3 Of The Most Lucrative Investments Out There

If you have found yourself in a position where you have a little money to put away, and you want to be able to make the most of it, then that is a great position to be in indeed. But you are going to want to make sure that you approach it right, otherwise, you could end up struggling to make it all work out as well as you would hope. In particular, it’s important to know where to put it. That means having some idea of the kind of lucrative investments that you might want to look into, which can itself be something of a struggle. In this article, we will look at four that are likely to be particularly important and potentially very lucrative, and therefore worth considering.

Real estate investing


Property is always a strong investment type because the housing market generally improves over time. There are dips, as there are with any other market, but mostly it is likely to be relatively safe. What’s more, there are plenty of different ways in which you can hope to approach this, and you will find that some are better than others in different circumstances.

For many investors, rental properties are the way to go, as that way you can continue to make money while paying off the property. Or, even better, you can simply get rental funding through the likes of visiolending.com and in that way ensure that your finances are much more secure along the way. However, you do it, investing in property is always a good idea.

Stock Markets

The thing with stock markets is that they are actually generally a huge gamble. However, if you manage to get them right, you will find that you are going to make a considerable amount of money in the long run, and that is something that you can be very happy with indeed.

Be sure to start off slow, and to seek out whatever help you can find in order to ensure that you are approaching it in the right manner. With that kind of careful approach, you should ultimately find that you are in a better situation on the whole, so that is absolutely something to think about. If you are lucky, the stock markets could make your way through life in a manner which means you don’t need anything else.


Although many cryptocurrencies took something of a downturn last year, they seem to be mostly on the up again this year. The beauty, however, is that you don’t need them all to be up in order to make money from them. In fact, you will find it is better if some of them are fluctuating. That’s because you can then make money by trading between them, in the exact same way that people traditionally would do with the Forex. Start off slow, and be careful, but bear in mind that you could make a lot of money if you do this the right way.

How To Achieve Bulk Business Savings


In business, it’s incredibly important for us to ensure a routine and deliberate goal of optimization. Optimization may mean being able to review our staff every year to ensure they’re functioning as promised and trained, and if they’re not, we may decide to make adjustments to our ranks. 

Additionally, we must manage our own skills. For instance, we may be expertly technically proficient, or able to run accounts carefully, but the other skills that ensure your leadership value include being able to manage people, and stay calm in the face of struggle. We may choose to optimize ourselves in this direction through careful training and reflecting on our experience.

Savings are, of course, also important to optimize. This is because by reducing your costs, your revenue has further room to help you break even or contribute to your profit levels. This means that looking to cut costs in a way that isn’t as indiscriminate as randomly letting people go, nor harmful to the overall operation of your company is important. In the following advice, we’ll discuss how to cost-cut wisely:


Over time, the loyalty you hold with a particular supplier or business to business connection can help you grow goodwill. This may result in particular discounts given only to you, or the ability to purchase extras to your order for a fraction of the price. You’d be surprised just how much businesses are willing to help one another out, even through a few complimentary items with each order, provided it keeps a regular and trustworthy client or connection happy. Provided you reply with the same goodwill in turn, you’re sure to achieve bulk business savings with your best supplier.

Bulk Orders

Crafting the inventory requirements necessary for bulk buy and storage of orders can help you gain massive discounts when regularly supplying yourself. Economies of scale suggests that the more products are sold, the more they can afford to be given away more cheaply. This means that negotiating with your potential suppliers in regards to bulk orders may grant you better terms than you had imagined to begin with. They achieve a large and reliable order, you gain plenty of items and some for a fraction of the cost. Everybody wins.

Pay For Use

Some services are so considerate that they allow businesses or regular clients alike to pay for what they use, not some artificially inflated fee to cause confusion or to put everyone on the same standard. For instance, when you visit Unishippers for shipping rates, you will be amazed at how clear and forthright their pricing options are, and how justified they will be through the fair use of their service. This is great pricing, and it’s important to understand that these standards can exist in other firms for other purposes if you’re willing to research your best options. To that end, you can reliably achieve savings by only paying for the value you receive.

With this advice, you’re certain to reliably achieve bulk business savings in the best possible context.

High-Value Investments and Trades You Should Know About


There is no denying the fact that the internet and the widespread use of digital information technology have entirely revolutionized the business environment. In some ways, modern technology has flushed out some traditional trading methods but also opened up new investment opportunities. For instance, some investors now trade in digital currencies, tech-based stocks, and even information. 

