Tips For Running A Secure Business

Tips For Running A Secure Business

Do you have what it takes to run a successful business? Are you aware of the operations that go into running a safe and secure business in today’s age of cyberattacks and fraud? Continue reading to see what protocols need to be in place for you to run a safe and secure business.

Running a business for any founder or entrepreneur can be an awesome career experience. And many people refer to their business as their ‘baby’ because it means so much to them! From spinning new product/service ideas, drawing up strategy plans, developing marketing blueprints, and applying for funding, running a successful business that you can be proud of, it is an amazing journey, despite all of the headaches and issues that come along with it. Creating your own innovative spaces and making your ideas a reality is an incredible feeling like no other.

However, any business owner will tell you that success is a double-edged sword. You are calling all the shots, meaning that if you make a big mistake, it will be your responsibility to troubleshoot why it happened and to fix it. This isn’t always easy.

You manage your own team, meaning that if there’s conflict or issues between employees or between an employee and their supervisor in the office, you are the first port of call to sort it out. You also have the business’ spending at your fingertips and are accountable for all financials and financial statements; if went over budget or making costly hiring mistakes, the business could take a but hit. If there is a security breach or cybersecurity issue in your business, your entire operation can be compromised. Simply put, being an entrepreneur and running a successful venture means there is a lot at stake. 

Here are some tips for running a secure business!

Outsourcing Your Cybersecurity, Network, and Information Security Needs to an External Company

Have you ever been a customer of a company that had a security breach? Throughout the last several years, Target, Adobe, and Equifax all suffered security breaches. These are global corporations with some of the best security infrastructure protocols in place. If cyber attackers can cause issues with these companies, then small businesses are at a much higher risk.

In fact, research shows that every 39 seconds, there is a breach of web security online. And you are likely not a cybersecurity expert. Your area of professional expertise lies in running the daily operations of your business - but in this day and age, running your company means having watertight cybersecurity to prevent attacks. If you run any kind of online operation—whether it’s a software company, digital publishing venture, an e-commerce store, or a membership website, you need to contact a cybersecurity company such as Office 365 to help you achieve your intended security needs. 

These types of companies will ensure your business operates safely and within the guidelines of your specific location. Without efficient and effective cybersecurity operations, you cannot operate a successful business. Consumers will simply not trust your business if without online security.

To start the process yourself, here are some simple ways to protect your business while looking for an outsourcing company:

·       Develop a handbook of the best security processes and procedures

·       Have a working firewall in place for your internet/wi-fi connection

·       Ensure you have a mobile device action plan in place

·       Back up all important data in the event your servers go down

·       Ask your employees change their passwords every few months 

Understanding the Legality of Your Business and the Documents Involved

Depending on where you live, there are different legalities to how your business should be run. From e-commerce, to taking payments and collecting taxes, to the distribution of products, there are guidelines and laws that must be adhered to. If you do not fully understand these laws, you could be faced with a lawsuit, a huge fine, and even in extreme cases a criminal charge.

It is advisable to contact lawyers in your local area in order to ensure you are operating your business within the law of your town, state, and country. If you have never dealt with legal documents such as contracts, articles of incorporation, sole proprietor forms, or partnership agreements, understanding the language in each can be difficult and confusing. To ensure you understand the terms of each legal document, it’s best to find a lawyer that specializes in that area. A simple Google search can yield the right results.

Setting the Record Straight and Keeping Your Files Organized

As a business owner, it is imperative that you have your legal, insurance, financial, and administrative records in order in the event the government requests certain documentation. Your tax forms and payments, your employee payroll records, and your insurance policies--absolutely everything must be organized. Hiring a trustworthy, reputable accountant or tax professional to help you with these tasks will save a lot of time and headaches down the road. You never know when a missed bill or misunderstood tax form can cause issues or result in late fees or penalties. Given this, keep your records orderly, and stay on the right side of the law to ensure you’re prepared for any situation. You care about your business - don’t let it go to waste on financial corner-cutting or incorrect tax reporting. Be smart and be in the know to ensure your business is compliant.


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