“When a business is created because of a dog” with Amanda Ballweg

Amanda Ballweg

Amanda Ballweg is the owner of The Crazy Dog Mom where she sells apparel and accessories for crazy dog moms as well as single-ingredient dog treats. The Crazy Dog Mom is a boutique where dog moms can come together and feel a sense of community and connection.

And when Amanda first got her two puppies she knew she wanted to give them the best but was struggling to find treats that were actually beneficial to dogs without strange ingredients. That’s when her line of dog treats, Excite Bites, was born.

Can you tell our readers about your background?

I’ve always loved crafting things and I’ve always loved animals, especially dogs. When I was younger I knew I wanted to work with animals but I didn’t know what because a veterinarian definitely was not for me. I got certified as a dental assistant and then went to school for web development and realized none of this “normal” job stuff was for me. About 4 years ago I combined my passion for crafting and for dogs when I started my business The Crazy Dog Mom.

What inspired you to start your business?

Aside from loving making things with my hands and loving animals, this business really started from becoming a dog mom. The first thing I made relating to this business was a dog leash holder and decided I would try selling it in the local Facebook buy and sell group (back before Marketplace was a thing). People were loving them so I took it a step further and opened an Etsy shop. The business has grown and evolved a lot since then but every single part of it stems from my love for my dog, Kiara. And even after she passed away, I continued adding new products based on what she taught me.

Where is your business based?        

My business is currently based out of my home in Stoughton, WI.

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?

I started by making one product for myself and deciding I could easily replicate it so I posted it in my local buy and sell Facebook group. From there, I got many sales so I decided to open an Etsy shop.

I knew nothing about Etsy so I did a ton of research and bought an online course to teach me how to grow my Etsy business. I learned things like Etsy SEO, photos, descriptions, and Pinterest.

Instagram and Pinterest have been great ways to get awareness out there but in-person markets have been by far the best way to drive sales and get both direct and indirect feedback about my products.

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

One of my biggest challenges was probably getting enough sales to be able to take this business full-time. Once I started doing in-person events is when I started to really gain momentum.

How do you stay focused?

Staying focused is definitely difficult and something I’m always working on improving. I’ve tried using digital planners but they weren’t effective for me personally. I think so far the best things to keep me focused have been to fill out a physical planner and batch my days with similar tasks.

Another thing that I often forget to do, but when I do it helps me a ton is to use the Pomodoro technique. This technique is working for a certain amount of time, like 60 or 90 minutes, then taking a 10 or 15-minute break before working another 60 or 90 minutes, and so on. This forces me to stop getting distracted and hold off on certain things like checking social media, refilling my water, etc during break time.

How do you differentiate your business from the competition?

This was honestly something I used to struggle with a lot because I thought it meant I needed something drastically different about my business in order to stand out when that’s not exactly true. I differentiate myself from my competition by being myself or at least trying to be myself in front of my audience. This allows people to connect with me on a personal level.

Another way I now differ from my competitors is with my dog treat truck. It’s like a food truck but for dogs. And there are others out there who do the same, but mine differs even more from theirs because it’s kinda like a mobile boutique where I sell my apparel and accessories as well as my dog treats.

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?

Doing in-person markets is by far the most effective marketing strategy that I’ve done. This allows people to see the person behind the brand and ask questions directly. People can interact with the products whereas online they can’t.

I also get feedback from these events by noticing what products people gravitate towards most, listening to questions that are asked most frequently, and learning how my customers speak so I can use their language when marketing to them online.

At in-person events, I hand out a business card with every purchase so they know where to find me after the event. And after every sale, I ask if they would like to join my email list so that I can stay in touch with them and hopefully continue selling to them.

What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?

Don’t wait until you’re ready because then you’ll never start. Done is better than perfect. You can always improve things and it’s easier to improve when you put your business out there and receive feedback.        
What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

It may not be my favorite book but I just finished listening to the audiobook, You Are the Placebo by Joe Dispenza. It is mind-blowing how powerful the mind is. I love listening to personal development-type books so others I’ve enjoyed are Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins, The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein, and Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis.          

What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why?

Shopify is the most amazing thing for businesses. It is built to help businesses grow. There are so many things you can do with Shopify with all of its apps, themes, and support they offer.

Who is your business role model? Why?

This is something I’ve never really known. I keep wishing I had a business role model, thinking it might make some things easier by having someone to look up to and model after. I think along the way there have been some people and it changes as I grow as a person and as a business owner.

 How do you balance work and life?

I’m not sure there really is a right answer to this. I don’t think anyone really has it figured out except maybe the billionaires who have hundreds of people working for them so they don’t have to work as much.

But, the things that I try to do to balance work and life is to have a set work schedule so I’m done working by a specific time of the day and can enjoy the rest of the evening with my boyfriend. And right now I have the ability to take off the days he has off.

What’s your favorite way to decompress?

Meditating is probably the way I decompress most. But something like hiking or being out in nature exploring are really great ways to decompress.

What do you have planned for the next six months?

I’m not sure if it will be within the next six months but something I really would like to do is expand from my dog treat truck into a physical brick-and-mortar store.

How can our readers connect with you?

On Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Pinterest @thecrazydogmomshop and on our website www.thecrazydogmom.com


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