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Unusual Reasons People Divorce

Most people know that infidelity and financial problems are the top reasons why people get divorced. These problems usually come out somewhere during the process or factors of a divorce. However, there are some very unusual reasons why people choose to have a divorce rather than continue to be with the one they once loved.

Female First Child

Even in today's enlightened times, when your first child is a girl, you are more likely to get a divorce. Conversely, couples are more apt to get married if their first child is a boy.

Talking Too Much

No, this does not mean that one member of a couple talks constantly. It means that they talk too much outside of the marital partnership. They go to others for advice and spill secrets that they probably should not. This usually makes one partner feel as if their spouse does not trust them.

Career Expectations 

Some marriage ends in divorce because one partner does not value their spouse's career choice. One may work from home or have an unusual career, and the other makes fun of it or does not see it as serious. This ultimately devalues the person, weakens self-esteem, and can cause general misery. 

Some marriages also end in divorce because she makes more money than her spouse does. This is probably due to historical stereotypes more than anything else.

Demonic Possession

Yes, demonic possession is grounds for divorce in some countries. One instance in Italy, a man claimed he saw his wife levitate and assumed it was some form of possession. Rather than get an exorcism, he got a divorce.

Doesn't Keep a Promise

Promising to do something and then not following through has been cited as a reason for divorce. If it goes on long enough, the frustration that builds up often ends the marriage or at least leads to a lot of arguments.

Differing Political Opinions

You've probably heard that the board game Monopoly ends friendships. Well, politics ends marriages. When someone in the marriage has an opposing political view, it can cause nonconstructive arguments and eventually split the couple.

Medical Conditions

This is a sad but true fact. If a woman suffers from a medical condition such as heart attack, cancer, or stroke, the couple is more likely to get divorced than if a man was suffering from the same issue. This usually happens in older couples when one is more likely to become gravely ill. 

Peer Pressure

Well, not exactly peer pressure, but if everyone around you is getting a divorce, you are more likely to become unhappy with your own marriage. This is almost akin to the herd effect that you see when everyone around a couple is already married. 

Although some of these are the actual cause for a marital split, usually there are more intense underlying factors and more common reasons why they are getting a divorce. It could be a bunch of little reasons piling up or no reason at all. Sometimes couples just drift apart and end up separating amicably.