However, there are still some investment and trading opportunities that have stood the test of time and are still viable ventures for the conservative trader. Here are three examples of such investment opportunities that have barely been affected by modern developments.

Trading in Precious Metals and Minerals

It might seem odd that in a world with so many currencies, some people still opt to invest in precious metals such as gold, silver, diamonds, and even gems. As it turns out, this is a highly lucrative niche if you can source and sell goldand other precious minerals. The prices of these materials often fluctuate as demand rises and falls, presenting unique opportunities for investors to make money. Investors in this field, however, have to be keen when deciding when to buy or sell gold, gemstones, and the like.   

Antiques Hunting

An antique can be anything from a piece of furniture, vehicle, house, or appliance that has a high value due to its considerable age. But just because something is old doesn’t mean it’s an antique; it has to be one of a kind, rare, and interesting. Antique hunters collect such items and usually restore them to their former glory to fetch a high profit during the sale. Some popular antiques include grandfather clocks, pocket watches, classic cars, and old exquisite furniture. 

The Art Business      

Some artworks, particularly old paintings from world-renowned artists, fetch ridiculous amounts of money in art auctions and exhibitions. Art lovers sometimes pay hundreds of millions of dollars for paintings, sculptures, and masterful craftsmanship. Traders in the art businesses are always on the lookout to identify and source valuable art pieces that can fetch high dollar in the market. Some of these art pieces are still being discovered today in people’s homes. Contemporary art is also making its mark on the trading scene as well.

The whole premise of trading and making investments has never changed, even with advancements in technology and changing times; it still involves putting some money on the line and hoping to rip rewards. Although the trading methods listed above have remained virtually untouched by modern technology, in some ways, recent times have boosted their viability as businesses.

Simple Ways To Cut Down On Your Personal Expenses

credit cards

Expenses in the world of business are a fact of life, but sometimes they can creep up on us, eating into our profits and damaging the growth of our business. As a solo-preneur or small business owner, you may not be able to cut down on your key business expenses but you can control your own spending. So here are some simple ways that you can cut back on your personal expenses. 

Recognize where you’re spending

Before you can effectively cut down on your expenses, you’ll need to first recognize where it is you are spending your money. You should be keeping a record of all business expenses for tax purposes, so take a look at where your expenses are adding up, and make a note of regular expenses that you could cut back on. If you haven’t been keeping proper records or your expenses, or want to cut down on some personal expenses that may not be entirely business-related, then spend as normal for one month but write down everything you spend during the month, whether it be $1 on a chocolate bar or $500 on a hotel room. Write everything down and then use this as a basis from which to form your analysis. 

It’s often easier to see large expenses and to focus on cutting back in those areas, but more often than not it’s actually the smaller expenses that tend to add up over the course of the year and cutting out a small, simple expense such as your morning coffee can make as much difference over the course of the year as changing your travel plans or downgrading your gym membership. 

Top tip Many banking apps now let you filter your statement by transaction, why not type in some of the names of the places you think you visit frequently, such as Starbucks and you may be shocked by how much you spend there on a monthly basis. 

Work out what’s a luxury and what’s a necessity 

So you need to travel to Paris for a business convention, ok, but do you really need to book a first-class ticket? There will be times during the year that a little luxury may be called for, after all, we all deserve a treat every now and then, but if you keep opting for luxury options when a more cost appropriate option would have sufficed, then you’re just eating into your business profits and ultimately harming the growth of your business. We’re not saying you should always take the cheapest option available as sometimes a little upgrade to business class can provide you with better wifi, a chance to work in the lounge, and will leave you more refreshed for your business convention ahead, but unnecessary luxuries should be cut out. Some luxury things to consider swapping include:

  • Expensive hotel rooms for AirBnB’s 

  • First Class tickets for Business or Economy alternatives

  • Taxis for public transport 

Top tip Before booking a trip or upgrading your travel, look at what you could save by choosing a cheaper option and then allow yourself to visualize what that money could do to help you grow your business.

Look at your direct debits and subscriptions

It’s easier to recognize where we are overspending when we physically hand over cash or a card, which makes direct debits and subscription services difficult to keep track of. Take a look at the payments that come out of your account regularly; are there any you no longer use? Have some of them increased in price without you even realizing it? Don’t let direct debits and subscription charges run away with you, challenge price increases, cancel services you no longer use and make sure you’re always getting the best deal. 

