"Do the homework to make sure you can find a market if you follow your heart" with Shel Horowitz

Shel Horowitz

Speaker, author, and consultant Shel Horowitz of GoingBeyondsustainabiity.com helps businesses find the sweet spot at the intersections of profitability with environmental and social good—creating and marketing profitable products and services that make a direct difference on problems like hunger, poverty, war, and catastrophic climate change. His 10th book (endorsed by Seth Godin and Chicken Soup for the Soul’s Jack Canfield, and with guest essays by Cynthia Kersey and Frances Moore Lappe) is Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World.

Can you tell our readers about your background?

Going back to a one-toddler action against smoking in my house at around age 3, I’ve been both an activist and a marketer pretty much my whole life. My real start as an activist was going to my first peace demonstration at 12 and then participating in the first Earth Day six months later. I originally got into marketing to promote the causes I was supporting. 

But over time, I began to fall in love with marketing—with making it easy for people to support a product, a service, a cause, an idea, or a brand. And that’s what marketing is to me. It’s not about intrusive hard-sell messages, it’s not about buying a lot of ads, and it’s certainly not about spray-and-pray social media spamming. Rather, it’s about things like collaboration, making the world better, and making it easer for people to achieve something special, avoid something bad, solve a problem, get a cool experience, or meet a personal or community goal.

What inspired you to start your business?

Back in 1981, I’d just relocated to small-town Western Massachusetts after living in Providence, NYC, and Philadelphia for the previous five years. The area was experiencing a recession, and jobs were scarce. Since there are many colleges in the area, I decided to start a term paper typing service “to tide me over until my freelance writing career took off.” 

That business kept morphing, first into resume writing, then writing marketing materials for small businesses, authors, and publishers, consulting on marketing and publishing, consulting on ethical, green, and social-change oriented business. And with each transformation, I enjoyed the work more (and for most of them, I was also more financially successful). Most of these were in addition, rather than instead of. I still do most of the things I’ve done in my 39 years in business—except that I haven’t typed a term paper or thesis since around 1990.

Where is your business based?

Hadley, MA, USA 

How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?

I bought a used electric typewriter and hung fliers on physical bulletin boards! I didn’t get into the online world until 1994. 

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?

Since I write books about marketing, I’ve explored many promotion strategies. Many of the best focus on being seen as an expert and a resource: writing books/articles/blog posts/newsletters, being interviewed in print and electronic media, speaking at live or online events, creating web content that gets found when people need what I do… 

For about 15 years, most of my marketing consulting and copywriting clients found me because of my participation in email discussion lists, but those forums have gone away—and I don’t find that Facebook or LinkedIn groups generate the same results. These days, I’m getting a lot of business from repeat clients and referrals. They’ve always been a big part of my new client attraction, and the percentage from that sector is much higher now. 

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

1)     Before starting my business during the recession of 1981, I’d been doing a 9-month activist training program in Philadelphia after a year and a half as a VISTA Volunteer organizer for the Gray Panthers of Brooklyn, making $82 a week for the first year and $100 per week for the remaining 6 months. So needless to say, my financial resources were extremely limited.

Culture was also an issue. Other than at college, I’d lived my entire life in dense, diverse urban megacities.  Growing up in the Bronx, diversity was a constant.  Moving from a majority-Black neighborhood in Philadelphia to a mostly-Catholic, almost-entirely White working-class town of 20,000, I found that being a New York Jew made me exotic. As an unknown who didn’t know the local culture, didn’t have a network of relationships and didn’t have any spare capital, I had to figure out effective ways to land clients that cost little or nothing. That eventually led me to learn a lot about marketing, and eventually, to write, teach, and consult on it.

Still, the first few years were very lean. I made $300 in my first 6 months before we moved 20 miles south to a more cosmopolitan city of 29,000 and the business became viable. Once we moved, and once I got better at marketing, by working 60 hours or so per week, I was able to pull in barely enough to live on. Glad those days are over!

