Types of Band Heaters


Band heaters are popularly used when a cylindrical vessel, tube, or pipe is being heated. Heaters offer quick-acting heat indirectly, which is beneficial to many companies, especially in the plastic business. What are the types of band heaters on the market? There are three key band heater types, namely: ceramic, mineral insulated, and mica. The band heaters are all insulators for the elements used for heating.

Mica band heaters

The mica band heaters are mostly used where low-temperature levels are required. Mica is an ideal insulator for heaters owing to its resistance to corrosion and good dielectric capability. It is resistant to water and chemicals, it can be elastic to some level, hence holding up to bending to a certain extent. Why do people rush for the mica band heaters for sale in the market? The mica band heaters are cheap: they can also accommodate a wide range of hole patterns and cutouts. The mica band heaters have many arrangements of terminals.

Ceramic band heaters

 The band heaters can withstand high levels of heat. The segments of ceramic used in making these band heaters are good insulators. Ceramics are good at conducting heat and also hold the heat for a long time, hindering the effective regulation of temperatures. This may result in process issues, mainly in the plastic sector, as a result of overheating. The ceramic band heaters cost more than the mica band heaters.

Mineral insulated heaters

 The heaters are ideal for the application of high temperatures. The mineral insulated heaters are deemed to have high-density watts. The main material used in making these heaters is magnesium oxide, used as a coating on the band heater to offer good heat conductivity.

How to Prevent Loss of Heat-in Band Heaters

The majority of the band heaters are affected by environmental factors that affect the heat levels. The factors may lead to the failing of the band heaters and demand for replacement. Reducing the environmental impacts will minimize the need to replace band heaters in your operations. Some of the ways to ensure that the band heaters are operating well are:

Avoid contamination

Contamination is the leading cause of failure in band heaters: moisture, hydraulic oil, and liquids are ways the heaters get contaminated. Maintaining your band heaters free from contaminants will lower the chances of failure and the rate of replacing the heaters.

Ensure good contact between barrel and heater

When in operation, the machine barrel and heater should maintain the appropriate contact. Fitting the bands properly is crucial: most of the band heaters transfer heat through conduction. A tight-fitting will prevent the development of local hot spots that may lead to the failure of wires. The higher the level of heat, the tighter the fit should be. To ensure good contact, consider the following:

  • Buy the right size of band heater- take the outer diameter measurements of the machine barrel to help determine the right size of band heater to buy.

  • Be keen on following the installation and tightening guidelines for the band heater you are using.

By assessing the styles of band heaters available in the market and selecting the ideal one that suits your use, it is vital to lower the failure rates of the equipment as well as the downtime during production. Through appropriate maintenance, the application of band heaters allows you to satisfy the need to enjoy longer and effective use of the equipment.


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