Business Growth Kristin Marquet Business Growth Kristin Marquet

Why Is Communication So Important In Business In 2020?

Why Is Communication So Important In Business In 2020?

Communication is indeed part of our nature and our lives, with companies incorporating it from the outset into their strategic tools because they promised alternative ways of approaching the public over the familiar and commonplace. In today’s world, following the devastating effects of COVID-19, communication is more important than ever.

 It keeps us up to date with changes, keeps us doing our jobs, and keeps staff happy. This is just the start of what it can do for businesses. Secondly, its bigger objectives include the cultivation of human relations, the creation of an organizational climate and corporate culture, the regulation and control of employee behaviors and also being able to inform and understand. It’s all about being a focused entrepreneur

Important criteria that shape this communication and determine the means that will be used on a case by case basis are the size of the organization/company, the characteristics of the team to be communicated (such as size, hierarchy, level of training), the content of the objectives of this communication, the corporate culture and of course the cost. One thing remains the same regardless, however, is great commercial systems. If you don’t have this, then companies are likely to face some issues. Communication problems come in many forms, such as: 

  • Serious and well-known companies give an image of mediocrity in telephone communication with customers and suppliers.

  • Executives with significant studies and professional skills fail to stand out in the business environment due to reduced ability to communicate and manage unavoidable work conflicts.

  • The inability to implement organizational changes in companies, like the vision, goals and relevant messages of the Management are transmitted in the wrong way. 

  • Despite the obvious desire of many managements to create an environment of friendliness and increased satisfaction and motivation of the staff, the result in some cases is moderate to negative, due to the lack of proper communication tactics resulting in a low level of staff satisfaction. 

Communication on the road is also vital and with issues from cell phones on the road, it may just be that this hinders your business. If you try WilsonPro for cell signal problems you may be able to eliminate this and keep the business ticking over; especially when your employees are on the road or communicating from their vehicles on the road.

If we visit the websites of large companies, we notice that they all dedicate a special space to inform everyone interested in the variety of media they use to achieve and continuously improve internal communication, which - as they inform us - they consider a top strategic priority. 

Why is communication online important? 

If you keep in mind the Inbound Marketing methodology, then you will know that consumers now have more control over the content they consume, more choices, and higher expectations. Modern consumers demand direct communication and human contact when it comes to their service. When they want to meet a need, they start their research online, contact the company directly via chat or social media, in order to solve any questions, may choose telephone communication as the last alternative but this does not mean that some companies do not still use this as a big method. Of course, people do not hesitate to share their experience online also, so ensuring that you have a great telephone manner and excellent communication will keep your business in good shape. 

Satisfied customers are an opportunity for any type of business

To get happy customers, you need to do two things: focus on your customers and offer them the ultimate service experience. You should be constantly looking for ways to save time and resources in order to focus your efforts on increasing your company's revenue. These are the types of boxes you should look at, for any SME business in 2020: 

  • Quick response to consumer demands

  • Improve the productivity of the customer service team

  • Meeting the needs of the company's customers

  • Conversion of customers into promoters

Lead generation and happy customers will increase sales. This path is followed by the increase of your sales: The marketing strategy in the company's channels stimulates the interest of your customers and also brings them to your site more frequently. Your visitors express their interest in a service or a product of yours and those who take action, that is, show interest, are known as leads. Having completed this step, tailor-made campaigns for leads through marketing automation will follow, and so, once the targeting is done specifically for the audience, the leads will come closer to becoming your customers. 

The most effective solution is marketing automation

Marketing tips

Once upon a time, lead generation could be done by filling out a printed form on the spot in a store. However, with the rise of the internet and digital marketing, the way users interact with the process of buying a service or product has also changed. This means that a user can now operate autonomously and the purchase steps may not be clear and they may not be able to turn a contact into a lead, making the collection of customer data even more complicated.

Fortunately, marketing automation has already developed strategic leads retrieval applications, and the companies that use it make a profit by increasing their customer base. Now, marketing actions are not general, massive and impersonal, but aim to appear to the right buyers and develop strong relationships between company and customers - and in 2020, customers need to feel more trust than ever before. 

Better budget management

In addition to increasing revenue through the trust relationship, companies can make a significant profit in managing advertising costs, as the actions are aimed at an audience that is already in the first stage of attraction. This audience is also already to some extent familiar with the company and its services and is in the process of thinking about the final market. This makes marketing automation actions even more effective. If you have decided to implement lead generation actions in your company, it is good to choose the right partner who can bring results using all the means of your corporate communication, balancing the marketing strategy and increasing sales. 

Shake things up in 2020! 

So, you will see what topics you need to cover in the first phase. Keep a record of all the content you have published in the last year and study recurring topics. It is advisable to divide your content into the following categories:

  • Type of content

  • Audience category

  • Campaign/goal it serves

  • Date of creation

Based on this list you will see which content serves your goals and which holds you back. Also, if an article or page has a lot of traffic, but its content is outdated, you can update and republish it. This is a very good practice, especially when you feel that you have said it all!

