Why Aren't Your Team Members Working Together?

If you don’t feel as though your team are working together as they should be then now is the time for you to do something about that. If you do not fix the issues you are having right now then you may find that over time, they end up getting worse and this can put you in a very bad position overall.

You Only Reward Individual Behaviors

Even though business leaders tend to encourage collective goals, you have to remember that a lot of organizations only reward individual merits. Performance reviews, promotions and even bonuses tend to be individually focused. If you only reward people for their individual achievements then you cannot expect people to pursue your goals as one. If you want to do something about this then one thing you can do is get some feedback. Feedback is one of the best ways for you to get started here. When you have feedback, you will soon find that you can address any issues your team may be having and you can also feel confident knowing that you can smooth out any issues too. 

You Have Hired Individuals

When you hire, you need to make sure that you are not hiring individuals. You have to make sure that you are hiring team members where possible. Explore all of the job search ads you can and know that most of them will end up appealing to a more individualistic mindset. On top of this, you have to remember that successful sporting teams will end up being more open when it comes to feedback. Corporations tend to prefer to have conversations behind closed doors. If you can, make sure that you know the difference and make some changes. Don’t just hire for cultural fit either, look for cultural fitness. It may be that you try to understand the difference between personality, leadership styles, background and more. If you are hiring some new people, why not look into fun ice breakers for team meetings?

You Aren’t Distributing Authority

Structuring work by teams means that you have to distribute authority as well. How can you expect your team to work well if none of them have the power that they need to make a call? This is known as the fantasy of being a team. Team members at the end of the day tend to operate under the illusion that they own the project and that when everything is ready to launch, the leader will come in and then change everything about it. This is not a very well-distributed level of authority and it can lead to a lot of frustration for your team. It can also result in you experiencing delays as well as wasting a great deal of money. If you want to do something about this then make sure that your team members all have the ability to make decisions if they need to. If you can do this then you are bound to see a benefit overall and you may find that you get more done as well, so make sure that you keep that in mind if you can.


How to Retain Your Employees


Balancing Authority with Empathy in Leadership Roles