Grow Your Business with These Four Steps

Business Building

There is little doubt that your top priority as a businessperson should be to help your company achieve sustained and long-term growth. With growth being a sure sign of financial health and strategic success, there’s so much value in finding new and exciting ways to grow your business, from your knowledge of the market and your tapping into new customers, to the investment of your resources in a whole new branch of work. Here, you’ll find four steps to grow your business, from the planning through to the execution.

Investment Funding

These investments—in marketing, auditing, accounting, and providing for higher volumes of sales – require funding. Often, that means either approaching a funding body for an investment in your business or needing to open a line of credit with a reputable business loan provider, like With the capital you need to make your investments in growth a success, you’ll be able to strategize and invest freely, without budget constraints imposed by the relative size of your business as it attempts to establish itself in the market.

Map Out Your Space

It’s important to be aware of the business space in which you operate. This means taking account of your competitors, taking account of your customers, and taking account of the business and consumer trends that you see around you, whether they exist in your own particular market or not. Without this important base work, you won’t have an informed foundation from which to plan your growth strategy. So, try to answer the following questions:

·       Who is my target customer?

·       Why are they my target customers?

·       Where can I find this target customer?

·       How can I target this customer?

Now, it’s time to look at how you’ll put the answers to these questions to use.

Marketing and Sales

So, you’ve decided that you have an ideal customer—one that you think is most likely to trade with you—and you’ve strategized some ways in which to access them with sales and marketing techniques. Now, it’s time to direct your marketing and sales energy to find these customers and target them with advertising and marketing materials that’ll lead them gently back onto your website, from where they’ll make purchases and boost your profits. Engage with external, outsourced marketing companies for help in getting your message across to your target consumers.


If you grow, you really do not want to shrink back. That can be disastrous for your business, as when you scale too quickly and then fail to maintain the extra business you were anticipating, your whole business, set up for higher volumes of sales, will start to lumber towards debt and high costs with low profits. As such, every time you grow your business, you need to work on a period of consolidation in order to keep the boat steady and ensure that the extra market share you’ve captured is there to stay for your long-term financial future.

These four steps will guide you through the planning and execution of your strategies for your business’ growth in 2020 and beyond.


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