Make sure you promote your company in the right place at the right time! Now more than ever, you need to rethink strategies to focus on what is important. It’s also vital that your content appears in search results or even appears in the right place at the right time so people can reach you. So, your audience will treat you as a reliable source of knowledge and information and of course will advertise you to their friends. Do not forget the success of influencer marketing in recent years or the old fashioned "word of mouth"! Again, all down to excellent communication. 

For a successful Content Marketing strategy, you need:

  • To know who you are addressing

  • To organize your content wisely

  • To create a content calendar to better organize your content

The content you create is the only "tool" you have in your hands to bring the audience to your website and increase traffic, leads, and your customers. Give it the importance it needs! 

How else to communicate?

Utilize your internet to the best of its ability. Infographics simplify any large amount of information with a creative aesthetic, which is why they are always interesting - statistics, surveys, and information on any field are presented in a way that is easy to share, more understandable, and more attractive too. As a matter of fact, an infographic is shared three times more often on social media than other types of content according to online research which is why you need to start designing this year!

Designing an infographic is an art form, so many elements must be taken into account in its design and maybe even hiring someone to assist you with it could be beneficial. For example, the use of white space is considered necessary to give a sense of simplicity and organization. In many, the content is also divided into color sections, so that the categories are clear. Each category should have its own title and use a clean font. Once you find new ways to connect, including email, you can reconnect with your client base and change things up to communicate more effectively following COVID-19 and counteract the destruction of the economy. 

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6 Things That Every Entrepreneur Needs to Run a Successful Business

starting a business

Deciding to start your own business is an exciting milestone in the life of any aspiring entrepreneur. Your dreams of quitting your day job and becoming your own boss are now a genuine possibility. While starting a business may be something that you have always dreamed of, it is vital to be aware of the realities and challenges of going it alone. Being prepared for the obstacles and unpredictable times ahead enable you to start your entrepreneurial journey in the right way and also give your new business venture the best possible chance of success.

A Fully-Formed Idea

It is so easy to get carried away when the prospect of making your business dreams a reality. However, this can lead to you rushing into starting your business without a fully-formed idea, which is a big no-no.

Before you commit to launching and growing your business, you need to know that your business idea is viable and that people will actually buy what you want to sell. This requires thorough research and detailed knowledge of the industry in which your business will operate. Starting a business without this knowledge and without a properly thought out idea is a significant risk, leading to failure. 

A Strong Business Plan

Along with ensuring that you have a fully-formed business idea, you will also need to put together a robust business plan. In the rush of enthusiasm to get started, you may want to skip creating a business plan, but it really is an essential task. The process of writing your business plan is a useful task in itself as it will serve as a blueprint for growth. This is also because getting your business idea down on paper will help you to clarify how and why you are starting your business and the nuts and bolts of how it will work. While writing your business plan, you may find that additional ideas pop into your head for you to explore.

A business plan enables you to clarify how your business will work, and also provides a useful point of reference to refer back to in the future. Just keep in mind that your business plan doesn’t need to be 100 pages long. It only needs to contain the relevant information that will guide your business from point A to point B.

A Back-Up Plan

The aim of starting your own business may be so that you can go it alone and never be dependent on an employer again. If your business is successful, then this could absolutely be the case. However, having a back-up plan is also essential. Starting a new business is a risk, no matter how well you plan your new venture. 

To mitigate some of the risks involved in launching a new business, you may want to consider working your current job on reduced hours or finding other part-time work alongside your starting your business. Although this may not provide the clean break that you planned initially, it does provide you with some financial security and a safety net if things don’t work out as you had expected. Be smart transitioning from employee to employer.


Some people are naturally suited to becoming an entrepreneur. For these people, the characteristics required to launch successful businesses come easily. Two traits that you absolutely need to become a successful entrepreneur are determination and tenacity.

Starting a new business is not easy; each day will be hard work while trying to find your feet and establish your company. There will be setbacks along the way; this is to be expected. However, the critical thing to remember is that most of these setbacks can be overcome through hard work and determination. Having the tenacity to keep on working to grow your business against the odds will help you to achieve longterm success.

A Marketing Strategy

Many entrepreneurs take a hit and miss approach to their marketing. Dabbling in a bit of advertising here and there and maybe the odd post on social media may feel like enough, but it really isn’t if you want to build a sustainable brand. Successfully marketing your business is essential to help raise awareness of your company and your products. Marketing your business does not require a huge budget to spend on billboards and television adverts; what you really need is a strong marketing plan with a few strategies that can be implemented on a shoestring budget. 

Taking a consistent approach to your marketing is far more important than the amount that you have available to spend. Even on a low budget, you can achieve great results from your campaign if you have a comprehensive marketing strategy in place and follow it consistently. Digital publicity, blogging, content marketing, and social media marketing are great ways to build your brand and thought leadership without spending a lot of money.