One business service that many business owners continually overpay for is their business mobile phone. We tend to be more aware of price changes in our personal lives, but for some reason allow our business contracts to continue unchallenged. Be sure to assess whether you are using your entire business phone allowance and if you’re not, then consider changing supplier or tariff. Use a network review site to help you compare all of the different UK mobile networks side-by-side; if you could save your company money elsewhere.

Top tip: Put a reminder in your diary to look into your direct debits and subscription services once every quarter. This will remind you to screen them for any changes and to cancel any you no longer use before they rack up too much. 

Change your habits 

Quite often, many of the expenses that we need to cut down on involves a change in our habits. For example, making a coffee at home rather than buying one on-route to work, or making your own lunch at home rather than buying one every day. These are just two examples of small daily habits that soon add up to become costly annual expenses. If you were to eat lunch out of the office every day costing you just $5 per day, that makes $25 a week and $1300 over the course of a year. So take a look at your daily habits, have you become lazy? Could you change your habits to save yourself some money? 

Top tip Don’t try breaking all of your habits at once as this is a recipe for relapse. Instead, focus on breaking one habit at a time and build up the habits you are breaking slowly. Try breaking one per week. 

Try a no spending week

Of course, there will be certain business expenses that simply must happen to keep your business running but to help you evaluate your overall spending, try to have a no spending week for personal expenses such as eating out, shopping, transportation, and leisure. By trying a no-spending week, you will begin to notice just how often you reach for your credit card and how often you justify spending to yourself.

Over the course of the week, try to evaluate the areas where not-spending money has been positive and where it has been negative, this will help you to prioritize your spending and you may even end up cutting back some of the less important expenses altogether when you realize how little you miss them.

Top tip: It’s harder to spend money if you leave your wallet at home. Leave your cards at home and just take out some emergency cash in case you find yourself in an emergency situation.  

Pay for things with cash only

Have you ever wondered why it seems to be so much easier to overspend on a card than it is with cash? Well, the answer lies in our psychology.

When we pay for something using cash money our brain recognizes the transaction, sees the money handed over, and notices that we now have less cash in our possession than we did before. Using a card, on the other hand, does not spark this recognition but instead hides the transaction, in essence hiding the fact that we have spent money from ourselves.

Banking apps have gotten better at updating our balances more frequently and some even provide push-notifications after every transaction, but the most effective way to remain conscious of our spending and to ensure that our brain recognizes each spending transaction is to pay using cash money. So why not try taking out a set amount of cash for the week and sticking to that as your budget? You may find it much easier to keep track of your expenses.

Top tip: After every cash transaction, make yourself count the money you have left - this may seem childish but it will help you to realize what you have left to spend for the week and will stop you from unexpectedly running out of money.

Keep profit at the forefront of your mind

Let’s face it, cutting back on expenses can be hard, especially when some of them such as your morning coffee, your takeout lunches, and your little luxuries maybe things that bring you a lot of joy. For some people, removing these things from their life isn’t going to be easy, which is why you need to keep your business at the forefront of your mind.

Write down exactly why it is you want to cut back on your expenses - are you struggling to make a profit? Do you think it’s your spending habits that are hindering your business? Or are you worried about a tax investigation? Whatever your reason is, write it down and then keep it at the forefront of your mind. Any time you’re struggling or are thinking of throwing in the towel, then return to the reason why you wanted to cut back on your expenses in the first place. 

Top tip: Some people find that placing a sticker or little note to themselves on their credit or debit card can help to prompt them to think of their reason why every time they use them. Why not try this technique or pop a note to yourself in your purse? 

How To Create a Sensible Real Estate Investment Plan

real estate investing

Investing in real estate can be a great way for you to begin your journey as an entrepreneur. Of course, it is far from an easy excursion. To see the best odds of success from all of your hard work, you want to take time to make sure you are going about operations in the most sensible way. Creating a practical plan for real estate investments can make all the difference when it comes to the success you see in the future. Look over these tips to improve your odds and see the results you desire. 

Create a Strong Team

The first thing to remember when setting out as an entrepreneur is that no one is able to accomplish everything alone. In fact, most entrepreneurs require large teams as they take on more projects. When you’re getting started, you want to take extra time to select professionals you trust to work for you. Since your budget is going to be tight at first, you are likely going to focus predominantly on hiring contractors instead of full-time employees. The individuals you select will come down to the specifics of the project at hand.

