7 Things You Can Do To Make Your Business Better For The Planet

sustainable business

Are you looking for ways you can make your business better for the planet? Becoming a more eco-friendly business will not only help your budget but your bottom line. You’ll save money, and likely even make more money due to the fact that people are always looking for eco-friendly businesses to work with. That’s not the only reason to do this, of course - being a good business for the planet is important regardless. Many businesses have a huge carbon footprint, and the planet will benefit massively from cutting them down as much as possible. Read on for some suggestions: 

Cut Down To A 4 Day Working Week

The 4-day working week is something certain European countries are adopting. Not only is it better for employee morale, but it also means reducing cars on the road, the need for public transport, and conserving energy as you don’t need your lights on, equipment plugged in, etc. Many business owners worry that they won’t get as much done, but many get the same amount of work done. Employees tend to fill the time they have, which is why many are able to get the same amount of work done in four days as five days when required. 

Introduce More Remote Workers

Working from home is another great way to help the planet. If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it’s that working from home is entirely possible for many businesses that didn’t think it was possible. You can hire freelancers to work remotely online before hiring in-house employees, or you can simply employ full-time employees using strategies like flexitime

Work With Eco-Friendly Suppliers And Partners 

When you partner with like-minded people and organizations in your community, you have an even more positive impact on the environment. For example, look at Earth Friendly Promos next time you have an event to attend or host. 

Make It A Part Of Your Company Culture

Making this a part of your company culture ensures everybody is on the same page, and it helps you to attract people who are already in alignment with your ethos. You could even get ideas and input from your employees to improve further. 

Recycle And Reuse 

Recycling and reusing everything you can make a big difference in the long run. A company’s recycling program ensures you’re doing all you can to recycle glass and plastics, for instance. Make sure you purchase recycled items, too! Many places sell things like recycled paper and ink cartridges. 

Use Green Cleaning Products

Having a clean and hygienic workplace is a must, but many of the nice smells you get from cleaning products are actually toxic. Eco-friendly products might seem expensive, but they are much healthier and better for the planet. You can also justify it by thinking about the improved health and clarity of your team. Don’t forget about the healthier planet, either! 

Ensure Everybody Is On The Same Page 

You can’t achieve this alone. You need to make sure everybody is on board. Make sure you’re not the only one making sustainable choices and that everybody knows what they can do to contribute! You could have a noticeboard, for example.

How will you make your business better for the planet?  


Is Your Business Eco-Friendly?


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