7 Simple Tips for Decluttering Your Home

Getting rid of old stuff can be difficult, but the result is a refreshed space and a cleared mind. After all, do you still need those five-year-old socks or the TV that’s been sitting in storage for nearly a decade? Whether you are doing a spring clean or moving house, here are seven simple tips for decluttering your home.

1. Do it Room by Room

Tackling everything at once is an easy way to get overwhelmed, so take it room by room instead. Start with the smallest room, and work your way up from there, building piles in the process. This way, you’ll be less stressed, and you can space the tidying out over a matter of weeks.

2. Donate Unwanted Clothes

The wardrobe is one of the more fun areas to declutter, as you get to work your way through all your unused, interesting, and well-loved clothes. It’s an experience! After chucking a bunch of clothes into the not keeping pile, you should then donate the clothes rather than throwing them away. Of course, you should still be selective – nobody wants a well-worn bra!

3. Create New Storage

You need plenty of storage space to declutter a house filled with items, so get creative with it! If your house lacks space, then consider using height for shelves. If you simply have too much stuff, use a storage area to hold the items you want to keep but don’t need daily. Have a look at https://www.storagearea.com for secure storage and great prices.

4. Write a To-Do List

Do you ever get halfway through a tidy and then completely forget your direction? Get rid of this issue by writing a to-do list before you get started. Include every area you want to declutter, including a list of where you want all your items to go.

5. Don’t Forget the Pantry

When de-cluttering, you must remember the food cupboard! While you’ll probably keep the majority of items, it is the perfect opportunity to get the pantry organized. Separate items by foot type – for example, keep the tins in one place and the dried foods (like pasta) in another. You’ll be grateful when it comes to making dinner!

6. Create a Maybe Pile

To make the decluttering process as smooth as possible, create a maybe pile as you go. You don’t want to spend half the day trying to make final decisions about items, so when you can’t decide whether to keep that fifteen-year-old clock, just put it in the maybe pile and go back to it later. Once you’ve cleared everything else and know how much space you have leftover, you’ll be in a better position to decide, anyway.  

7. Let Yourself Buy a Few New Items

OK, decluttering is all about getting rid of stuff, but there’s no harm in purchasing a few new keepers for your home. It can serve as an inspiration to declutter and will give your home an extra boost of freshness once all your unwanted items are cleared.


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