10 Reasons Why The World Needs More Women in Leadership Roles

It’s no secret that the world needs more women in leadership roles. In fact, there are plenty of reasons why the world would benefit from more women in positions of power. From  improved decision-making to greater workplace satisfaction, the benefits of having more women in leadership roles are numerous.

1.  Women are more likely to advocate for other women.

Empowering women isn’t just about giving them a seat at the table – it’s about making sure their voices are heard. Research has shown that women are more likely to advocate for other women when they’re in leadership roles. A study of male and female CEOs found that female CEOs were more likely to appoint women to top management positions and that they were also more likely to support female employees’ career advancement.

This is because women in leadership roles are more likely to have a keen understanding of the challenges that women face in the workplace – and they’re more likely to be motivated to do something about it.

2.  Women are more likely to promote gender diversity.

Leadership roles aren’t just about power – they’re also about influence. Women in leadership roles are more likely to use their influence to promote gender diversity. A study of Fortune 500 companies found that those with female CEOs were more likely to have board diversity policies in place and that they were also more likely to have a higher percentage of women on their boards.

This is because women in leadership roles are more likely to be aware of the benefits of gender diversity and they’re more likely to be committed to promoting it.

3.  Women are more likely to champion flexible working arrangements.

Flexible working arrangements are becoming increasingly important, particularly for women who often shoulder the majority of domestic responsibilities. Research has shown that women in leadership roles are more likely to champion flexible working arrangements. A study of FTSE 100 companies found that those with female CEOs were more likely to have flexible working policies in place and that they were also more likely to have a higher percentage of women in senior management positions.

This is because women in leadership roles are more likely to be familiar with the challenges that women face when trying to balance work and family responsibilities. They’re also more likely to be committed to making changes that will make it easier for women to succeed in the workplace.

4.  Women Tend to Have Better Leadership Values

The values that leaders bring to their roles are important, and research has shown that women tend to have better leadership values than men. The values that are important for leaders include things like honesty, integrity, and empathy. Women are more likely than men to rate these values as important for leaders. Research has shown that when these values are important to leaders, they’re more likely to lead in ethical and effective ways.

Each brand should have its own set of values that its leaders follow. When you find a leader whose values align with those of your brand, you’re more likely to have a successful partnership – and that leader is more likely to be a woman.

5.  Women are more likely to be agentic.

Agentic leadership is a style of leadership that emphasizes taking charge and getting things done. Research has shown that women are more likely to be agentic than men because women tend to be more task-oriented and likely to take risks. 

One instance of this is in the area of entrepreneurship. Women are more likely than men to start their own businesses, and women-owned businesses tend to be more successful than those owned by men. Additionally, women are also more likely to be successful in crowdfunding campaigns.

All of this is to say that agentic leadership is a style of leadership that can be extremely effective – and it’s a style that women are more likely to embrace.

6.  Women are more likely to be transformational leaders.

Transformational leaders are those who inspire others to change and to reach their full potential. This is because women tend to be more visionary, and they’re also more likely to be good at motivating and inspiring others. 

Being visionary means that women leaders are more likely to think long-term and to be able to see the big picture. Being good at motivating and inspiring others means that women leaders are more likely to be able to create a shared sense of purpose and get people on board with their vision. When dealing with a large, high-importance project with plenty of moving parts, 

, this is the kind of leader that you look for. 

7.  Women have different leadership styles.

The leadership style that women tend to use is different from the leadership style that men tend to use. Women tend to be more collaborative and they’re also more likely to emphasize relationships. These qualities are important for effective leadership.

For example, in law offices, the leadership style of women has been shown to be more effective than the leadership style of men. And in medical schools, the leadership style of women has been found to lead to better communication and also to higher levels of satisfaction among faculty members.

8.  Women’s leadership styles are more effective in some situations.

The effectiveness of leadership styles varies depending on the situation. Research has shown that women’s leadership styles are more effective in some situations than men’s.

For example, women’s leadership styles have been shown to be more effective than men’s in crisis situations. When it's a life-altering situation, such as receiving US naturalization or citizenship, you can often count on the best New York naturalization lawyer to be a woman. Women tend to navigate these situations more effectively because they’re more likely to focus on relationships and work with compassion.

9.  Women are more likely to be responsive to follower needs.

Followers need leaders who are responsive to their needs, and research has shown that women are more likely to be responsive to these needs than men. This is because women tend to be more people-oriented and they’re also more likely to be concerned with others’ well-being. Both of these qualities are important for effective leadership.

10.  Women are more likely to be authentic leaders.

Authentic leaders are those who lead with their values and who are honest about who they are. Women tend to be more self-aware and they’re also more likely to be in touch with their emotions. 

Being authentic implies that women in leadership roles know themselves well and are also more likely to be genuine in their interactions with others — leading to more thorough, transparent communication from the top down. This leads to greater employee satisfaction and therefore greater productivity.


The world needs more women in leadership roles because they tend to have better leadership values, they are more likely to be agentic and transformational leaders, their leadership style is more effective in some situations, and they are more likely to be responsive to follower needs. These qualities are important for effective leadership, employee satisfaction, and overall productivity.
Author Bio

Nicole Kelly is a Raleigh, North Carolina, US graphic designer. She's also experienced in content writing and managing social media. In her spare time, she loves writing about new business strategies and digital marketing for different blogs and DigitalStrategyOne.


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