The Best Home Based Careers Ideal For The HSP

HSPs or highly sensitive people often find traditional working environments overwhelming and draining. Indeed, sometimes things can get so bad that they struggle to perform to their full potential, and they can experience burnout. One solution to this problem is to choose a career where you can work from home. The good news is that because of modern tech the breadth of careers you can do from home is ever-growing. You can even find five of the best home-based career options you may like to consider below. 


Many HSPs are drawn to help others in their work, and this leads a great deal into the therapy field. The good news is that technological advancements have made it even easier to run an effective private therapy practice from home. Indeed, many clients now prefer zoom therapy sessions, as it means they do not have to travel, and can more easily fit in around their other responsibilities in life. 
Although, for any HSP working as a therapist from home it is vital not to overschedule your appointments and make sure you have plenty of time to rest and ground yourself in between, otherwise it can become overwhelming very fast.  


For the visually creative HSP, running their own design business or freelancing from home can be a perfect choice. This is because they get to pour all their energies into the design process, without having to fend off distractions such as dealing with open plans and noisy studios and colleagues!  

Designers that work from home also have a great deal more control over their own schedules which means when they do feel overwhelmed they can choose to step away and rest and recuperate much more easily than if they worked in a shared space. 


For HSP that have an affinity for numbers, investing can be a wonderful work-from-home option. There are many different types of investments on offer as well such as forex, bonds, stock, and Commodities Trading. 

Indeed, Commodities Trading is particularly popular because it's an option that offers good potential for returns as a whole, also hedging against risks like inflation. The process of commodities trading is fairly transparent as well which sits well with the HSP's highly developed sense of right and wrong, compared to some of the other investment options.   

Animal groomer

Often the HSP is most overwhelmed and drained by interactions with other people, yet working with animals can have the opposite effect. Indeed, animal-centric careers such as dog grooming can be perfect for the HSP because not only do they get to work from home, but also get to interact with fluffy friends all day, something that their increased empathy can help them do most effectively. 

To set up your own animal grooming business from home, you will need a dedicated space like an extension, conservatory, or outbuilding. You will also need to invest in the proper equipment including an adjustable table that will allow you to work with different-sized dogs without injuring your back. 


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