A Guide for Making Your Clients Happy

Customer service

You don’t want to make an amazing first impression with your clients, only to then neglect them down the line. You want to retain happy and loyal clients, and you want to increase their happiness over time rather than reduce it. Keeping your clients the happiest they can be may take some forward planning, but every extra effort is worth it to retain that business.

Here are some helpful ways to ensure client satisfaction.

Be Prompt with Your Communication

If your clients are sending emails, making calls or asking questions via social media, always be sure to have a system in place to ensure that no client is kept waiting - or, worse, ignored altogether. It might not always be possible to answer straight away, but be sure that clients always receive a response, and if it’s later than anticipated, then always acknowledge the delay, or set up an automated system which can reply to emails to advise how long it might take to receive a response.

Manage Your Time

You have a wealth of clients that keep your business busy: that’s great. However, you’re finding that you might not have adequate time to give every client the attention they need and deserve: that’s not so great.

Your time needs to be managed and understood to always deliver the best possible service, if you simply don’t have the time for certain tasks, don’t let your clients suffer for it. You can seek help and external services for processes you need assistance with by teaming up with Click Intelligence to deliver the best marketing service and ensuring that your clients still receive what they need.

Listen to Your Customers

If your customers have something to say, whether that’s feedback or advice, you should always be open to listening. You shouldn’t dismiss any customer’s input and perceive your own business to always be right. Customers may be able to help you improve your service if you take their comments on board - and they will be very happy if they can see that you have listened and understood them.

Don’t Make False Promises

There is nothing wrong with being honest. Although you are trying to sell your product in the best possible way, this doesn’t mean that you should oversell and make exaggerated promises which might be impossible to fulfill. If a delivery is going to take a certain length of time, tell your customer that. If you promise that something will be delivered overnight and it isn’t, your customer is not going to be satisfied.

It's much better to provide a realistic and honest service, delivered in an excellent fashion, rather than risk delays, dishonesty, and disappointment.

Don’t Hide Anything from Customers

As a business, it’s your job to deliver what is expected from a client. However, this doesn’t mean that you should never be able to make mistakes or be open with your customers. Customers will appreciate being informed about any mistakes or delays, and will still be supportive of your business if you fix any issues in an honest and open way.

Trying to hide any problems from customers and keeping them out of the loop will only breed distrust.


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