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How to Land Your Dream Job

Education, starting in kindergarten and ending in college, is centered around the end goal of employment. Finding a job you actually like should be the real goal because you will work for the rest of your life, but how do you land your dream job?

Write a Stellar Resume

Resumes have an art to them. You need to get a lot of very important and impressive information to fit all on one page. You also need it to be eye-catching without looking too childish. Using a resume writing service will give you all the tips for a professional resume and make sure it stands out above all the other applicants.

Gain Experience

It is hard to gain experience for a job when you don't have experience to get a job in the first place. This can be a frustrating cycle. There are many ways of getting experience that isn't gained from working in the field already. You can go to school and take a course on a subject that relates or volunteer. Also, you can use your spare time to learn more on your own.  

Network With the Right People

Sometimes it is who you know that will help you get the job. If you get to know people who work in the field you want to get in, you may eventually meet the right person who can put in a recommendation. It is never a bad thing to introduce yourself and shake someone's hand; you never know how important that handshake could be in landing that dream job. 

Apply for the Job

No brainer, right? You might think you can start small and work your way up the corporate ladder, which does happen, but you may never get the job you have always wanted if you don't take a leap of faith and just apply. You just might surprise yourself.

Get an Interview

You network, write resumes and apply just to get a chance to meet with the hirer and sell yourself. This is the time to shine and present yourself as best as possible. Take the time to dress nice, get to know the company and know your goals of why you want the job. Sometimes a connection made during an interview is why you get hired over your actual experience or qualifications. 

Landing your dream job takes effort but isn't impossible even if you don't have all the boxes checked.