Are You Educated On The Future Of E-Commerce?

Are You Educated On The Future Of E-Commerce?

Globally and significantly in Europe, purchasing habits and user preferences have changed rapidly over the last decade, and a high percentage of consumers now shop online. E-commerce or eCommerce generates a high demand for delivery services, and this makes carrying the logistics of each trade becomes more difficult and complicated.

And we are no longer in the times when fast service was what was most taken into account; recent statistics show that a good shipping experience is more important than ever. 

If an online business cannot meet the needs of users, then it is in serious trouble. We have seen online shops starting to further thrive since the pandemic.  Today we are going to briefly look at the evolution of logistics to e-commerce and how changes in user preferences will change the future of the sector.  

Evolution of logistics to e-commerce

The evolution of logistics has passed through different general phases until reaching what we know today:

  • The 1970s: Replenishment of retail stores through direct deliveries from suppliers or wholesalers.

  • In the 1980s: Retailers began to centralize deliveries through new distribution centers.

  • The 1990s: Global sourcing (for non-food products) takes off, and many retailers develop import hubs.

  • Starting in 2000: e-commerce begins to expand rapidly, leading the way in the establishment of electronic fulfillment distribution networks.

User preferences

With the rise of e-commerce, user preferences have become increasingly important in the parcel delivery market (formerly oriented to business). Currently, we have identified the services last mile as a critical differentiator in any e-commerce. The variety of delivery options and the perceived quality of the service are the main decision-making criteria for users and therefore, directly affect the success of the trade.

With this in mind, providers work tirelessly to offer the best possible user experience, especially by improving shipping times. In any case, the trend is that overnight or even instant delivery will continue to rise to 25 percent by 2025 and is likely to grow further, especially if service is extended to rural areas.

Having a user-friendly system is going to be a vital step. If you don’t already, eCommerce Search could assist you - allow your customers to find something quickly, without hassle. 

Changes in eCommerce in the future.

Pushed by shifts in user preferences, three delivery models are looming that will dominate the last mile shortly: autonomous cars with parcel lockers, bike messengers, and drones. Artificial intelligence is likely to pave the way too, and chatbots already have begun to be implemented. Still, they must become more intelligent to keep up with the demands of the public.

At the same time, public opinion has already begun to change; therefore, there is nothing to suggest that the transformation will not begin in the next decade. And it is no longer about being just the fastest, but about being able to deliver an order within the time and price that customers want and need. Conclusion? A negative shipping experience has and will have a significant impact: affecting brand image, customer loyalty, and potentially increasing costs.

Entrepreneurship Guide 101: # Strong Teammates You Should Have For Your Company's Success

By: Claudia Jeffrey

By: Claudia Jeffrey

'Teamwork makes the dream work' is a popular phrase in the business world and has gained a lot of attention from entrepreneurs and leaders. But, this is only valid if you have the right teammates and a dreamlike work environment. In fact, a vision turns into a nightmare if you have a big dream and a bad team.

According to estimates, 23% of small startups fail within the first year. One of the biggest reasons that entrepreneurs experience business failure is that they rely on the wrong people. 

If you are planning to start a business soon, you need good teammates that won't sink your ship.  So, before you begin with your business endeavors, it is important for you to familiarize yourself with the most demanding types of teammates that can push your business to new heights of success.

Ten types of teammates that make a super great team

Modern-day entrepreneurs realize the significance of building a dynamic team with distinct personalities.

Here are ten personality types and qualities of strong teammates that make them outstanding in the workplace:

1.   The Initiator

This employee is very passionate about everything he or she does. They are moved by their own interests and desires. Unlike other employees, this teammate isn't bound to a system of assignment and execution. Instead, this teammate invents his or her own projects without needing any constant supervision and counseling.

2.   The visionary

Visionaries are key personnel in any organization (usually leaders) who constantly analyze the surrounding environment and look into the distant future. They have the ability to visualize the projects as a whole from starting point to end.

These teammates help in building a clear-cut vision and mission for the organization and provide clearly defined targets to other people.

These people can inspire others to excel in their job roles using their healthy amount of experience. They also take responsibility for their actions because they know that their ideas are different, and the other teammates are also taking a chance.

3.   The positive agent

Having this kind of teammate on board is not less than a blessing. Although this individual doesn't work much differently from other people, they carry a positive attitude in every situation, and this is what makes them stand out in the crowd.

They are best known for keeping up the team spirit and always show up with a wide smile. Even in crisis, you'll see calmness on their face. 

4.   The communicator 

This teammate has the innate ability to communicate with others, including other team members, clients, and suppliers. Communication doesn't mean speaking only, but it has a lot to do with listening to others peacefully. When acting as a recipient of information, the communicator actively listens to what others are saying even if it contradicts his or her own ideas.

This individual is highly connected with the whole team and strives to bring everyone one the same page. They initiate discussions with transparent dialogue and make sure that everyone is involved.

 These people can make sure that the team is on track by sharing important ideas and information timely. But, it doesn't mean that they don't like taking people's feedback.

5.   The strategist

The strategist is a teammate who perfectly translates the vision and figures out ways to transform it into reality. This person plots the complete course of action for your project from initiation to end. They take a customer-centric revenue first approach to brainstorm ideas and come up with practical applications of it. There are two important characteristics of strategists.

·       The ability to make strategic decisions and pull them together into an action plan.

·       The ability to comprehend the series of events without being deterred by the biases of people and perceived risks.

6.   The innovator

When you think about an innovator, you may think of someone like Steve Jobs, the former CEO of Apple Inc., who invented the personal computer with no keyboard and mouse. But the application of this idea is vast.