2)     Technological obsolescence has been a shadow over my business almost from the beginning. Typing was my bread and butter for the first couple of years, but I could see that personal computing was eventually going to make that service obsolete. I taught myself to write resumes, and that became the bulk of my work—especially once I bought my own first computer (an original 128K Mac) in 1984 and could begin offering while-you-wait resume writing (which I still offer; I took it virtual in March).

But once Microsoft started bundling a resume template with Word (as terrible as that template was), I knew the resume market would shrink a whole lot—so I started shifting into marketing copywriting—specializing in the more informational, less hard-sell, in-your-face side, like writing “story-behind-the-story” press releases and book covers.

And the pattern repeated yet again. Once offshoring or mechanizing professional work became a thing, I was suddenly competing with people on the other side of the world who would work for a tenth of my price. I had to pivot again. I began to concentrate even more on green and social change businesses and authors/publishers and to present myself not just as a copywriter but as a full-blown marketing and profitability strategist who can also write exquisite copy. In these two niches, my industry expertise can attract clients even if I could no longer compete on price because the quality of my work is always going to be better than a generalist writer.

I’ve been lucky because I’ve been able to spot these trends when they’re still small, and by the time they really become a force, I’ve moved on—usually to something both more interesting and more lucrative.

3)     My most recent shift, from general small-business and book marketing to helping businesses and authors who combine transformational social change with greening the planet, has been slower and more difficult than I’d expected.  I literally felt called to do this in 2013, feeling an internal voice informing me that this is why I was put on this planet at this time—and this would be an important part of my legacy.

This was only the second time I’d gotten that kind of a call. The first was when I started a successful movement to save our local mountain, in 1999-2000—while the “experts” were all moaning, “this is terrible, but there’s nothing we can do.” That victory is what influenced me to build more social change directly into my business, and by 2003, I’d released the first of my four books on that topic. I did my TEDx Talk, “Impossible is a Dare,” in 2014, opened GoingBeyondSustainability.com in 2015, and published Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World the following year.

I’d thought that within two years or so, changing the conversation from “sustainability” (keeping things the same) to “regenerativity” (making things better) would have filled my speaking calendar and my client list. But it’s been harder to find those clients than I thought. I’m still making the bulk of my income walking writers through the journey of becoming well-published and well-marketed authors—but now, most of the books I work on have a change-the-world component.

The good part is that the clients I do have in the green/social change space allow me to engage in deep strategic analysis. They’re excited when I think way out of the box and reach or ways they can address multiple issues at once with a single integrated solution. I am so energized by this work! It’s the most exciting thing I’ve ever done, and I love seeing how it plays out in almost every imaginable industry.

As an example, a radio interviewer once asked me what I would suggest to a pizza shop owner. Without any idea this question was coming, just spontaneously, I recommended teaching inner-city high school students to grow organic vegetables and make pizzas with them to sell to their classmates on days that were slow for the pizza shop—building both entrepreneurial and food production skills among the participating students, providing nutritious alternatives to junk food, and generating income for the shop on a normally slow day.

How do you stay focused?

I’m blessed with an undiagnosed helping of ADD. I’m interested in almost everything; I became a writer because it gave me the freedom to dip my toe into whatever catches my fancy at that moment. I work in short bursts, bringing intense focus to a task for anywhere from 20 minutes to two hours. After that, I need to stop and do something else, both because that part of my brain needs a rest and because I do suffer from computer fatigue: eyestrain, tired hands, etc.  I’ve gotten very attuned to the signals, so when I feel my mental edge, my creativity to address that task begin to wane, I either interrupt with a non-work activity: a walk or bike ride, sometimes with a crossword puzzle, reading, a nap, a call with a friend or colleague, food task such as harvesting, reserving, or cooking…or a task on a completely different work project that uses a different part of my brain. I always have several things going at once, so I’m never bored.

Typically, I’m working very short pieces of a very long day, starting my computer by 6:15 or 6:30 a.m. and shutting down the work part of my day by 10 or 10:30 p.m. and then reading, playing a game, or watching a cultural performance until around midnight. Often, the first task of my workday is to scan reporter queries through a service that matches reporters and story sources, and the final one is writing the daily Gratitude Journal I’ve been posting on Facebook since March 2018. Something like your list of questions will be several short work shifts.

