Why Quality Audio and Video Services Are Essential For Business

Why Quality Audio and Video Services Are Essential For Business

Video marketing has proven to be a powerful medium to connect with your target audience. Its ability to communicate with the audience at an emotional level translates to better lead conversion. It is also an excellent tool for building likability, trust, and brand awareness, everything a business needs. Yet, you can only get such results by investing in exceptional audio and video quality. The following reasons explain why this is a worthwhile move.

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10 Tips For Getting More Video Engagement On Facebook

There is no denying that Facebook has become an incredibly powerful marketing medium for all businesses. It is the one social media platform that has universal appeal. While Twitter is a news-style social media platform and Instagram is image-based, Facebook has something for everyone.

One form of marketing that most businesses use on Facebook is video marketing. Video has the power of connecting with people in a way that the written word doesn’t. However, not all videos are effective, and there is an art to getting it right.

Are your Facebook videos struggling to get the likes and engagement you were anticipating? This can be incredibly frustrating. You may have already made some tweaks, however, the results remain the same. If this is the case, read on to discover some top tips that can help you to enhance your Facebook video campaigns.

1. ONLY TARGET WIFI CONNECTED MOBILE DEVICES – There is nothing more frustrating than watching a video on your mobile, only for it to stop after a few seconds. This can easily happen when a person’s connection is slow. This is why it is advisable to make sure you only target mobile devices that are connected to WiFi. This is a simple tweak that can make a huge difference.  

2. FAN CONTENT – At the moment, user-generated content is exceptionally popular. Such videos can lead to increased engagement and brand loyalty when shared on Facebook. This serves as social proof. After all, people are going to be much more likely to listen to what other users have had to say as opposed to taking your own word for something when it is your brand.

3. USE CAROUSEL ADS – The next tip for Facebook video production is to use carousel ads. This is something you are probably used to doing already, but only using static images. With a carousel ad, you can use multiple videos, including more information, link descriptions, and call-to-action buttons. It makes your video advert much more exciting and engaging.

 4. GET THE HEADLINE RIGHT – Remember, the headline is likely to be the first thing that people are going to see. Therefore, you need something that is going to pique viewers’ interest to the point that they want to watch the video. One thing I recommend people doing is hosting competitions and incorporating this into their videos. Competitions are highly effective on social media, and you can read more about how to do a giveaway on Facebook here. However, by incorporating some information about a giveaway in your video and including it in your headline, it is going to make people more enticed to watch it.

5. BEHIND THE SCENES VIDEOS – Social media helps businesses and customers get closer because it is a more transparent platform. People feel like they get to know the brand better. You can capitalize on this by creating behind the scenes videos. For example, you may create a video showing customers how products are made.

6. DESIGN YOUR VIDEO FOR USE WITHOUT SOUND – Needless to say, sound quality is of paramount importance. Nevertheless, there are also going to be those who are going to watch your video without sound – they may be at work or university for example. In fact, there was one study that concluded that 85 percent of videos on Facebook are watched without sound. This is a very large number, isn’t it? Thus, you need to make sure that you can attract viewer attention without sound. Make sure that you watch the video without sound to understand what sort of experience this provides and whether your video will still be entertaining or not. 

7. ANSWER QUESTIONS – Short videos that answer viewers’ questions are recommended, as they provide users with instant value. You are supplying them with the content that they want, and this will enhance your credibility. In fact, answering questions is something that has become very important in marketing today. Voice search has led to more conversational queries on Google, and by answering queries in this way you can improve your SEO ranking.

8. CREATE NUMEROUS VIDEO AUDIENCES – Recently, Facebook has updated its feature regarding custom audiences based on engagement levels. You can now create the following audiences – those who have watched 95, 75, 50, or 25 percent of the video, as well as those who have watched three or ten seconds’ worth. If that was not enough, for a more effective custom audience, you can combine multiple levels of engagement across different videos. 

9. GRAB ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY – Have you grabbed the viewers’ attention within the first few seconds? If not, time to re-think your approach. It is a good idea to ask a few people for their honest opinion on this. Get them to watch one of your videos and stop it after a few seconds and get their truthful thoughts. When something is our own, we often have a warped perception and we are not able to judge it as objectively as we would like.  

10.  PAY MORE ATTENTION TO THE THUMBNAIL – The thumbnail is something we often overlook. However, considering that a lot of mobile users have deactivated autoplay, you need to get them to hit play on the video manually. The only way to do this is to make the thumbnail compelling enough for them to start watching the video.

So, there you have it – some top tips to help you improve your Facebook video strategy. However, none of these tips will be worth anything if you do not have a quality website to back it up. You can use a website builder for this. 

From using carousel ads to giving the thumbnail more attention, there are numerous ways you can improve your approach to Facebook videos. Give these strategies a try, and we are sure you will notice positive improvements. Do not be afraid of getting feedback from your followers and people you know. You can use this to make your marketing better