"Having the time to fit all that is needed in becomes a bit of a balancing act, but prioritizing helps" with Dr. Catherine Jackson

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I’m Dr. Catherine Jackson, a licensed clinical psychologist and board-certified neurotherapist. I'm known as America's #1 Brain Psychologist and have been featured in many media outlets including CNN, Prevention Magazine, and Bustle.  I have a doctorate degree in clinical psychology with an emphasis in marriage and family therapy (MFT). 

During my doctoral training, I became enthralled with neurotherapy and the brain as it related to symptom presentation and treating the whole person. So, I was clinically trained and certified as a neurotherapist.  However, some time prior to entering the doctoral program I was trained and certified as a coach. At that time, I did little with the training and certification as I continued with further education and took other avenues in my career. Therefore, after several years in school, studying and learning, I am at the beginning stage of building a company and brand.  

Not waiting to make an impact to help individuals and families make the changes they desire, for the last 5 years I’ve provided coaching, finally putting that coaching training to use. All about the brain and holistic health, I believe in treating the whole person, not behaviors or symptoms. Neurotherapy and neuro coaching allow me to see firsthand how the inclusion of healthier mind-body practices aid in stabilizing the brain and thus overall functioning. I founded a non-profit Dr. J’s Holistic Health and Wellness and will soon launch a business, continuing to provide a wealth of paid and free services to the general community.

What inspired you to start your business?

I was inspired to be all and the best I can be by my parents. My parents, especially my mom instilled a passion for education and always encouraged me to learn as much as I can. That encouragement and inspiration lead me to get a doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology and several degrees and certifications before and after it. I’m a life-long learner who uses a wealth of different strategies, techniques, etc. to help patients and clients I work with. Coaching allows me to use these to provide the support and motivation some people need to reach their goals.  I also like the flexibility in my schedule coaching allows. 

Speaking happened much later. In fact, I grew up shy and I am often more comfortable in the background than upfront. However, having a unique niche I realized the importance of using speaking engagements to raise awareness, especially among certain populations. This led to sharing what I do with more audiences and being able to work with more coaching clients.

Where is your business based?

I am currently located and practice in Chicago, IL. However, I offer online coaching services to groups and I’m available for speaking engagements.

 How did you start your business?

I’m starting the business on faith and with a passion for what I do. I’ve also attended live and online workshops and belong to groups that share information on how to build a business. I talked to two coaches who helped me build the speaker portion of my business and worked with branding experts initially who helped me streamline my niche and who I would ultimately help with my services. Not trying to do everything on my own, I reached out to a technology professional who is also in the mental health field. This professional understands the needs of therapists and coaches and builds professional websites specifically for these types of professionals. I also have a core group of friends and professionals I talk to who help me develop programs and services I offer but I continue to assess, amend and change these to fit the needs of those I work with. However, the biggest help in building my business has been a lady who volunteers her time to help me.  I’d mention her by name but she prefers to remain nameless.

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?

Referrals, social media, and speaking engagements. Though not totally new to coaching, speaking and the business end is relatively newer and comes with their respective learning curves. However, referrals from friends and family and follow up with people after speaking engagements have been immensely helpful in building awareness, a following and my business calendar. Social media has played a key role in building awareness and getting myself, the business and brand out to the public. 

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them? 

One of my biggest challenges is time. Having the time to fit all that is needed in becomes a bit of a balancing act, but prioritizing helps.  Perseverance is also a concern. It’s sometimes difficult to put so much into efforts and not see or reap benefits from it for so long. For example, I did a speaking engagement months ago but did not hear back from possible leads afterward until recently. You have to stay mentally strong and consistent. Setting up a business has also helped me be more mindful of how I feel and to schedule self-care inconsistently to take of myself in this process.

How do you stay focused?

Everything is scheduled in my planner. I set aside a specific amount of time each week to build the business and allot time for self-care and socialization and working on my inner self and mind. Daily devotion, prayer, and meditation are helpful for me to remain focused and gain mental clarity. I also eat healthily and try to stay consistent with working out to keep my energy high and to remain balanced through this journey and my life.

