"Get feedback from all stakeholders early in the process" with Gloria Kolb

Gloria Kolb

Gloria Kolb, Co-Founder, and CEO  of Elidah, Inc, maker of ELITONE which is a non-invasive wearable treatment for the millions of women with incontinence.  ELITONE was developed almost entirely on grant funding and launched in 2019 to win Best New Product of the Year by the leading aesthetics industry. Ms. Kolb is an inventor with more than 20 patents, and has won prestigious awards including Boston’s “40 under 40”, MIT Technology Review’s “World’s Top Innovators under 35”, and Fortune Small Business’ 14 Hot Startups.     

Can you tell our readers about your background?

I went to the “right” schools (MIT & Stanford for engineering) but found myself in the “wrong” job (missile analyst for Defense Intelligence Agency). I realized that I had to find a career where I could help people, continue to learn, and be excited about getting out of bed each morning. That led me to the design of medical products.  First at a big company (Johnson & Johnson), and later at medical device startups. 

What inspired you to start your business?

I think entrepreneurship is in my blood. My mother, as an immigrant, started several nonprofit organizations, and I started my first startup in my 20’s while getting my MBA. During that time I worked with a lot of urologists. I learned that 1 in 3 women have incontinence, that most are too embarrassed to talk with anyone about it, and that there was a lack of conservative treatments. The urologist was quick to recommend surgery, but there had to be a better way. By the way, the name Elidah is from our kids’ names: Elias, Duncan, and Norah.

Where is your business based?

We are in Connecticut. It’s a much smaller medical device community than Boston (where my previous company was located), but the state has done a lot over the last few years to grow this business sector and grow its entrepreneurial ecosystem.

How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?

My husband Eric (also a biomedical engineer) and I spent time brainstorming areas of unmet clinical need and became focused on incontinence, especially after I had delivered three kids. We reviewed the scientific literature and keyed in on one study from Brazil where externally placed electrodes to contract pelvic muscles were just as effective as the vaginally inserted electrodes (which women really don’t like).  Unfortunately, the method was cumbersome requiring multiple electrodes, wires all over the place, and could only be done in a clinic. We figured that if we could build on that technique, make it super simple and easy for a woman to do by herself at home, then we have a winner.  We made our first prototypes in our basement. 

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?

I wish it was easier to raise awareness. Incontinence affects so many women, yet most don’t talk about it, not even with their doctors. So we must meet women where they are… searching online, at night, for treatment solutions.

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

Most would guess that getting FDA approval was the biggest challenge, but for us, pushing through the early commercialization during this unprecedented economic environment has been difficult. It’s hard to understand if our marketing efforts are working or not, or if there are external factors in play.

How do you stay focused?

That’s been a struggle with the entire family at home during the COVID lockdowns. When I need to, I put on noise-canceling headphones and play classical music. (Keeping snacks nearby and wrapping myself in a warm blanket helps too!)

How do you differentiate your business from the competition?

Our hope is that simply looking at our product reveals its major advantage… it’s completely non-invasive. Our competitors require the insertion of a vaginal probe. That said, we often still need to spell out the benefits: it doesn’t take your time since you can get dressed and walk around, it’s comfortable, there is no risk of infection, you get better muscle contractions than with Kegel exercises, etc.

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?

We’ve found that most of our sales come following a touchpoint (a chat, a call, or an email). Chatbots have been great for getting these conversations started and answering the more common questions, but we are pretty quick to jump into these chats to address the more personal questions. I answer a lot of these chats myself.

What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?

Get feedback from all stakeholders early in the process. It helps shape your product design and your marketing strategy, and most importantly, validate whether there is even a business there to pursue. We thought it would be impossible to get feedback from busy doctors, but with persistence and creativity, you can find a way.

What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

I just finished Grace Over Grind: How Grace Will Take Your Business Where Grinding Can't by Shae Bynes. She writes about how entrepreneurs pride themselves in working hard, hustling, and grinding, but there is a better way. As a Christian, you should stop worrying, and experience God’s grace as you trust God to help you.

How do you balance work and life?

I have a great partner in my husband. We share responsibilities at work and at home. We chose an office that is five minutes from home. That allows us to be there for our kids when they need us. We can stop work at 3 pm to drive them to practices and have family dinners, and then pick up work again when they are in bed.  

What’s your favorite way to decompress?

I love to read a good book in front of the fire with a cup of coffee in hand… and don’t forget the biscottis!

What do you have planned for the next six months?

Once we get through COVID, I hope to pick up traveling again. Outside of Elidah, our family is always pursuing new opportunities. My daughter Norah designed, patented, and sells an ergonomic swim kickboard (Ray-Board), and my husband has several other medical products in development. We are busy.

How can our readers connect with you?

Connect with me at gloria@elidah.com, through our website at https://elitone.com, or on Linkedin.