How do you differentiate your business from the competition?

For each sector where I work, I look for the uniqueness factor—what the marketing industry calls a USP (Unique Selling Proposition). What really does differentiate me from my competitors:

·       For the social change work, the unique experience I have of being both a marketer for 48 years and an activist for 50, as well as the rare ability to see not just the big picture but also the small details the vision needs to make it work—and my wide range of interests become a strength here: cross-industry knowledge, a long history of drinking information from business, activism, nonprofit, academia, and the ability to see how a solution used in one sphere could apply elsewhere. The restaurant drive-up window would not exist without the banking industry, which pioneered the concept a couple of years earlier.

·       For book shepherding and book marketing, knowledge of several different publishing models, the strengths, issues, and steps involved in each, the ability to recommend appropriate editorial and design vendors to those who choose to self-publish, and skills in marketing the book and the author as brands, pre- and post-publication—as well as direct experience as an author who’s published with big houses, small houses, subsidy, hybrid, and my own publishing arm, with and without co-authors.

·       For career services, I don’t know of another shop anywhere that offers while-you-wait resume and cover letter writing personalized to the individual client, and since March, I’ve been offering this remotely over Zoom.

·       And for speaking, I offer an authentic voice of hope and inspiration, saying that a better world is not only possible but can be profitable. I leave audiences inspired and excited. 

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?

I use a mix:

·       Actively soliciting and encouraging referrals—from past or current clients, industry leaders, colleagues in complementary businesses, and even competitors.

·       Publicly demonstrating my expertise through speaking, media interviews, and my own writing (books, articles, blog posts, social media posts, participation in online discussion communities, etc.)—both in channels I control, and in channels with wider visibility.

·       For one mostly-local service, getting found on Google (and earlier, through the Yellow Pages).

The nice thing is that these all complement and build on each other. 

What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?

Do the homework to make sure you can find a market if you follow your heart—and once you determine that you have a market, follow your heart. 

What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

App: ScribblePost, which allows me to throw random things into a free-form data collector and retrieve by simple search. It’s an alternative to Evernote, which I could never figure out. 

Blog: Seth Godin’s blog, which I get as a daily email. I love the way he sees things differently, breaks out of silos, and quietly advocates for justice and equality. I’m very honored that he endorsed my most recent book, Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World.

Books: I read 60 to 80+ books a year and have many favorites. Two closely related books are The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid by C. K. Prahalad and Business Solution to Poverty by Paul Polak and Mal Warwick—both of which demonstrate that helping the least served and healing the planet can be profitable in and of themselves. I’m also very fond of books like Natural Capitalism by Amory Lovins, Hunter Lovins, and Paul Hawken and Cradle to Cradle by Michael Braungart and William McDonough, which make a case for holistic, an integrative design that could take us far closer to our carbon and environmental goals than traditional thinking can. I credit the children’s novel A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle with helping me survive childhood and teenagership—and I got to sit in her apartment near the end of her life and interview her for two hours. And numerous books on activism, on marketing, and fiction have shaped my perspective.   

What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why?

Help a Reporter, a/k/a HARO. I was member #6, joining on the first day when it was launched as a Facebook group. It’s gotten me coverage in media around the world, including a number of A-list publications. And the cost of zero is pretty attractive, too. I do find that a lot of other people are frustrated with it because the number of queries to sift through is large, and the percentage of responses that result in coverage can be small. But there are ways to increase that percentage. I’m actually writing an ebook on how to pitch media effectively, which I hope to release this summer.

Who is your business role model? Why?

Again, I could list many. Today, I’m thinking about Frances Moore Lappe, best known for writing Diet for a Small Planet back in 1970, and author of numerous books on food and democracy. She made vegetarianism much more acceptable in mainstream culture, which has had a tremendously positive effect on climate and environmental issues, and has also been a relentless advocate for real democracy—for democratizing the present system, and instituting democratic innovations that are not part of the current system. She also has been a consistent voice for food justice around the world.

