"Start somewhere expecting to make mistakes and to learn from them" with Rachel Baer

Rachel Baer interview

Rachel Baer is an E-RYT 200 yoga instructor with many years of experience in both practicing and teaching yoga.  Amongst other additional training, she has also completed a 100-hour yoga therapy certification.   

Rachel trained as a Fitness Instructor in the UK before moving to the US in 2003, her focus is now on Chair Yoga and Fall Prevention for seniors and those with disabilities. 

Rachel shares how she is constantly amazed at the difference yoga regularly makes in the lives of her senior yogis, many of whom are in their eighties and nineties and are still committed to their yoga practice.


 Can you share your background?

I grew up in a small rural town in Lincolnshire England.  I am the eldest of three children and the only daughter.  I enjoy a great relationship with my two wonderful brothers.  I married in 1986 to a very supportive and caring husband.  We had two boys whilst living in the UK.  In 2003 my husband had an opportunity to transfer to the United States, we agreed that we would live adventurously and see where it led us.  At the time our boys were aged eight and twelve.  They are now aged twenty-five and twenty-nine 

What inspired you to start your business?

I started my business as a way to share my love of yoga and movement with others.  As time went on, I saw specifically how much difference yoga made in the lives of the senior population and decided to focus solely on seniors, offering both chair yoga and fall prevention. 

How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?

I started my business by reaching out to local gyms and senior centers and offering classes there.  Seniors are more likely to attend classes at the centers where they feel comfortable and cared for.  I also taught for several years in a local church hall.  My first steps were to plan where to teach, print up flyers and business cards as well as building a website.

Where is your business based? 

My business is based from my home office, although I hold my classes at both East Lyme and Old Saybrook Senior Centers in CT.  Currently, I am also teaching from my home via Zoom as senior centers are still closed due to COVID 19.

During this time I have gained clients as friends and relatives of my yogis from other states who I haven’t even met are now taking my classes, along with partners of my yogis who may not have come to class but are now doing yoga through the relative anonymity of taking a class in their own home through a screen. 

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business? 

One of the senior centers I teach at advertises my classes in the monthly newsletter, although I have found that news of my classes spreads best by word of mouth.

I offer a complimentary first class, this way people have nothing to lose by giving chair yoga a try.  A complimentary class on their birthday is also a good incentive to come to class. 

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them? 

My biggest challenge has been overcoming the voice of my inner critic.  It is a continual work in progress to push through and keep putting myself forward, to continue to do work that challenges me in order to grow and be seen.  Actually, this interview is a challenge to me as I was brought up to not be seen or heard, to not put myself forward, this is no longer how I chose to live my life.  I know I do good work in helping people to heal and live a better quality of life and want to get the word out so that more people can benefit.

I also find technology a challenge, with help and time I have been able to get my classes online and am now enjoying teaching this way.  I see myself continuing to offer online classes for those that are unable to make a physical class even when this pandemic is over.  I will shortly begin offering private sessions online.

How do you stay focused? 

I stay focused because of the genuine care I have for my clients, knowing how much difference yoga is making to their lives, how could I not keep going?  I am sure I enjoy teaching just as much as they enjoy coming to class.  I have heard so many rewarding testimonials of my clients getting stronger, being in less pain, improvements to their mobility and balance, knowing that I am making such a difference, this is what keeps me focused.

 How do you differentiate your business from the competition?

I believe I am able to stand out from other businesses by offering a unique service that is valuable, affordable and it works.  I describe my service as “Keeping Seniors Strong, Mobile, and Independent.” 

My senior yogis know that I genuinely want the best for them and that I care about them as a whole, not just when they show up to class.  I have become good friends with many of them, regularly going out for coffee or lunch. 

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?

My most effective marketing strategy has been offering a complimentary first class.  People, especially seniors can be wary of trying something new especially if it’s in a public setting.  A complimentary class is a great way to encourage them to try it out.  It also makes it easy for clients to bring their friends along.  If they come to class on their birthday that is also complimentary.  I recently had a 92-year-old that was delighted to not have to pay on his birthday.  It’s a small bonus but it can make so much difference and bring unexpected joy to someone’s day.