In the entrepreneurial context, an innovator is a person who is dedicated to finding new ways to do things or simply creative solutions to existing problems. Despite the fact that everything they introduce will not be accepted, their dedication to novelty is what sets them apart as a teammate.

They are famous for challenging the status quo and can help your startup with its cost-effective ideas for doing big things.   

7.   The analyst

No business owner wants a glamorous personality if they are not valuable for the company. An analyst is a person who recognizes problems before anyone else. These are also known as a problem solver. Yes, you heard it right.

They believe that unseen problems can deter project progress and that's why they constantly put their effort into identifying unfavorable situations and factors that can hamper the company's performance. They see a problem at night and solve them by the next morning (this is how they work).

8.   The goal-getter 

The goal-getter is a highly enthusiastic person who thrives on challenges. This teammate performs exceptionally in the sales and marketing departments and shows extraordinary results when it comes to individual or collective goals. These individuals are usually motivated by sales quotas or project deadlines.

Rather than feeling overwhelmed, this teammate is fascinated by a lofty goal, and he will encourage other teammates to get excited similarly.

9.   The voice

The voice is a person who is vocal about his or her opinions and isn't afraid to express them in front of others. Sometimes the opinions could be positive, and sometimes it could be negative, but they're always honest.

This teammate plays a very important role in your team because you can always count on him or her when it comes to taking truthful and direct feedback from an outsider perspective. The best thing about them is that their habit of expressing and encourage others to be open, cultivating an environment of trust and discussion.

10.  The backup

This teammate doesn't feel confined to his or her cubicle and gets their hands dirty if the need arises. They are labeled as a lifesaver for your company because they go out of ways to help people even if they are from a different department.

They do this because they have a strong sense of commitment to the organization. They would love to take extra work from other teams so that nobody gets overloaded with work.

Why you need strong teammates for your startup

You work with a bunch of people for a good reason – to help you succeed and provide support when needed. Here are six qualities of a great teammate. Do your people possess any or a few of them?

1.   They are not selfish

Good teammates put their company interest first before their own. They do whatever it takes to help the company succeed.

2.   They always lead by example

Good teammates foster a healthy environment by setting an example. They have leadership qualities that inspire others. They improve themselves so that others will follow in their footsteps.

3.   They take responsibility for their actions

Committed individuals always take responsibility for their behavior and actions. If you see that any teammate is not performing up to the mark, don't be afraid to confront them and help them get back on their track.

4.   They foster a respectful environment

No matter how much talented your teammates are, if they don't respect other people around them, you don't need them. A good teammate is the one who respects everyone regardless of their level and position in the organization.

5.   They are honest and humble

Great relationships are built on honesty and trust. A good teammate is the one you can trust and rely on during ups and downs. For instance, academic writing startups focus on hiring people who respond humbly to anxious students who request to write my essay for me.

6.       They are optimistic

At their infancy stage, startups face a lot of troubles and barriers. A good teammate doesn't complain about what's not going well. Instead, they look on the positive side and strive for better.

Know the dangers of hiring the wrong people 

Good teams are made up of different personalities, but it doesn't mean that every personality should have a place in your team.

Avoid people who have a negative mindset because they always find a problem in every situation.  These people are always on the lookout for flaws in others and in the company.

Secondly, some people are extremely impatient and always do things in a hurry. Note that doing things quickly and doing things hastily are two different things with different consequences.


Great teams are built with personalities, not only with skills. If your team doesn't already comprise of teammates who embody these traits, get some of them as soon as possible. These qualities are essential for improving performance on individual and group levels.

If your teammates exhibit these traits, reward them whenever you can. Remember that things are much easier when you have the right people with you on board.

Being An Entrepreneur Starts With The Basics

When it comes to business, we may think that too many people are jumping right into this, without first thinking about the basics of business. It’s now so appealing to be your own business, and to have a company of your own that’s providing you with a solid income. It’s well known that working for a company, and being stuck in the corporate cycle is just not something that’s appealing anymore.

But this large influx of people who wish to set up their own business is creating a crowded market, so now is the best time to think about doing it. But diving right into it without first understanding the basics is one of the worst things that you can do. But naturally, not everyone is geared up to run a business, or to understand everything that it entails.

Given this, this article is going to aim to introduce you to the basics of business, and how being an entrepreneur can grow from something you’re doing on your own, to something that’s going to grow into an empire. So have a read of the points we’re going to make below, and see if you can learn something you didn’t know before.


Technology Is Power

Business is now led by technology with more people setting up businesses that are online based. Your basic brick and mortar shop seems to be dying out, but that’s only because our generation and the generation we’re raising, is now so focused on technology and using it. So as a business, especially those of you who are web based, you need to think about all of the software you can have that will benefit your work. Even the basics, such as the Microsoft Office Suite for Mac, is becoming ever so important.

You can do so much with this from creating contracts to send to customers or suppliers to managing your finances through spreadsheets. But the software you can use extends further than this. There are software solutions that can help you to manage money, time, marketing… the lot! You just have to do a bit of research, and find out which one is going to really benefit your business.

Reputation Is Key

As a small startup, reputation is something that can be hard to build, and is often not focused on from the beginning. But you’ll admit that when you’re just starting out, this is the time that you’re most likely going to make mistakes, and perhaps build a bit of negative feedback, but that’s only because you’re getting used to how your business works.

So right from the beginning, focus on the basics of building a good customer rapport, which will in turn build an even better reputation. The more people you can get talking about you for all of the right reasons in the beginning, the more attention you’ll attract. Try actively encouraging customers to leave positive reviews on your social media pages, and web pages, for all to see. Word will spread as long as you market your company well alongside this.

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