"Recognize your weaknesses and either hire support in those areas or get the necessary education and training to be competent at it for yourself" with Amber Stevens

Amber Stevens

Amber Stevens is your guide to living a boundless life, free of physical and emotional pain. Over the past decade, she has used her skills in massage therapy and mindful-eating strategies to help others overcome emotional eating and improve overall vigor for life. She believes in the body and mind’s natural ability to heal – if given the right tools and support. She is the author of Food, Feelings, and Freedom: The End to Emotional Eating and Founder of Amber Stevens, LLC.

Can you tell our readers about your background?

For over 12 years, I have owned and operated a private practice Massage Therapy and Health Coaching business in Arvada. It’s been quite a journey getting to this point. I graduated from CSU with a degree in Journalism and found myself working in a top news center, but I wasn’t happy. I switched careers to marketing and worked in design firms, but still, I felt a calling to something bigger. I was very health-conscious and naturally helped others to feel better in their bodies. I saw a magazine that talked about the medical benefits of massage – specifically for whitewater kayakers (which I was at the time). That was it – I was hooked and knew that I had a career in the wellness industry. 

What inspired you to start your business?

I felt my passion for health and wellness growing and knew that I could help others. My previous work experience had given me the tools in business and marketing, but I wanted to do it on my own schedule and in my own way. I felt confident in launching my own business to support others on their journey while allowing for creativity in my work and flexibility in my life. I knew my life experience had given me the understanding to work closely with others and I craved the opportunity to challenge myself in this way.

Where is your business based?

Arvada, Colorado and Virtually 

How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?

I graduated from massage therapy school and immediately rented a room in a suite with another massage therapist. I was working one day a week, growing my client base, while still working full time. It was a slow process and I realized, even with my background in marketing, that I didn’t really know how to reach potential clients. This was a whole new kind of marketing…for myself!

I soon started working in a yoga center which naturally brought more people to me…and then it closed! But that was fine – I was four months pregnant and decided that I should take a break. When I decided to reopen, I rented an office with a Chiropractor and I put energy into networking. That’s when my practice started to grow; by using referrals from respected and established health practitioners. I soon realized that massage is hard on my body and I needed a complimentary service in my practice. That’s when I pursued my development as a health coach becoming certified through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and later becoming a Mindful-Based Eating instructor. To summarize my steps – I set an intention, gained the appropriate education/training, made a plan, and then took action!

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?

I’m a people person, so participating in networking groups, vending events, and speaking has had the biggest impact on awareness. Authoring my book (Food, Feelings, and Freedom: The End to Emotional Eating) also created a new way of reaching people and offers support beyond one-to-one coaching. People I’ve never met are reading my book and know me!

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

My Mindset. Period. There are always struggles and uncertainties in business. First, my worry was having enough clients to pay the bills. The second was the anxiety about working too much and not being there for my family. The third was actually pushing against success itself (could I handle it). But through it all, the only tool that has helped keep me steady is a positive mindset and a deep belief that the world needs, and wants, what I offer, and who I am. The mindset that abundance is the natural state of being and if I align with an abundance mindset, then all is possible. And I have found that belief to be proven to me over and over again.

How do you stay focused?

I am fond of checklists! I write all my to-dos out for the day and the week and organize them by priority. I love the feeling of marking something off the list! I also practice meditation every day either in a calm, centering space connecting with my breath, or out in nature for a peaceful walk. Both the checklist and a centered mind and body keeps me focused. 

How do you differentiate your business from the competition?

It’s rare to find a practitioner with the knowledge of both the body structures (muscles, bones, movement) and the importance of and use of nutrition for overall health. I can help my clients understand how to relieve pain physically and emotionally through massage, stretching, self-care, nutrition, and mindfulness. My practice is truly a mind/body/gut connection resulting in improvement in the whole health strategy. I can work with my clients from an outward-in approach with massage along with an inward-out approach through nutrition.

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?

