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"Set your goals and decide your 'why' of starting your business and who you want to help" with Audra George

Pretty Neat: An Organization Solution is an all-inclusive home and office organization service company in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. It was started to serve the unorganized, the over-whelmed, and the busy family. The organization truly impacts every area of our people’s lives-it impacts their overall wellbeing. Find out more at www.prettyneatok.com.

Can you tell our readers about your background?

Hello! I am Audra George, owner of Pretty Neat, and I am a professional organizer. Prior to owning my own business, I actually worked in the medical field. I have a Master’s degree in Physical Therapy and I saw patients in their home environments for more than 12 years. I helped them with their overall function at home. This experience showed me how our environment truly impacts us not only physically, but emotionally, mentally, and beyond. It impacts our health and well-being.

What inspired you to start your business?

Originally a friend suggested I organize for others because my own home was so organized. I had always wanted to own a business so her comment got me thinking. This, along with my previous work experience in the medical field, led me to start my organizing business. As a therapist, I saw such a need for organization in patients’ homes. Organizing is just another way that I can help others. Many families are busy, overwhelmed, physically unable, or don’t know where to start when getting their home in order. I knew I had to help.

Where is your business based? 

My professional organizing business is based in Oklahoma City, Ok. I am an Oklahoma girl, born and raised, and it is a great place to live and own a business.

How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took? 

Once I made the decision to start my business, I came up with a name, registered it with my state, and started social media pages. Not long after that, I had a website created and the rest is history. Almost 3 years in and going strong! I could not be more thankful for this path my business has taken me on.  

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?  

The most effective way of getting my business noticed is through having updated and relevant content on social media and my website. This gives others helpful information and lets everyone that visits these sites know what we do and how we can help them.  

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?  

I think the biggest challenges have been from the business side of things, not the organizing itself. Finding clients, getting them to notice you, and having potential clients recognize your name as trustworthy have all been challenges when first staring a business. These were difficult in the beginning when no one knows who you are. To overcome these things, I took on a “never give up” attitude. Everything that happened, good or bad, led me to learn something and get me closer to where I am today. Also, I would say that getting help from experts in areas where you are not is key! Don’t try to do it all. Get help so you can focus on your strengths and the things you do best. 

How do you stay focused?

Staying focused can be difficult sometimes especially when you are new to the business. I have written goals so I know what I want to do in the short term and the long term. This helps remind me why I started my business in the first place. Also, I cannot stress enough that having peers that are in the same field or building a business too is really helpful. These things helped me stay on task and problem solve along the way so I did not get too discouraged.   

How do you differentiate your business from the competition?  

I do my best to market the attributes that I believe set me apart from other organizing businesses in my area. My medical background makes me different and makes me knowledgeable and trustworthy. This, along with always striving for great communication and customer service, as well as a strong work ethic, really set me apart. Consistency is the name of the game. 

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?

I think my best marketing strategy was getting much-needed help from experts on keywords on Google so when potential clients are searching, they can actually find me. A great website is a close second but until I was more easily found on a web search, new clients were slow to trickle in.  

What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?

I’d say set your goals and decide your “why” of starting your business and who you want to help; then jump in! Grow and learn along the way. I learned that there is nothing like learning by doing.  

What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

One of my favorite apps is Pinterest. It is a great tool in my field to build ideas and show clients ideas for their homes. My favorite blog is from The Home Edit. It is so pretty to look at and get ideas from for future clients. They are really inspiring. A couple of favorite books have helped shape my business in certain areas. Profit First really helped with financially getting my business organized. E-Myth also talks about creating systems and procedures in your business. These both really helped me early on.  

What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why? 

I think my favorite business tool had been Dubsado. It allows me to automate how clients contact and schedule with me and it has been so helpful. It really helps me take some tasks off my plate as I continue to get busier with clients.

Who is your business role model? Why?

I’d day Nikki Boyd, a professional organizer, business owner, and author of Beautifully Organized is a great role model. She is so classy and put together; she has built a really successful business. She also seems to know about work-life balance which is something I’m learning along the way.

How do you balance work and life?  

I feel that work-life balance can be difficult sometimes when building a business. It is something I am always working on. When building my business, I am all in. But… I have a husband and kids to tend to that are definitely my priority. Having set times to work on my business helps. Also, hiring others to help with things you do not have time to do or things that are not your strengths really helps to decrease your workload and responsibilities.

What’s your favorite way to decompress?

To decompress and relax, I love to work out and hang out with my friends or family. These give me joy and renew my energy.

What do you have planned for the next six months?  

For the next 6 months and beyond, I have big goals and plans for my business. My goals this year are to really fine-tune my business processes and create systems in my business so I can teach others exactly what we do and how we do it. This creates much more opportunity to have others help me as I grow to serve more and more customers. So exciting!

How can our readers connect with you?

 Readers can connect with me on social media at



or on my website and blog at www.prettyneatok.com