The Ability to Adapt

Being flexible and open to adapting your business is vital if your business is to remain profitable in the long term. Changes to market conditions, technological advancements in your industry, and changes in buying behavior from your customers make it necessary to adapt your business. An ability to respond to changes quickly will also give you an advantage over your competitors.

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Business Efficiency Kristin Marquet Business Efficiency Kristin Marquet

Tips that will Help you to Start and Succeed Running your Own Business

Starting a business is easy, but making it succeed isn’t. If you want to help yourself get the best result out of your new venture, then here are a few tips that will ensure your success.

Do your Research

There’s a high chance that you’ll have already developed a business idea. Now’s the time for you to refine it to the point where it can become a reality. Think about it, how much potential does your idea have to succeed? Does your idea solve a problem or need? There are a lot of ways that you can find out this information, such as by doing your research or even hosting focus groups. A lot of this stage will be trial and error, but the more time you can devote, the more likely you’ll be to come out on top.

Make a Plan

You need to make a plan if you want your idea to materialise. A business plan is essentially a blueprint that will help you to guide your business through the start-up phase. It will also help you to grow your idea too, so it’s worth taking your time over. If you know that you are going to need some financial support from an investor or even from a financial institution, you may want to opt for a traditional business plan. If you don’t intend on seeking any kind of support, a one-page plan might be enough. All you need to do here is clarify what you want to achieve, and how you plan on doing it.

Plan out your Finances

Starting a business doesn’t require a lot of money. You will however have to cover the expense before you start to turn a profit. One way for you to do this would be for you to put together a spreadsheet. This will estimate the amount of costs that you need to pay, such as trademarking, market research, inventory, and even legal fees. When you have this information, you can then begin to make better decisions and you can also forecast how many sales you need to make each month. If you are going to need some financial support then it may be possible for you to take out a small business grant, or even a crowdfunding campaign. Most banks would also be willing to help you if you are able to present them with a basic business plan.


Your small business can be anything from a partnership to a sole proprietorship or even an LLC. The entity that you choose will have a large impact on your business and it will also affect how liable you are if something should happen. If you want to get the best result out of your decision, then you have to make sure that you do your research and that you also look into how your taxes are going to be paid. It’s possible for you to change your structure at a later date as your business grows, but ideally you want to choose the right one from the get-go.

Pick your Business Name

Your business name is going to play a huge role in nearly every aspect of your business. For this reason, you need it to be solid. You have to make sure that you go through all the implications of choosing that name and you also need to check to see if it is trademarked. If it isn’t then you’ll need to have it registered. If you don’t, then someone else might be able to steal your name and there’s not much that you can do about it. This is the last thing that you need when you have spent so long trying to get your idea off the ground, so make sure that you navigate the process properly and also register your domain name too. This will secure your site and it will also give you the foundation for your online presence.

Licenses and Permits

Paperwork is a huge part of starting your own business. There are a huge range of online tools out there that you can use to try and help you with this, but either way, it helps to find out what you need in advance so that you can help yourself with the whole start-up process.

Accounting System

Small businesses often succeed because they have effective systems in place. If you want to help yourself here, then consider investing in an accounting software. This will help you to set your budget, your rates and even your taxes. You can set all this up yourself, or you can hire an accountant to do it for you. This will take away some of the guesswork, but it will also make it much more expensive.

Business Location

It doesn’t matter whether you’re working out of a home office or whether you have a fully-fledged retail location because you have to make sure that you think about the equipment you’re going to need and your overall setup. If you want to get some ideas that will help you to work in the most productive way possible then consider looking into


Get your Employees Ready

If you do think you’ll be hiring employees, then now is the best time for you to start the hiring process. You have to make sure that you outline the positions that you need to fill and you also need to talk to them about the job responsibilities that they are going to have too. There are plenty of guides out there on the internet that are designed to help you with this, so it’s well worth looking into them. If you are certain that you’re not going to be hiring any employees, then you may need to look into outsourcing to independent contractors.

You’ll need to get a contract lined up if you want to do this, and you also need to make sure that it’s completely airtight from a legal point of view. The last thing that you need is to start your business off on the wrong foot because of a clause that could have been avoided. If you are a solopreneur who is hitting the road alone, then you may still need your own support team. It may be that you hire a mentor or that you sign up to a forum. This will help you to get the guidance you need to make the best decisions and it will also help you to have that go-to resource.


Promote your Business

When you have your small business up and running, you then need to think about attracting as many customers as you can. One way for you to do this would be for you to start with the basics. You can do this by creating your own USP and marketing plan. From there, you can then create multiple marketing avenues. It may be that you focus on social media first, or that you delve right into SEO. Either way, the one that you choose will largely depend on the business that you operate and the target audience that you are trying to reach. If you need to get some ideas, look to your competition and find out if they are using other channels more predominantly than others.

Of course, if you want to make the most out of your new business, then the above tips should help. That being said, it’s still important that you seek out support if you feel as though you need it because this will help you to take your success to new heights.

Please note, this article has affiliate links.

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