How do you differentiate your business from the competition?

Having training and experience as a psychologist is a huge bonus in the coaching world. In fact, the certification program I completed was aimed at therapists as the program organizers felt therapists are best equipped to recognize when people are better suited for therapy or are a better fit for coaching. I would also add sometimes in therapy a patient may improve and no longer require as much counseling but still require support while continuing to reach their goal(s). At this point, a therapy patient may be a good fit to move into coaching.   

Furthermore, with the wealth of knowledge and experience in the mental health field to draw from, I’ve developed skills and tools in holistic health and wellness, the brain, parenting, and relationship, etc. to help others in their journey and to bring about the positive changes they desire.

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?

I do not feel there has been one single effective strategy. Different things work for different situations, different audiences and at different times. I will say, however, consistency is key!

What’s your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?

Connect with other entrepreneurs and others in your field of expertise. Build relationships and ask a lot of questions from those who already are where you desire to be. You can save a whole lot of headaches and time by learning from others’ mistakes and what worked for them.

What’s your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

I do not have a favorite app and often limit electronic use.  When I do use apps I use some to play games purely for fun, some to relax, some to stimulate my brain and some to connect with others.  

I also do not have a favorite book, at least not any related to what I do for a career or business. However, I love to read. I read and use audiobooks all the time and I am likely to read about the brain, faith/inspiration, psychology and self-help about various topics.

 I like too many blogs to name but I follow blogs that allow me to learn and continue to grow as a psychologist, coach, and speaker.   

 What’s your favorite business tool or resource? Why?

Again I do not have a favorite tool. However, I use Instagram all the time to share content and information. It’s been one of the best ways for me to get the word out about what I do, events, speaking engagements, etc., into the world.

Who is your business role model? Why?

I have several business role models, like Farah Harris, LCPC who is a therapist in IL, speaker and business owner. She does all of this well with young children and I truly admire that. Joy Harden Bradford, Ph.D.,  is also a clinical psychologist in GA and founder of Therapy for Black Girls. She built a well-known brand and business that focuses on therapy for African-Americans. She is super inspiring and sets a great example for all therapists of color. 

However, Kiaundra Jackson, LMFT of no relation to me, is a licensed marriage and family therapist in CA is one of my biggest role models. This woman is a force to be reckoned with. She’s always putting out great content and is very consistent in her online presence. She shares her knowledge with others desiring to do similarly and is very direct, straight forward and extremely thorough in the information she shares. Ms. Jackson has a genuine desire to see others grown and achieve their goals. I admire her passion, dedication and drive to constantly put content out that is encouraging and inspiring. And it means a lot to me that she, Ms. Harris and Dr. Harden Bradford are women and of color because representation is important to me.

What is your beauty routine? 

My beauty routine is really basic on most days. If I wear anything at all it’s an all-natural, lightly tinted coconut oil-based lip balm and a little black mascara. I keep my hair in natural curls and styles most of the time to keep things simple too. I may put on lipstick for a pop of color if I know I will do a video to post online. However, I do a little more when I have an event, adding eye shadow to my lids, bronzer to my cheeks and lipstick on my lips. And I may get a little fancier with hair or straighten it out. 

How do you balance work and life?

I leave the electronics in another room at dinner time and for the rest of the night. Knowing I will do this motivates me to get as much done as possible during my work hours and sets up boundaries so work does not spill over into my personal life.  

What’s your favorite way to decompress?

Daily devotional and prayer. In fact, my feet do not hit the floor in the morning until I’ve done this first. Also, meditation, reading, traveling, cooking and going out with family and friends.

 What do you have planned for the next six months?

I’m preparing for already scheduled and scheduling more speaking engagements for the second half of the year, getting details ready for a Fall health challenge and for a Winter giveaway and I’m working on other projects, including a book, as I continue to build and grow my business.

 How can our readers connect with you?

Through email or one of my social media channels, with social media the best of the two.

Dr. Catherine Jackson, Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Board Certified Neurotherapist 







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