Business Growth, Business Plans Kristin Marquet Business Growth, Business Plans Kristin Marquet

Why Is Planning So Important?


You’ve probably heard the saying ‘fail to prepare, prepare to fail.' Is this something that rings true with you? How often do you think that there isn’t enough time to plan and it’ll be alright on the day? While this might work some of the time and you may have succeeded in the past without planning, but imagine how much better you would have been if you had planned too?

So, why is planning so important? 

American clinical psychologist, Fitzhugh J. Dodson once said: “Without goals and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination.”

One of the most beneficial parts about planning is that part of it is creating the goals you want to accomplish. While many view planning as boring and an ‘inconvenient’ step, at its core, planning can prove to be of great help to everyone. Planning may not seem like such an integral part of success, but once you yield its benefit, it’ll prove fundamentally crucial in every area of your life. Proper planning is not only needed to encourage you to achieve the goal you set out for yourself but also to break it up into bite-size pieces and small goals that makes achieving much more attainable. 

Brian Tracy, motivational public speaker and self-development author, says: “Every minute you spend in planning saves ten minutes in execution; this gives you a 1,000 per cent return on energy.” 

When you start by writing down your goals, then planning will give you a clear perspective on what needs to be done and how much time it is going to take for you to do it, how much time your need to spend on working on your goals. Planning is closely associated with having proper time management as it encourages you to set aside a reasonable time for a specific task before moving ahead to the next. Planning and resource scheduling helps you to prepare a guideline, and a timeline for how you can maintain and reach goals that you have set up for yourself and the good thing about this is that everyone can do this, but a timeline can be adapted for each individual. 

Even if you don't think you are a planner, when you think about it, you are actually planning all the time. Take your holidays, for example; they wouldn't happen unless you planned. It's a simple way to look at it; you decide your goal which is where you want to go, then you decide when you want to do it and next you work out how you're going to do it. This is planning, and what is the benefit? A fantastic holiday where you not only have everything you need and will have done everything you needed to before the trip but also you'll visit everywhere you want to and won't miss a thing during your trip. 

So, when you travel, you plan your trip. When you are getting married, you plan your wedding, and when you throw a party, you plan the event. You would never do some of these things without planning for them; they would never happen if you didn't plan and other things in life are no different. Even if you just want happiness and fulfilment in life, you need to plan for how you're going to get it and then work at it. Many people neglect to plan their lives and then get disappointed and discouraged when they do not get what they want. Just like planning anything though, planning your life is just the same as having a road map that helps you to reach where you want to go.

Unless you have already been somewhere numerous times and know exactly how to get there, then you will need to get a good map or your sat nav out. Otherwise, you would be stupid to get into your car and try to get there. All you will do is drive around aimlessly, make mistakes, probably go back on yourself, get frustrated and then if you do eventually reach where you want to go, you will do it in a lot more time than it would have taken you if you had had a map in the first place. Apply this to life and having a road map to getting to where you want to go, it makes sense, doesn't it? However, so many people in the world today fail to plan their lives and end up lost or stuck where they are.

But taking time to plan your life, means that you are not only taking the right steps to identify and reach what you want from life, but also to do it in the most efficient way possible. Rather than relying on pure chance in life or in business, a life plan will detail the exact route and steps that you need to take. It helps you get there in the shortest time possible without and running out of fuel.

This planning can be applied to both big and small aspects of your life. It could be that you want to wake up earlier than you have been, stop smoking, start going to the gym, move to France, be closer to and spend more time with your partner and children, or be a kinder person, or start your own business, or lose some weight, or get a promotion or better job. 

By planning, you can reduce so much stress and frustration which allow for a better experience on holiday with your friends or family. So, if you can translate that planning to every other part of your life, then life could be one big holiday. 

Not only does planning reduce stress but it also means that you can then be flexible, once you have a plan, then if there needs to be a small change, then it can be done with little to no effort.