How do you balance work and life?

As I mentioned, I work in short bursts and mix in many relaxation or recreation activities. I strive for two hours per day of exercise, which will typically be a mix of hiking and/or biking with a daily yoga class (of which I count around ¾ as exercise; I don’t count the opening meditation or the rest period at the end). Once in awhile, I’ll add free-form rock dancing to the mix. I love to cook and will typically spend between 20 minutes and an hour preparing a vegetarian meal. During the harvest months, I am gathering or preserving (drying, freezing, or pickling) food some part of every day. I read, do the crossword puzzle in my daily newspaper, meet with a friend or get on the phone with a new colleague, attend a meeting (in person in the past, these days mostly online)… 

What’s your favorite way to decompress?

Bicycling at a fast pace through someplace pretty for about an hour.

What do you have planned for the next six months?

1)     If I can get enough participation to make it viable, I’m toying with starting a resource website for activists seeking to use this “COVID Moment” to push major social and environmental change, in areas ranging from climate change to racial justice to reinventing agriculture. I’ve bought a domain (although after buying that domain, I thought perhaps that I should find a made-up single word that could probably grow more effectively) and posted a blog outlining some of the possibilities at https://greenandprofitable.com/build-back-better-lets-start-a-movement/

2)     I will release my ebook on how to pitch reporters, especially by responding to HARO queries (though it will cover other approaches as well).

3)     I’m just beginning to apply to speak at events in very late 2020 or 2021 and beyond when I’m hoping live events will be viable again.

4)     And of course, I will continue both to serve my clients in the four areas I outlined earlier: social change, books, career services, and speaking—and continue my activist work. Since the spring of 2019, I’ve concentrated my activism in a small but very effective affinity group called Jewish Activists for Immigration Justice of Western Massachusetts. I’ve gone on two JAIJ delegations, first to witness and protest at the now-closed prison for migrant teens in Homestead, Florida, and more recently to the border at Brownsville, Texas/Matamoros, Mexico. I’ve also been involved in support and outreach in my own area, giving presentations on what we learned and did on those two trips, organizing public events, meetings with legislators, supporting local and regional immigrants of color, testifying at hearings, and protesting the violent actions of a sheriff on the other side of Massachusetts who has ICE detainees. 

How can our readers connect with you?

·       Visit the contact page at https://goingbeyondsustainability.com

·       Call me at 413-586-2388 (8 a.m. to 10 p.m. US Eastern Time)

·       Reach out to me on LinkedIn, https://www.linkedin.com/in/shelhorowitzethicalmarketer/, or Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/shel.horowitz

"One of my biggest challenges is overcoming the fear of being judged" with Sophie Geraerdts


Sophie Geraerdts founded Posh Panda, a sustainable personal care brand in 2019 alongside her full-time career in tech. She feels passionate about helping people adopt healthier habits, and wanted to use her knowledge from launching the technology in an industry where she feels she can make a positive difference.  A month after setting up the company she received funding from Virgin Start Up, allowing her to place the order for her first collection. She is documenting her journey as an entrepreneur on her website so check it out to find out more and stay up to date!

Can you tell our readers about your background? 

I am half Belgian, half British, and currently live in the UK after moving here when I was 18. I studied international business and work in tech, while I am getting my business to a place where I can work in it full time. I have three sisters, and my proudest moment was finishing the New York marathon in 2018.  

What inspired you to start your business? 

I was inspired by hearing and seeing so many success stories from other female entrepreneurs. In this day and age, it is easier than ever to start a business and I knew from a very young age this is something I wanted to do. It took me a few years to figure out where I could make my own niche, and in the end, I was able to find inspiration in my own journey into adopting healthier habits. 

Secondly, I love trying new things, and I am always looking for the next challenge, with 2020 right around the corner it seemed the perfect moment to start planning for the rest of my life. 

Where is your business based?

My business is currently run out of my home in Wimbledon, UK. What I love about my business however is that as an online company, I can connect with audiences and consumers from all across the world. 

How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?

