5 Visual Content Ideas You Can Take Advantage of

Visual content

No matter what the size of your business or what industry you’re in, you’re undeniably constantly looking for ways to attract new customers. And a great way of doing this is through visual content. Something that you can post frequently alongside your written content, it will ensure that your brand is memorable, engaging, and current. 

But if you’re lost for inspiration and don’t know where to start, then the prospect of this could seem very daunting. To help guide you, here are five ideas for visual content that you can take advantage of:


Most businesses have started to utilize GIFs as a way of gaining attraction for posts online. But only now are they starting to discover the power of Cinemagraphs. Reinvigorating the visuals by allowing only parts of the image to move, they are quickly taking over the internet. 

A unique way to promote a product or service, this visual content is unlike anything else. Plus, they are easy and quick to create – meaning that anyone can use them.


Ok, so this might sound like an obvious one, but that doesn’t mean that it’s something that you should ignore. If you’re looking for a way to reach a wider demographic, then it might be time to consider creating a TV advertisement for your product/service. 

Of course, this won’t come cheaply. But the number of leads that it can convert could make it very worthwhile in the long term.

Visual Metaphors

If you want to make a big impact, whether it’s in magazines or online, then a visual metaphor could do the trick. Symbolizing what you have to offer in an extraordinary way, it’s a versatile technique that will stand you out from the crowd. 

Bringing a series of images together to represent something important, it gets the message across to your customers seamlessly. 

Video Sales Letters

Although video sales letters tend to be confused with simple TV/online advertisements, they are their own thing. Similar to print sales letters, they will effectively narrate what you have to offer to your customers through images and words. 

Creating a huge visual impact and triggering emotion in your customers, they have quickly become a mainstay as one of the best ways for businesses to raise awareness of their services/products. 

When implementing this within your business, make sure that you’re aware of how to utilize Video Sales Letter Funnels to the best of their ability to ensure that it’s successful. 


One of the most powerful visual content techniques to use is to create infographics and use them online, as well as in your offline marketing efforts. A way of constantly increasing traffic to your business’ website, social media shares, backlinks, etc. you’ll start to see the impact the moment you share it. 

When sharing it, all you’ll need to do is write a paragraph to complement it, use the right trending keywords and you’ll be on the path to success. 

Final Thoughts

So, there you go! Those are five visual content ideas that you could use within your business. Of course, the technique that you use is up to you. But however you decide to utilize visuals within your marketing efforts, you’ll start to see the impact within no time at all.


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