Planning offers direction

Whether it's a holiday or a business, planning helps you to create your goals and then take the first steps towards achieving them. Planning a direction for your business or your holiday or anything involves creating a roadmap and this planning can take many different shapes and sizes, and as you create this roadmap for accomplishing your goals, you will find your planning offers you the direction you need to get there.

Planning uncovers problems

When you create your goals and know the direction you're going in, it means that you are prepared for what is coming next and the more prepared you are, the better you can handle problems as they arise. In fact, it won't just be a case of handling issues as they appear, with clever planning you will uncover the potential problems before they even occur. When you work to plan out a direction carefully, you’ll undoubtedly reveal possible obstacles you may run into along the way, but if you aren't careful when planning, you may never discover these issues until its too late.

When you uncover problems, you also find solutions there and then and can implement them before the problems even become a reality. Being able to resolve and work around issues is invaluable in business and in any area of life. 

Finally, planning gives you perspective, and it provides you with a clear view of what matters and what you can accomplish. As you plan your goals and focus on what you want to achieve, working out how to achieve those goals will force you to get organized, prioritize and put them in perspective. 

There is no point working on something that isn't important; no one wants to waste time doing that. However, it can be easy to get distracted and for your objectives to get lost in the daily grind. Planning helps you to stay focused and to keep your perspective on your purpose and your future and on what you really want, no matter what it is. Then you will experience success and will see the rewards for your planning.

As much as people love to believe in overnight sensational success stories where people who came from nothing simply fell into selling something online and made millions, the truth is that it while this might have happened to the odd person, success really does take planning and the planning makes it rewarding too. Planning makes perfect, and the benefits of planning far outweigh any disadvantages. Once you start planning, it will just become an essential part of your life and success will follow.  

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Business Growth Kristin Marquet Business Growth Kristin Marquet

The Demands Of A Growing Business

A growing business is one that can be hard to manage. In fact, all of the business owners who expected their business to take years to grow, when it is, in fact, growing in a matter of months, find it impossible to manage. All of the sudden you go from small finances that are easy to manage, and sales that are easy to track and handle because they are so few, to a business with a huge influx of customers that makes everything hard to track and handle. So, what you need to do is go into crisis mode, and figure out how all of the systems of your business are going to work together as one so that your business can flourish.

All you have to do is focus on the growth aspects of your business, how you can streamline them, and how you can promote your business. Because the last thing you want to do is focus on all of the changes you’re going to make, only to find that the influx of customers was temporary and you now go back to a lull. So, we’re going to try and help you with all of that, as well as feel secure with your own knowledge about business. The more you know, the more you grow! Keep on reading and we’ll talk you through what we think you should be doing.

How to grow a business

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Managing Sales & Production

Production and sales are something that’s going to flourish as soon as your business starts to have that influx of customers, and it can just be so hard to manage for a small business that isn’t used to being a business. But don’t worry, there are tons of tips that we can show you.

The first is hiring two people to work for you on a temporary basis. Freelance business analysts and advisors are essential for a business that is new to being on the market and really doesn’t have a clue what they’re doing. Because the one trend that’s happening at the minute is that business owners usually know their trade, but nothing about the intricate parts of running a business. These services are only going to benefit a business that hasn’t had experience being a business before other than the minor processes that are needed.

Hiring in people to give you good advice is always going to make you more comfortable with the decisions that you’re making. They can advise you on how to maximize your sales, and minimize the time and money spent on production as well as financial losses. A lot of it will come over time. You’ll need to find ways to streamline your production process. Whether you’re selling services or products, you will still have a production line that needs managing, and it can easily be done by focusing on the weak points and the areas that are taking the most time to complete. You can then use different techniques in a trial and error sort of fashion to see what you’ll end up with!

Inhouse Improvements

Running a business is going to take your inhouse life from being pretty casual, to pretty hectic. All of a sudden you have all of these orders and queries coming your way and it can be so hard to manage. We’re writing this assuming that you have your own office space. If not, then it might be time to seek out a small space for you to be able to run your business. Not only does it allow you to have that air of professionalism, but it’s far more practical for a growing business.

