Tips for New Landlords Paving Their Way in Real Estate

Tips for New Landlords Paving Their Way in Real Estate

There's a great deal to learn when it comes to being a landlord. Hard work and gaining the best knowledge from experts like Steven Taylor of Taylor Equities can allow you to gain success and reap the benefits of wise investments.

For starters, recommends taking a closer look at the available capital. From there, investors will also want to consider their desired level of involvement. After all, some investors are typically more hands-on than others. So what are the best ways to invest in new properties? 

1. Pooling Funds

There’s no reason why real estate syndication cannot work for an investor. It’s important to do all of the necessary research on real estate syndication before getting started, though. In most instances, these pools are run by one person who functions as the primary syndicator. From there, they collect additional funds from all other interested parties.

There’s a slight difference between being a general partner and a limited partner. While limited partners have less involvement in the day to day decision making (while still collecting a share of profits), general partners tend to have more say so. This is a great way to invest for anyone who is looking for passive income, without any sort of heavy involvement.

2. Finding The Right Partner

Other investors may decide that they would rather find the right partner and leave it at that. For first time investors, it is easier to make purchases when a partner is present. This gives those who do not have adequate capital on hand to ease their financial burden. Experts like Steven Taylor Taylor Equities believe strongly in the power of collaboration.

Having a partner that can discuss deals at length is an invaluable resource. Those who are looking to make decisions on their own may not benefit from this strategy. Experts recommend only pairing with people who believe in compromise. Partnerships are only as strong as the work that is put into them, so make sure that both parties are on the same page before proceeding.

3. Going It Alone

This is the most simple method. For the truly savvy entrepreneur, there are few downsides. Sure, extensive upfront capital and research are required but these are not obstacles that are insurmountable. A landlord who seeks true success should take the time to save funds on their own if they are not willing to enter into a syndication deal or a partnership. Some may also choose to take out a loan.

Property management professionals are a key part of the team for any investors who go it alone, with the help of a loan. There is more work to be done but the benefits are numerous. Sole owners have the advantage of deciding on their own investment strategies. They can run the property in any way that they like and they can decide to sell without having to call a meeting first.

How To Become a Successful Real Estate Investor

So many people are drawn to real estate investments these days, perhaps thanks to the increase in popular television shows about flipping houses. The shows make everything seem so easy and simple, but there are a lot of factors for new investors to consider.


It is important to know the trends and market status of the area you want to invest in. It is also wise to look into average income and interest rates. Be sure to find an area with particularly low crime rates. Once you decide on a location to buy a rental, you can advertise it by sending out a postcard for real estate marketing so that you can acquire renters. You can include information about how low the crime rates are in the neighborhood and about what a great value the property is. People that become the most informed about their market tend to become the most successful in real estate ventures.


When figuring out the cost for a project, successful buyers often set aside about half of their budget for reserves. They do this because there are often unexpected issues that arise when rehabbing a property. If you don’t have enough money put aside to cover the damage, you could have some problems financially.


Successful investors are often involved with networking groups and clubs in their local areas. They get together weekly or monthly to discuss their strategies which can be very helpful for people that are new to the game. If you are a new or aspiring investor, you can probably find a group to join in your local area or the most nearby large city.

Sometimes, the best way to learn how to invest successfully is to speak with people that have done it before. Some people have tried and failed, and it is smart to listen to their stories too. If you can learn from the mistakes of others, you can avoid making the same mistakes yourself.