"Make connections with others in your area of interest" with Anne McAuley Lopez

Anne McAuley Lopez

Anne McAuley Lopez is the founder of McAuley Freelance Writing, LLC, and markets under the brands Blogging Badass and Agency Content Writer. She became a professional writer in 2010. Growing up she always preferred essays to multiple-choice and loves that she can write for others. Anne is a lover of words, family, friends, and dogs. When she isn’t writing for her clients, you can find her sipping wine, walking her dog, and spending time with loved ones.  

Can you tell our readers about your background?

I grew up in Connecticut and graduated from the University of Connecticut with a degree in Economics. For the next 15 or so years, I found myself in numbers-related jobs - investment company, venture capital, and data analysis. While I excelled at those jobs, they didn’t feed my soul. In 2010, when I was laid off, my friend asked me what I always wanted to do. I realized I had always wanted to be a writer.

In September 2010, my dream of being a professional writer came true when I launched McAuley Freelance Writing.  

What inspired you to start your business?

When I was in school, I always chose to write essays rather than poster board projects. Writing has always come easy to me and I love telling stories. When the opportunity presented itself, I took advantage and started my writing business.

Where is your business based?

I work from my home office in Chandler, Arizona, with clients from around the country.  

How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?

I always say to do as I say and not as I did. I started my business during the worst recession of my lifetime. I was a volunteer blogger for a local organization focused on helping job seekers find work. One of the speakers liked what I wrote about her presentation and had a job opening for a Marketing Assistant. The founder of the jobseeker organization recommended me, and the rest, as they say, is history.

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?

The most effective way of raising awareness for my business has been networking and social media. I also have a clearly defined target market and pursue opportunities within those parameters. I try not to get distracted by other opportunities. This year, my 10th anniversary in business, I hired a PR professional to write and distribute a press release that has garnered local attention.

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

My biggest challenge is managing a business while also managing a chronic health condition. I have Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) which is managed with a daily chemo pill. The side effects have forced me to make time for self-care. The result is that I work when I have the energy, typically in the morning or late afternoon. Honestly, I feel more productive in spite of the health challenges. 

How do you stay focused?

I stay focused by playing music when I am researching and writing. I turn on the salt lamp and add my favorite essential oils to the diffuser. Then I sit down to write.

How do you differentiate your business from the competition?

Great question! I work with digital marketing agencies as a freelance writer to provide website and blog content to their clients. I primarily write marketing content, rather than technical or other types of writing. When I talk to others who, at least on paper, look like they are competition, we realize we have different target markets and are actually able to refer clients to each other.

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?

My most effective marketing strategy is to utilize LinkedIn and networking to make connections. I am a firm believer in making connections that matter. If I can explain my business to others, they become part of my marketing team. I also take advantage of opportunities to be featured in articles on other websites which gains visibility and backlinks to my website.

What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?

My advice for new entrepreneurs is to make connections with others in your area of interest. Schedule a meeting to talk to them about their business. Networking is key, whether online, in-person, video, or call. I love sharing my story with aspiring entrepreneurs.

What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

When it comes to business, my favorite websites are Search Engine Journal, Moz, Hubspot, and Ubersuggest which provide content about search engine optimization. I guess you’d say you can take the geek out of data but not the data out of the geek! LOL 

What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why?

Meg from Love at First Search has a membership program that is THE BEST I have found to learn about SEO and getting found organically online. 

Who is your business role model? Why?

I have a few women who I admire for their tenacity and the way they run their businesses with the utmost integrity. I take lessons from them regarding how to manage clients, pricing, and networking. They’re local in Arizona.

How do you balance work and life?

Being diagnosed with a chronic illness has forced me to learn balance. I write when I have the most energy and rest as needed. Sometimes that means working on the weekend for a few hours but that is okay for me; it means I am managing my health.

What’s your favorite way to decompress?

My husband and I take our dog for walks in the morning or evening and make sure we have ample family time every week. Music is a huge part of my life whether it is classical piano while I am writing or 80’s music in the car, music charms and decompresses the soul.

What do you have planned for the next six months?

While I wish I could say a trip to Kauai, that’s probably not happening! In terms of business, I am continuing to add content to my Agency Content Writer website, build personal and business relationships, and pitch myself to my dream publications. I am also writing a book to be used as a resource for CML patients and their families.

How can our readers connect with you?

Connect with me at anne@agencycontentwriter.com, through my website www.agencycontentwriter.com, or connect with me on LinkedIn.


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