The first steps for me were sampling and deciding on the products for launch, alongside figuring out the brand aesthetic. 

Product development is one of the areas I love most. Working out what products would be a good fit for the brand, as well as sampling the different options. I am currently sampling the products for the second collection and I am so excited about it already! 

Branding was also key, as this shapes the brand name, logo, packaging, and how you envisage the social media and website looking. Here I used the support from some of my friends, who I used to bounce options off. I wanted it to be recognizable and convey the values of the company, however, I was conscious of making sure it did not trigger any brand awareness with another company.  

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business? 

I am part of a startup network in London, the Virgin StartUp funded club. Having received backing from an organization so recognizable was a huge boost for my confidence, and it was a great way to meet like-minded people. I would say building your network, and being able to leverage the insights from other founders is a great way to quickly boost your brand. 

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them? 

One of my biggest challenges is overcoming the fear of being judged. It’s hard to hear criticism or negative feedback from people in your life however I have found the worst critic was myself. 

The first steps are the hardest, as a small business you are going to have to promote yourself and put yourself out there. The sooner you start, the easier it will be. Additionally, I was surprised by all the lovely feedback and kind words from sometimes the most unexpected places. 

How do you stay focused?

Staying focussed is really important to me as I am still working, and my business has to be managed in my spare time. A great way for me to stay on track is setting clear goals of what I want to achieve by week but also keeping track of what action I have taken so far. A lot of this is reflected in my blog where I cover topics like becoming a funded business, sourcing products, and much more. I have noticed I am more likely to not achieve the task I set out when I try to bite off more than I can chew in a set time period. It’s a marathon, not a sprint! 

A tangible resource I love and use daily is Google tasks, it’s great to create different lists to make sure I assign tasks to the right week and being able to add emails to to-do lists gives me the peace of mind I am not forgetting anything important. 

How do you differentiate your business from the competition? 

I believe Posh Panda stands out by focussing on a premium customer experience, from the brand aesthetic to the products themselves. Many sustainable brands position themselves with that front and center, whereas I love to think of my brand as premium, without compromising on our sustainable values. 

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business? 

Social media has been huge for us, it was tough to get going as I didn’t know what resources were out there and then how to use them but it’s become a really fun part of the business to focus on as it’s very insights-driven and easy to measure success. The page (poshpanda_) is still really small but since we have started using promotions we have been able to reach super relevant audiences and get a great click-through to our website. 

What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs? 

The best piece of advice I have been given is to just start. Don't wait until you believe everything is perfect, as you will inevitably make mistakes. I put off launching multiple times as I wanted to have a perfect launch, but trial and error helped me learn so much quicker. You never know what is coming, and being prepared for that will help you more in the long run than being unable to cope with the unexpected! 

Secondly, I would also advise to seek out other people in a similar position. Having another person to bounce ideas off or just use them as a sounding board to sift through your thoughts is the best way to figure out what your next move should be. 

I'd love to help and am more than happy to connect with other founders that have questions! 

What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

My favorite app at the moment is Duolingo. I am making a conscious effort to focus on something new and completely different from what I do day today. I have chosen to learn Portuguese, as my parents spend a lot of time there, and I think it’s a beautiful country. 

My favorite blog is Leonie Hanne’s Ohh Couture. I have been following her for a long time on Instagram and I love her positive energy and colorful outfits. A lot of her content is dedicated to fashion, high fashion even and I love the creativeness and how it allows you to express yourself to others. 

And my favorite book is the same book it has been for the past 10 years, Harry Potter (the entire series). I read the books at least once a year and I love being able to escape into a complete fantasy world. I feel like it stimulates creativity and pushes you to think from a different perspective. 

What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why?

Of course, Shopify has been an absolute godsend for a small e-commerce business, however, if I had to choose a favorite I would say it's Hootsuite at the moment. 

I create all my social media content on Canva, but being able to schedule all my posts for the upcoming two weeks (more if you have a content calendar that goes that far out) is amazing! It really takes the day to day pressure off me and allows me to focus on promoting and creating the content in bulk.

Who is your business role model? Why? 