What is your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs? 

I would advise them to think what is most meaningful to them, what brings them joy? How can you do more of that and turn it into something meaningful that can make a difference?  Don’t wait until you feel ready, that will never happen, take a first small step and take it from there, dive in and see where it leads.  Start somewhere expecting to make mistakes and to learn from them.

What are your favorite apps, blogs, and books? why? 

My favorite app has to be Audible; I continually have a book or three on the go.  This app makes it so easy to listen to books I would never have time to read otherwise.  Audible really helps make the most of the time spent walking, driving, cooking dinner, and even folding laundry. 

My favorite blog is Unlocking Us by Brené Brown, she is so good at challenging us on a collective and an individual level to live our best lives.  She is not afraid to talk about the difficult subjects and beliefs that we all have to deal with.  She’s a real change-maker and I admire her courage and honesty.

My favorite book is a hard one, I have so many favorites, I love reading.  I have just finished reading The Book of Lost Friends by Lisa Wingate for book group which was an excellent read.  I loved the way she intertwined the past with characters from the nineteen eighties and in doing so brought a new level of understanding and healing to a community.  She was not afraid to tackle the cruel history of slavery in this novel.  Here is one quote from the book that resonated with me “Just because we’re not happy with the truth of our history doesn’t mean we shouldn’t know it.”  This is true on so many levels as individuals as a country and even globally. 

What is your favorite business tool or resource? why? 

My favorite business tool is my website, it’s important to have somewhere to send people to who want to see who you are and what you do without being overwhelming.  Sending out regular emails to my clients from my site has been such an easy way to keep in contact with them, they have especially appreciated it during this pandemic when we are all feeling more isolated. 

I also have a new Chair Yoga DVD for those seniors who are not into technology, with streaming options available on the site as well as photos and articles that I have written.  Set up was relatively easy and it makes managing my business so much easier. 

Who is your business role model? Why? 

My business role model is fellow yogi Darren Main.  My brother gave me his book Yogi Entrepreneur as a gift a few years ago, I love the way he is so kind and gracious.  I borrowed his idea of giving free first-time classes and free classes on birthdays.  He regularly says in his book to give generously as people remember how you made them feel.  I follow him on social media and really admire him.  Just recently during this challenging time of quarantine he has been offering class sessions by donation, again I have followed his example. 

How do you balance work and life?

Work-life balance can be a challenge especially when your “office” is in your home as it is for so many of us right now.  I try to keep specific times of day to catch up on emails, plan the next day’s class as well as continuing with my own learning.

I make sure I exercise most days, if the weather is good, I’ll walk outside.  I always feel better about myself and life if I get a workout in. 

My husband and I try to spend time together each evening, with more time at weekends, we may take out the kayaks for a few hours, walk or just enjoy a leisurely coffee and maybe watch a movie some evenings.

What is your favorite way to decompress? 

My favorite way to decompress is to spend time in the garden, I have a new herb garden this year as well as additional raised beds for veggies.  I love watching them grow and even better, using the produce in the kitchen. 

Curling up with a good book and my cats inside or out on the deck is another favorite way to relax.

What do you have planned for the next six months?

The next six months will find me spending time expanding my online class offerings as well as planning for the future, for when in-person classes for seniors can begin again.  I already have further education coming up soon.  A training entitled Yoga Fit for Chronic Pain.  I am excited to learn more and to share this new information with my clients.  I see workshop planning in my future.  I will be spending more time writing as well as new ways to be creative such as trying fun healthy recipes.  I am also looking for ways to continue growing some of my own produce during the winter months, spending time with my family and my beloved cats, and taking more yoga and meditation time for myself.

How can our readers connect with you?

I would love to hear from your readers, check out my contact links below to reach out. 

Website -  https://www.yogakeepsmefit.com

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/yogakeepsmefit/

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/rachelyogibaer/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/yogakeepsmefit2

Keeping Seniors Strong, Mobile, and Independent. 


