A Full Guide to Automation in Healthcare: Revolutionizing Patient Care
Business technology Kristin Marquet Business technology Kristin Marquet

A Full Guide to Automation in Healthcare: Revolutionizing Patient Care

Automation has become a game changer in various industries around the world. When we come to the healthcare sector, this technology has greatly advanced the development and implementation of solutions to many problems including those involving patient care. Also, it has increased productivity and cut costs through automated technology.

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AI and Your Healthcare: The Future Is Brighter Than a Fitbit
Artificial intelligence Kristin Marquet Artificial intelligence Kristin Marquet

AI and Your Healthcare: The Future Is Brighter Than a Fitbit

When we think of groundbreaking innovations in health, our minds often drift toward life-saving surgeries or world-altering medications as being at the forefront of progress. But there's another revolution going on silently under our noses, or in our pockets: Artificial Intelligence (AI). While not as dramatic or spectacular as Dr. House episodes, AI's impact is no less impressive. Not only bright but digital, personalized, and intelligent too.

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