For real estate investments, you are going to want to connect with experts who specialize in areas like plumbing, electrical wiring, landscaping, painting, and more. Purchasing property usually means you need to put a little bit of work into it before you can repurpose or resell the space. Having experienced contractors you can turn to at a moment’s notice is a great way to ensure the job gets done on time. Cultivate these relationships early and it can help immensely as you continue your journey.

Speak to a commercial real estate partner such as McGraw Commercial. They will help you to maximize your investment while lowering the stress involved in the process of buying or selling process.

Be Selective

As an entrepreneur, you need to learn how to say no every now and again. In your earliest days, you might feel like you need to take on each and every project that comes your way. While this might help you get work, it won’t help you find the direction you need. Instead, you want to focus your efforts in a very specific way. Take a look at examples of success in your chosen industry like Aubrey Ferrao, President, and CEO of Fiddler's Creek LLC. Ferrao was able to make a name for himself by focusing on niche luxury arrangements.

Aubrey Ferrao Fiddler's Creek is a 4,000-acre master-planned community located in Florida. This is one example of an entrepreneur who was able to find a niche for himself at first and continue to follow this specific path as he continued to grow over the years. In order for you to see the same level of success, you need to give yourself the opportunity to select jobs that align with your goals and values. This level of direction can make a world of difference as you begin to grow your business. 

Marketing Matters

Finally, it is impossible to see success in any industry when the average consumer does not know who you are. This is where marketing comes in. While you don’t need to spend a small fortune on your promotions and campaigns, you definitely don’t want to neglect this area altogether. To see success, focus your marketing efforts on the most cost-effective options. PPC ads and web assets that have been optimized to meet current SEO standards can be small options that are able to yield you lasting results.

Creating a plan for your entrepreneurial pursuits is one of the best ways to learn about the ins and outs of your chosen industry and increase your odds of success.  Take time to learn more about how you can find the best contractors, discover inspiration from seasoned professionals, and figure out a comprehensive marketing strategy. This level of focus can make all the difference in your future endeavors. 

Can Self-Funding Boost Your Business Skills?

When you’re in the process of launching your own business, financing options can be sparse. For solo entrepreneurs, independent experts, or even freelancers, applying for a commercial loan is not an alternative. Money-lending institutions are more likely to consider established companies that have shown they can successfully generate an income. Newcomers who don’t have the backing of an investor or an income-generating history are not going to be lucky in their loan applications. Therefore, self-funding strategies are the way forward to finance your first business. 

Unfortunately, self-funding can also be the quickest way to build up debts and put yourself in an uncomfortable financial position. Ultimately, when there is no commercial lending available, you will need to apply for a personal loan or additional credit. What this means is that you are forced to use your own finances to support your business, which can be risky. But there are some simple tricks you can use to ensure self-funding strategies don’t drag your credit score in the red.

Business financing

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Self-funding through credit

While funding your business through personal finances and credit can put you at risk, it is also a valuable lesson in strategic awareness. Indeed, you know that you need to design a simple but effective growth strategy to build up momentum in a short period. From a business perspective, self-funding makes you more focused and determined to succeed. While it doesn’t mean your company will hit the ground running, it puts you in a stronger position to make better decisions and work harder. Additionally, it forces you to prioritize money-making tasks over design and culture development – which need to evolve organically in the business. 

Streamline your expenses

There’s no secret: If you’re going to pay for your business from your pocket, you need to make sure you’ve got your expenses under control. Things couldn’t be simpler when it comes to budgeting for your ins and outs. Firstly, you want to make sure you can address all the necessary expenses, from monthly rent to energy bills. Secondly, you need to focus on how you can cut down on those mandatory costs WITHOUT losing your comfort. While it may not seem much, something as simple as switching for a cheaper car insurance contract could free up some money and let you repay your self-funding credits more easily. In short, keep your eyes open for grocery vouchers, new energy providers, insurers, etc. that let you pay less for the same thing. 

Reduce unnecessary costs

Once you’ve tackled the necessary expenses, it’s time to focus the next chapter of your budget on unnecessary costs. From buying a cup of coffee every day at your local coffee shop to investing in new fashion items, learning to save money on coffee, fashion, or anything else forces you to think creatively. You may not be able to accumulate huge savings. But you will tap into your unused creativity and self-reliance, which you can repurpose to build momentum in your business. 

