4 Ways To Grow Your Personal Brand In The Entertainment Industry

Do you want to be a performer, writer, or an all-round big name in the entertainment industry? Then it’s important you know how to promote and grow your brand. You are your brand, which means you need to spend a considerable amount of time working on it and getting it right in order to spread the word and get your name out there. Below, you’ll find a few ways to grow your personal brand in the entertainment industry:

Focus On Your Social Media Platforms

If you’re going to grow your personal brand, then realistically you should have social media platforms as a performer. Having these profiles will enable you to share news about what you’re doing, share clips or pieces of your work, and interact with people who follow you. 

Network As Much As You Can

In any industry, who you know can make a huge difference to your success. Make sure you network as much as you can. This doesn’t mean only talking about yourself and boring people to death - it just means having genuine conversations with people and building up a rapport. You never know who you might meet. 

Create A Portfolio

Have a portfolio of your work ready for people to see. You may want to show the people you network with, share it on your social platforms, and apply for jobs this way. If you’re a performer, you should have a couple of minutes of you performing - nobody else getting in the way, just you. 

Get Involved 

Go and see various shows that you’d like to be involved in. Speak to people afterward. Find out how to get your foot in the door! Below you’ll find an infographic to help you pick the right show.


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