Self-Care CEO Kristin Summers: Tackling Self-Care Limiting Beliefs One Bubble Bath at a Time

Kristin Summers, self-care mindset coach, mental health writer/speaker, and app creator shares her journey from severe postpartum depression and anxiety to thriving entrepreneur.

Can you tell our readers about your background?

I grew up in a small town in mid-Missouri. A career in personal development wasn’t even on my radar but I knew I wanted to be a writer and give back to the world somehow. I earned a journalism degree and was in the magazine publishing industry and freelance writing space for many years before I decided to use my skills to be an advocate for mental health and self-care for all.

What inspired you to start your business?

After my third child was born, I developed severe postpartum depression and anxiety from the birth control shot. It was hell on Earth but the truth is that if I hadn’t gone through that then I wouldn’t have grown into the person, the mother, the friend, the partner, the entrepreneur I was meant to be. It all started with my self-care app idea. For years I studied mental health and self-care as I healed. One day I thought, “Where is my gold star for being an adult?” From there, a fire grew inside me to help others and create something of value. During COVID, the app development was put on pause. Mind Star, the app, was available for Android when the pandemic hit. Personal issues took precedent (divorce). I almost wondered if the app was over but then as I began to heal from the divorce, I saw how my own self-care journey through it all led to me finally launching my self-care mindset coaching business, pursue paid speaking opportunities and writing my self-care divorce guidebook.

Where is your business based?

Kansas City, Mo.

How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?

First, I did market research. When you have an idea for a business, it’s actually better if it’s something you won’t personally use but believe in because based on the research you know other people find value in the product or service. I found people in similar spaces and started asking questions. I put some serious thought into the time and commitment level it would take as a true overnight success … because “making it” is actually someone who has been grinding for 5-7 years. I also did research on the type of business – LLC? C-Corp? – I became as much of a sponge as I could with certain people I looked up to in different areas of my life.

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?

Honestly, TikTok has been great for my business. I can’t pay for that kind of engagement on any other platform. I have more than 10k plus followers and I am grateful for every one of them. It’s about quality not quantity and having that mindset has made a difference in how I approach many areas of my life. 

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

My mindset was and is the biggest challenge. It’s something we all must, not necessarily overcome because we all will have bad days, but something we all must figure out how to navigate. It isn’t about getting rid of the waves; it’s about learning how to ride them. Our beliefs about the world are formed by age 10 or younger – this means your views about relationships, life in general, money, etc., are all formed way before our brains are even fully developed. Thankfully, we have neuroplasticity and a growth mindset to help us rewire those limiting beliefs that subconsciously hold us back so we succeed and thrive in our lives. Everything ends and starts with the mind.  

How do you stay focused?

Believe it or not, there are benefits to doing things in the old-fashion ways, and what I mean by that is that there are benefits when it comes to remembering things by writing things down. I write down my to-do list for the next day as I’m winding down and I immediately feel a sense of relief. Then the next morning, I look at the list again after my self-care morning routine and prioritize what has to get done immediately because of a deadline. That’s first. Second is what is going to move me forward into a better tomorrow, and, third, what is something I can do toward my larger, bigger picture goals. I also take self-care breaks between tasks to help focus on the next one.  

How do you differentiate your business from the competition?

I don’t consider myself a life coach, that’s too broad. I’ve chosen to help educate people on what self-care really is and not what society tells them it is. I’ve worth with therapists and psychologists closely as I put together my 5-Pillar Program for self-care. I don’t pretend to be anything I’m not. I gladly refer clients to licensed professionals if I don’t feel like I can help them. I offer guidance when it comes to finding compassion for themselves; help people realize their limiting beliefs around self-care; and how they can incorporate the 5-Pillar Program into their lives with confidence and compassion. We all live in our world, our own reality. If I can help one person, I’ve changed the world already. I’m not out to change the world. I’m here to help millions of worlds.  

What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?

Be prepared that those closest to you will not always support you. It’s your call, it’s not a conference call. Those close to you will have a purpose in your success story, a role to play so to speak … it might always be as supportive as you want it to be. These people might and usually do have best of intentions, but they can’t see your dream – it seems too much, and it is too much for them because it’s not their dream. And that’s okay. Remember small minds have small dreams.  That doesn’t make their dreams any less or more important than yours, we should support each other goals and dreams but perspective is important when it comes to trying to convince someone that your dreams matter.  If you want to go big, be big but don’t expect those with medium-size dreams to see it.  

What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero, Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo, and Unscripted by MJ DeMarco. Jen’s book is great when I need a pick-me-up personally. Marie’s is fantastic when I feel like I’m stuck with my business and MJ’s keeps the entrepreneurial spirit very much alive.  

How do you balance work and life?

I honestly don’t believe that true balance exists. There are going to be times that your family is going to take more of your time than your business and there are times your business is going to require you to dedicate more time to it. That’s more than okay. The same goes for self-care, there are times that you are going to have to slow down and take care of yourself better. When we give the love we so freely give to others to ourselves, we are able to give love without expectations and that’s what life is about.

What’s your favorite way to decompress?

Dancing and listening music are two ways I like to unwind. The research behind how music can affect our mood is fascinating. I even have a cry playlist when I feel overwhelmed and need to get it out. Crying releasing hormones and lowers our cortisol levels, hence the phrase “have a good cry.” I always feel better after I allow myself to feel and process my overwhelm. We hold stress and trauma in our bodies so loosening up the body is a great way to decompress. I’m in the self-care space so I have definitely more than two ways

What do you have planned for the next six months?

More self-care 8-week courses with me, mini self-care courses (available this summer), more private coaching and the release of my self-care for dating and divorce book. Whew! Who’s ready for all that? I am!

How can our readers connect with you?

You can find me on TikTok @selfcareceo, IG Kristin_rsummers or they are welcome to check out my website, and enjoy some of my self-care freebies including the Self-Care Guide and the Self-Care Emergency Checklist.


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