You then need to consider some of the improvements you can make to your office that will make it far easier to run. Lingo Communications Business VoIP might be one consideration you have. VoIP systems are so beneficial for any business, let alone one that’s growing at such a rapid rate. What it does is give you a system that’s connected throughout your business, preventing downtime and delays in internet speed, and allowing your phones to have the best connection. The one menial task that you’ll find yourself doing as a business owner is answering emails and phone calls. You’ll also find that office internet is absolutely shocking, so seeking out something such as what we have linked to could greatly improve the productivity of your office.

Even if there is just you in the room, it makes it far easier to expand and cope with the demands of your growing business. You should also think about the other equipment you’re using, such as your computers. Having a computer system that’s able to facilitate software that you need is important, and a good business will splash out the cash on an Apple Mac. As expensive as they may be, they look far more professional and modern for one, and they have a ton of capabilities that other computers don’t have.

Do You Need To Hire?

Hiring is one of the things that you might need to do far sooner than you thought you were going to have to do. The process of hiring can be so intimidating for a small business, especially for a business owner who doesn’t really know what they’re doing. You can miss out on the key questions you need to ask, and you may even cross the line towards inappropriateness without even meaning to with the questions that you ask, which is why we think it’s important that you stick to the basics.

The first is to make them relaxed as soon as they come in. Perhaps say that you’re just as nervous as they, or tell them to take a breath and relax because it will be a more chilled out interview. A chilled out interview-style attracts the right type of person. You’re allowing the candidate to relax in their natural way of being, rather than coming in with this forced behavior that would change as soon as they got comfortable within your company. Stick to asking questions about their likes and dislikes, goals, what they want from the company, and then give them all of the company information that you need.

To cover your back, you can hire HR services that are not in the house, but they will still support your business with any HR issues that may come up. You can then integrate them into your business and use it as a learning curve. Always make sure that you give ongoing support and training, and actually take the time to get to know them.

Promotion & Marketing

Promotion and marketing are something you’re going to become so used to doing. All of a sudden you’ll have everything on your shoulders, but the main thing you want to do is keep it there. Which is easily done through promotion and marketing. If you already have the influx of interest coming from somewhere, you must have been doing something right with a basic budget. So all you have to do is scale that to a bigger size and focus on the areas of promotion and marketing that are going to get the most attention.

For us, it’s simple techniques such as billboard marketing that you need to go for. You’ll still be a small fish in a big pond, so until you’re a bigger fish trying tactics such as SEO and PPC might not work well for you. But billboard marketing alongside Google Adwords, for example, might be the killer combination that your business needs for that extra boost of sales. Once you get a steady number of customers each month and your brand begins to grow, you can focus more on online marketing methods. Alongside this, we would always recommend that you use social media marketing to build your business a profile.

Financial Demands

The financial demands of your business are going to make a big difference in the way that you’re able to run your business. All of a sudden you’re not so much struggling for money, but struggling to manage the money and figuring out where it should be distributed. All we can say is to relax and take your time figuring it out.

Your first plan isn’t going to be your final plan, and you’ll often find that your financial plan has to be tweaked along the way so that you adapt to your business’s needs. The largest part of your distribution should be to production, then marketing, then whatever else is a priority within your business. Last should be your own pocket! Always make sure that you’re consulting a financial advisor before making any big decisions. Everything that you do with your budget is going to influence the way that you run your business.

Personal Demands

The personal demands seem to be what business owners seem to forget about. We’re so focused on our growing business that we don’t realize what it’s doing to our bodies and minds. Burnouts can happen pretty quickly, so make sure that you’re giving yourself time in the week to have personal time. To clear your mind and truly relax. It’s one of the best ways to keep your mind clear and focused is to switch off from work and forget about it all, even if it just be for 30 minutes a day whilst you’re on a run.

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