Speaking and networking. The more I can talk directly with people and allow my passion to shine, the more people are drawn to working with me. However, I’ve had to learn how to move from simply educating my potential clients, to inspiring them. I love sharing all my knowledge, but people need to feel compelled to take action. They do that by connecting with the heart. So now all my marketing materials, talks, and “elevator speeches” are aimed at the heart so people can feel me more than just hear me.

What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?

Jump in there and just start. It’s never perfect and the landscape of business is always shifting. It’s like the staircases in Hogwarts! But don’t wish yourself into success. Recognize your weaknesses and either hire support in those areas or get the necessary education and training to be competent at it for yourself. Being an entrepreneur is super hard work; some days will knock you down; others will lift you up. Be sure to set goals and reward yourself when you reach them. The best advice, however – holds your vision. Not just the “I want a 6-figure business in two years” type of vision. Hold the vision that is closest to your heart – why does your heart want a successful business in your field? My vision – to be a wellness leader in my community removing the health struggles that invade so many lives! I refer to this vision every day and my path becomes clearer, showing me the steps to take towards fulfilling that vision. 

What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

Playing Big by Tara Mohr is a favorite book. It inspires me to keep going, unapologetically, and feel confident as a woman business owner. For a blog, I tend to follow MindBodyGreen as those posts provide some interesting and varied insights into all things wellness. (I also like my own blog on my site!) I’m not much of a techy person so I have very few apps, but I do enjoy Brain.FM which plays music designed to impact the brain to achieve different goals. When I want to focus on my work, I use the Focus setting, but I enjoy it for meditation as well, especially if I am in a noisy environment and trying to drown out all the sounds.

What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why?

I’m still navigating all the tools and am pretty old-school in many ways. I’ve enjoyed Mailchimp for communications and Calendly for online scheduling. Both are free to start and are super simple to use. I’m currently looking into an inclusive system that manages communications, social media, and tracking all in one place. That will be the next level of business growth.

Who is your business role model? Why?

I’ve admired Andrea Beaman for some time now. She is a health educator, chef, author, and speaker. She’s highly successful but extremely relatable and approachable. I feel like I could hang out with her at lunch just as easily as learning a great deal of business savvy from her! She started small, like me, and has grown greatly over the years, but always remains true to her roots and her vision of support for others.

What is your beauty routine? What are some of your favorite products?

I’m very simple in my routine. I wash with a gentle cleanser, then tone and moisturize. I use a colored sunscreen powder base, a little blush, and maybe some mascara. Done! I make my own skin-care products, but I use Alima Pure and Juice Beauty for makeup.

 How do you balance work and life?

I am married and have two young boys to raise, along with growing a business. Work/life balance is more like work/life management. It adjusts every day. Some days are more work; others are more family. But I’m careful to set boundaries. Work is done by 7p every night to dedicate my attention to my family. Saturdays are a family day that I hold sacred. I’m grateful to have a supportive husband who shares the load and does as much as I do to make work/life do-able and still enjoyable. When I start to feel like “this is not fun”, then I know I need an adjustment with my work or my life balance. You should enjoy what you do and whom you do it with!

 What’s your favorite way to decompress?

Going for a walk in nature. I always feel refreshed and more creative after I spend some timing moving and taking in the beautiful scenery. In the spring and summer, I love to get out in the garden too; even better if I can make a colorful meal from freshly picked veggies! 

What do you have planned for the next six months?

I’m launching an online program for breaking free from unbalanced and emotional eating. This is a nice companion to my book and an easily accessible way to experience transformative coaching on your own schedule. 

How can our readers connect with you?

Website and Blog: www.YouAreBoundless.com

Book available: www.youareboundless.com/book

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Amber.Stevens.You.Are.Boundless

Food Positive FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/foodpositive

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amber-stevens-81b6b41a/

Daocloud: https://www.daocloud.com/pro/amber-stevens

Alignable: https://www.alignable.com/arvada-co/amber-stevens-llc


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