I have a very personal role model, as this person has inspired and supported me to follow through with launching Posh Panda. My role model is my head of marketing in my previous role, she has a great career and I believe part of that is due to her being able to make conscious choices on what she did and did not want to take on. She launched a business a number of years ago, and it has made her financially stable and not dependent on the income from her full-time role. She’s incredibly bright and hard-working, and a great role model and mentor to have.

How do you balance work and life? 

Balancing work and life is tough, especially as it’s a subjective decision you need to make. As I am still working full time, I see working on Posh Panda as an investment in having a better work-life balance in my future and building a more independent life for myself. 

What’s your favorite way to decompress? 

Having a bath and exercise classes are two of my favorite ways to decompress. If I want to wind down and relax, having a bath with essential oils always helps me put a busy day behind me and gets me in the right mindset for a great night's sleep. 

If I want to decompress during the day, and still be productive afterward I love doing a 30-minute workout. I am lucky to have a gym at my office and once I get home Nike Training Club app is my go-to. I love how easy it is to find a workout based on what you are in the mood for and it gives me that energy boost. 

What do you have planned for the next six months? 

The next six months will be focussed on building our social presence and establishing ourselves in our niche. Alongside this, we are working hard on setting up the backend and processes to be able to scale the business and automate processes which will make it easier for me to focus on what I love doing - product development! Lots of the work I am doing is still very manual, as I am trying and testing what marketing works for us as a brand. Once I have this figured out I am hoping to automate and scale internationally.  

There will be a second collection launching in the second half of the year that I am working on at the moment, so make sure to subscribe to our mailing list to stay up to date!

How can our readers connect with you?

I would love to connect on social media, our Instagram page is @poshpanda_ and you can find updates on what we are doing as a business in our blog. For more behind the scenes info, you can subscribe to our mailing list and we send monthly business updates! I look forward to hearing some of your stories.

Q&A with Female Entrepreneur Ayesha Barenblat

Ayesha Barenblat

Ayesha (@abarenblat) is a social entrepreneur with a passion for building sustainable supply chains. Remake is the world’s first platform that leverages technology and visual storytelling to build human connections between shoppers, brands and makers around the world. Remake unlocks the hearts and minds of shoppers to advocate for a better life for the people who make our clothes.

Ayesha is passionate about where things come from, who made them, and what their lives are like. She has spent the last decade working with brands, governments, and nonprofits to improve the lives of makers in global supply chains.

She led brand engagement at Better Work, a World Bank and United Nations partnership to ensure safe and decent working conditions around the world. She was head of consumer products at BSR, providing strategic advice to brands including H&M, Levi Strauss & Co., Marks and Spencer, Nike, The Walt Disney Company and Pou Chen on the design and integration of sustainability into business. She holds a master’s in public policy from the University of California, Berkeley.

“Today there is a long unhappy story of how our fashion is made and where it ends up. I want us to reimagine this story. I founded Remake because I truly believe in the good that comes from human connections. The modern shopper wants to know more, and the maker is better off when we use our voice and shopping dollars to advocate for her wellbeing.”

Can you tell our readers about your background?

I have spent over a decade drawing attention to and addressing the well-being of the women who make our clothes. I've provided sustainability advice to retailers ranging from Levi Strauss and Company, Nike, Gap to Target and Walmart and driven dialogue and engagement across unions, brands and local governments to improve working conditions in the fashion industry.

What inspired you to start your business? 

When Rana Plaza fell down it was the biggest industrial disaster of our time and over 1100 makers lost their lives, in our quest for cheap clothes. I realized as the death toll climbed, that in all my years of working on the inside of the fashion industry to improve working conditions, we were not moving fast enough and that there was a seat absent at the table. The seat being all of us as consumers. And that to prevent more tragedies like Rana Plaza we needed a groundswell of consumers saying no more. This was my inspiration for starting Remake. 

Where is your business based?

