timing!). I earned my Ph.D. in Human Development and Organizational Systems from Fielding Graduate University. After years in corporate, my business partner and I started our own HR consulting business. And coincidentally, we both moved from the Midwest to Southern California within a year of each other. It was a perfect time to start our business. Bottom line, I just want my work to improve the environment of organizations which in turn improves the lives of employees.  

What inspired you to start your business?

I never thought I would start my own business. I am married to an artist (oil painter) and he is the one who has an inconsistent income and I need to be consistent! I also lacked the confidence to do it. However, after working in corporate for too long and realizing that my personality does not quite match the corporate machine, I knew I needed a change. Plus, starting a women-owned business and being in business with a great friend, who wouldn’t want to take that risk!

Where is your business based?

We are based in Southern California and have clients across the country.

How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?

We started by talking to a few business owners and did research to understand pricing, marketing, and strategy. But first, we determined our name and used LegalZoom to file all the paperwork for the business. The hardest part: selecting the name of the company that isn’t already used or trademarked! The easy part is filing documents if you use something like LegalZoom.

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?

New business development and raising awareness is certainly tough, especially with HR consulting, which tends to be word of mouth. For us, we showcase our thought leadership and also network with decision-makers. We also network with HR service providers (like HRIS, payroll, benefits specialists) as they talk to our HR decision-makers and can often make a warm introduction for us.  

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

The biggest challenges are filling that pipeline of clients. We constantly hustle, network, and try different approaches to find and connect with decision-makers. It is hard work and fills all of your spare time.

How do you stay focused?

I am passionate about my work, and that keeps me focused. I also do not want to go back to corporate and love the flexibility of my life, and that drives me. I’m also incredibly goal-oriented, which is a powerful motivator for me.

How do you differentiate your business from the competition?

We have a different style from the stereotypical HR professional. In fact, on our website, we say we’re “Unconventional HR Consulting.” It helps us, as people we meet say “you aren’t like the HR people I know”. That makes me sad however because that illuminates how poorly our profession is viewed.  

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?

Networking with HR partners who sell a different aspect of HR and see the benefits of partnerships. We are now moving into direct selling of our on-demand courses to HR and leaders, and we might have a different answer in six months!  

What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?

Sounds basic…but hustle and work hard. Every moment of your day is thinking about your business. You don’t have to be insane about it and never have friends or family, but the idea of a vacation doesn’t quite happen as if you were a 9-5 job. Running your business and ensuring it survives is your main focus. Work hard and be creative.

What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

These questions are so hard, as I like such a variety of things! I love podcasts that make me think like Hidden Brain, and Revisionist History as well as those with fun cultural ideas, such as Pop Culture Happy Hour or Judge John Hodgman. I enjoy books with a research bent that push your thinking, for example, anything by Rosabeth Moss Kanter.

What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why?

I love any tool that makes my life easier. My philosophy is others are experts and I don’t need to re-invent the wheel. Tools like QuickBooks (financials), HootSuite (social media postings), MangoApps (document/work-flow sharing), Apollo (email marketing), and Anchor (podcast creation service) make my life easier and give me time to think about creative ways to find clients and develop new services.

Who is your business role model? Why?

I love leaders who balance driving business goals and having humanity. These are leaders you want to follow and want to work in their organizations. Unfortunately, they are in the minority. 

How do you balance work and life?

I don’t look at it as a balance, I look at it as this is my life. I work, I have an online school with my son, I have dogs, I have my own business—all of this is my life. I weave everything together. In the span of three hours, I might have a class with my son, clean up dog pee, have a client meeting, work on a proposal, post on social media, and schedule a dentist appointment. It is just life and I don’t put pressure on myself to have a perfect balance. Some weeks might be more family, and some might be more work, and as long as my family does not say “we never see you” I am good.

What’s your favorite way to decompress?

Two ways: When I need alone time, I watch a comfortable show, like Worst Cooks in America (fun and educational), and eat some cookies. When I need family time, we hang out in the pool (I live in the Desert), and just talk trash (it is the way Scorpio boys bond).

What do you have planned for the next six months?

Well, who knows what will happen? All I know is that we are in a full VUCA environment! Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous. While we are planning for more on-demand courses to help HR and leaders over the next six months, we know that we will need to be open to change, be flexible and be creative problem solvers and meet the market’s needs.

How can our readers connect with you?

I love connecting with people! You can find me on LinkedIn and be sure to visit www.abbraccigroup.com and sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media.