How To Get The Most Out Of Starting Your Own Business

Starting any business can be daunting and for many seems like an uphill battle from the word go, despite how easy people on social media make it look. And yes, it can be very difficult to just get a business started, let alone make it viable and eventually profitable. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it a good shot though!

If you allow yourself to become bogged down in the fear of starting then you never get the chance to actually go anywhere. That being said, there are a few steps you can take to make your life easier and to get the most out of starting or running your own business.


As the saying goes “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry”. You can have every detail mapped out on your whiteboard, but it simply won’t cover every scenario you will face. Being flexible and able to adapt to any given situation is key to survival in the world of business. This means adapting to new technologies, the shifts in social media, new laws and legislations, and the ups and downs of cash flow, among other issues.

For example, if you are an e-commerce or traditional brick and mortar store, you need to make sure you are capable of handling as many methods of sale as possible and that your POS software is up to the challenge. Most people only think of over the counter sales or purchases through your online store, but you could potentially also be taking mail and phone orders ([MOTO payments]). Make sure your software is adaptable.


Don’t complicate things. Making plans too complex, or hard to follow can get you lost on the way to the top of your business game. Especially if you plan on bringing people into the business or you wish to stay flexible in the long term. Remember though, “simple” doesn’t mean devoid of detail. Simple just means that the plans are easy to follow and contain enough detail to get the job done. If you need five hours and a whiteboard to explain a simple marketing plan, then maybe it’s a sign that it isn’t very simple. When you how to make a good plan you eventually learn how to keep it simple.


If you plan on having a long-term business, then you should consider your ability to scale to larger clients or other products. While not an immediate concern the second you start out, eventually you have to be sure that your services can be tailored or scaled to a larger business model or to larger clients. Being able to scale your services in the future opens the door to larger clients and provides simple blueprints to copy your original ideas in other locations, thus enabling you to grow quickly.

Having fun

Starting a business is an adventure. One that is, at times, stressful, busy, and tiring. But remember, you are building a potential future with your business. Working hard is key, yes, but having fun is the only way to truly gain all there is to have out of owning your own business. Own the moment, smile often, and enjoy the freedom that owning your own business has to offer.


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