Adding Wellness into Everyday Living

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Incorporating wellness into our everyday lives can be difficult but it’s critical if we want to feel, think, and look better. Dr. Tasha Holland-Kornegay makes wellness much easier to add to our everyday lives with her soon-to-release platform, Wellness In Real Life.

With this innovative new platform, she allows therapists to host events in their local areas, local businesses to promote certain deals to Wellness in Real Life members, and general wellness professionals to access exclusive events, programs, and deals. Sign up on Wellness In Real Life to be notified when the platform launches later this fall.

Dr. Holland Kornegay is also holding a wellness social “A Taste of Self-Care” on October 12, 2019 from 3pm to 5pm at 1702 Sheriff Watson Road, Sanford, NC. Refreshments and light hors d’oeuvres will be served from Catering Works. Vegan food options will be available. Attendees will also enjoy live music, chair massages from LoDo Chair Massage, as well as variety of other wellness services.

All of those interested in attending should send an RSVP to


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