Self-funding is no guarantee that you can become a successful entrepreneur overnight. However, it gives you the key to unlocking your talents as a creative thinker, a strategist, and a budget ninja. You have to learn fast when you can only count on yourself!

Settling a Variety of Disputes

There are times in everyone’s lives when arguments or disputations may come between you and others you are involved with. The neighbors cut down your rose hedges, a work acquaintance slanders you at work, or the dog down the street bit your child. 

You may even have unforeseen quarrels with loved ones There are multiple ways to settle differences of opinion, many of which can have a pleasant ending. Consider the following ideas for conciliation.

Professional Help

Frequently when other lesser efforts have failed, the need arises for help from those who help settle disputes for a living. This does not signify a failure on your part. Far from it—it is a solid indication that you take the quarrel seriously and desire a fair, if not agreeable, outcome for all parties concerned. Furthermore, the solution can be considered legal and binding. Call on the Halifax law firm that people rely on to resolve differences.


The art of negotiation is where all involved parties respectfully air both their grievances and their proposed resolutions. Once it is understood what the damages are and what is desired, then there can be some give and take until each party can agree on what will be settled in order for an amicable resolution. It is possible that a lawyer can help in this process.


A representative for each party, or even a panel, meet together to discuss, on behalf of the involved parties, what should be done. They may debate the facts and talk about resolutions that will be fair to both sides in accordance with their grievances and their needs. The two sides in question agree to abide by the decision of the arbitrators, and lawyers may need to be involved.


In this case, a counselor or other objective third party can listen to both sides to become acquainted with the facts. The person acting as a mediator may be able to better see where the truth lies and offer any solutions that may not have been thought of. The mediator can then act as an informal judge, as it were, to help the parties come to some sort of agreement or settlement that is fair to both sides.

As you can see, with so many amiable ways to come to an agreement all parties can accept. Avoidance is always the best policy, but at least you can know that an arrangement can be reached.

The Truth About IRS Debt Forgiveness

Tax time is an important time for many to collect documents and review expenses. If you end up owing money and you feel it is more than you can afford, there are options available to find a resolution and protect yourself without outside agencies. 

IRS Debt Forgiveness

Debt forgiveness is the Internal Revenue Service method of offering options to taxpayers who owe money but are unable to pay, or unable to pay all at once. Some of these options drastically reduce the amount of debt owed while others offer payment arrangement options to meet your needs but still fulfill your tax obligations and settle a debt. To best benefit from any of these options, it is best to work directly with the IRS rather than going through other agencies to protect your information, safeguard your identity, and avoid possible scams. 

What Is Debt Forgiveness Used for? 


The IRS debt forgiveness and debt relief options are intended to assist taxpayers during times of hardship to settle debts and resume their status as eligible taxpayers. The options seek to find a comfortable and manageable way for taxpayers to complete payments and maintain a quality life. 

Who Qualifies for Debt Forgiveness? 

To qualify for debt forgiveness, you need to be in good standing with the IRS and be willing to provide any requested documentation. The nearest form to debt forgiveness is called an "Offer in Compromise." An offer in compromise allows you to settle your obligation for pennies on the dollar and accruing any penalty fees. An important key to focus on is to quickly act before payments are due or fees begin to collect. There is a calculation tool available through the IRS website to help you determine your eligibility as well as a detailed booklet released by the IRS. 

This option, often the most desired, allows you to work with the IRS to settle your debt for less than you owe. You can do this by negotiating based on your ability to pay, by challenging the amount of actual debt, or by proving that paying the owed debt would place you in financial hardship in the future. 

Alternatives to Debt Forgiveness

IRS Forgiveness offered through tax agencies sound enticing, but full forgiveness and dissolving of your debt obligations is often not a reality. The IRS offers options to help you meet your obligations and maintain good standing while maintaining your quality of life and caring for your family and needs. Additionally, there are certain conditions that qualify you for assistance. If you are unemployed or underemployed, you can request to be listed under a specific status designated as "uncollectible." 

This delays any collection efforts and accrued interest as well as provides relief in the form of a type of freeze on your account. Other programs offer assistance to those filing for bankruptcy or starting the process. 

It is important to consider all your options when seeking to settle a debt owed and when trying to find a resolution in order to protect you and your family from potential fraud. Many who have worked with the IRS to find resolution find the process much friendlier than anticipated, and are able to harmoniously find a solution.