We are based in San Francisco, California but our movement is global. From Paris, to London, NYC to San Francisco an increasing number of fashionistas are embracing our message of breaking up with fast fashion and buying fewer better things. It's been powerful to see the drumbeat of feminists across the US and Europe wanting to wear their values and for their clothes to support our sisters at the other end of the supply chain. 

How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?

After Rana Plaza fell down, I had a lot of conversations with my extensive and incredible network of mentors and colleagues, #girlbosses who had been fighting side by side for social justice in the fashion industry. Their advice and faith in me is was empowered me to take the plunge to start my own business. One of the first steps I took was to assemble a really good board and advisory board. My board was instrumental in helping me find pro-bono legal help to set-up my non-profit status, to get going on fundraising and setting our initial strategy. 

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business? 

Live events such as our Wear Your Values event, film screenings, and workshops has been one of the best ways to raise awareness. I realized quickly that social media was a powerful tool to amplify our message but that the real converts and super users come from our live events. 

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them? 

Addressing the human rights abuses within the fashion industry is dark and complex whereas shopping is fun. I found that people tune out depressing news during flash sales. It become imperative that our message moved away from naming and shaming and instead comes from a place of hope and inspiration. Our Humans of Fashion series gets people to think about what we wear to be an extension of our values  and this is both powerful and uplifting. Our Meet the Maker series rather than painting the women who make our clothes as victims, instead traces the similarities of her life to ours. She too is a feminist and a #girlboss. 

How do you stay focused?

It's hard! I only check email at the end of my day. I've found that the constant back and forth on email is not optimal especially during the morning which is my best thinking time.

As a team, we use Slack, which is faster and more efficient to getting through to-dos. I revisit our strategy at least monthly to keep focused on our goals of engaging and acquiring more users. 

How do you differentiate your business from the competition? 

Unlike other labor activist groups we come from a place of hope and inspiration. Rather than telling you which brands to boycott, we provide you with beautiful, fashionable slow fashion alternatives. Rather than a focus on the pain-centered narrative of sweatshop victims, we bring you the human stories of the hard working women behind our clothes. Our stories are about her hopes and dreams, her messages to you. Fundamentally our movement is about building empathy and human connection between the women who make and buy fashion. 

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business? 

At every live event, we have super users, Remake Ambassadors, who become engaged and excited to spread the message to their friends and community. Our Ambassadors have been our best and most powerful marketing strategy.

Instagram as a way to put the human face and have the conversation across the fashion supply chain from celebrities, to designers, consumers on the streets to makers in factories, has also been our fastest growing and most engaging platform. 

What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs? 

Stay focused and believe in yourself. You will get lots of wanted and unwanted advice, so be sure to filter it. Really listen to your customers and iterate early and constantly. Stay closely connected to your customers needs. 

What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

A recent book that I really love is a fiction piece called " A Harvest of Thorns" that reimagines the Tazreen factory fire and what would have happened if the victims had had their day in a US court. Its written by a human rights lawyer and is a great way to understand the complexity of the issues as well as connect in a human way. 

What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why?

I am a big fan of Slack because it cuts our email traffic way down, kept us on task and is an easy way to share tools and resources and chat across our globally diverse team. I also really like MailChimp for managing our user lists and newsletters. Its easy to use and the software is intuitive. 

Who is your business role model? Why? 

Daniel Lee, the executive Director of the Levi Strauss Foundation is my role model and mentor. The foundation focuses on some of the biggest issues of our times: HIV/AIDS, worker rights at home and globally. I adore Daniel because he is both pragmatic and practical, inspiring and a big picture thinker yet solid in the execution of his ideas. As a corporate foundation, he's always pioneered in taking on issues of the most marginalized and stigmatized communities and despite all of his success he remains humble and approachable. 

What do you have planned for the next six months? 

We are back from taking some fashion design students to Sri Lanka to get to know the women behind the label. Over the next few months we will be editing and screening the film up and down the US and having conversations with millennials on how to join our movement. In addition, we will be adding more slow fashion to our platform to make the discovery of ethically made clothes easy. Stay tuned.  

How can our readers connect with you? 

You can follow or write me on twitter @abarenblat and join our movement across social media by following #remakeourworld.