Tips to Start a Successful eCommerce Business

Tips to Start a Successful eCommerce Business

Starting an eCommerce business can be a daunting task. There are so many things to think about – from the products you’re going to sell to building your website and marketing your business. But with the right tips, you can make the process a lot easier! This blog post will share 8 tips that will help you start a successful eCommerce business.

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Turn Your Ideas into Money with an Online Store


More and more people are turning to the web to make their purchases. It’s convenient and it offers a greater selection. Learning how to sell online can ensure you are successful. All you need is an idea so that you can turn it into a money-making business.

What Will You Sell?

You can sell physical and virtual items through an online store. Physical items can include clothing, pet products, essential oils, electronics, and more. Virtual items can include eBooks, podcasts, and even services.

As long as you have a particular theme to what you’re selling, it will be easy for you to create an online store.

Any idea is worth investigating further. You don’t even have to be the one to manufacture all of the items. Maybe you have an idea to have a website where people can buy gifts for a special someone…or you want to sell products of a particular theme. You can source the products from various wholesale companies. Then, you decide how much you will sell everything for.

Determine Your Website Address

You’ll need to have a website presence if people are going to buy online. Be creative with a website domain name so that it’s easy for people to remember. Plus, you can make it obvious that you’re a store by including that into your domain. The ‘.store’ extension will ensure that people know that they can easily buy online.

There are a few other tips as you create a website name:

  • Choose a name that tells people what it is that you’ll be selling

  • Make it easy to say and spell

  • Check on the cost (and availability) of the domain name

Once you find the right name, be sure to lock it in so that no one else can grab it.

Create a Fun & Informative Website

Building an e-commerce site isn’t as simple as choosing a platform and accepting payment. You have to remember that there should be a marketing strategy involved with creating your website. After all, you have to lure people to your site and encourage them to buy from you.

Think about your own experiences when you visit a website where you’re going to buy something. Learning how to sell online is all about paying attention to the consumer experience.

You want to provide a theme from the moment that people arrive on your site. This will be done through a strategic website design. You’ll want to incorporate plenty of eye-catching graphics, too.

Be sure that you make it possible for people to shop your store. You can’t just list out what’s for sale along with a price. Instead, you have to sell people what it is that you’re selling. Use photos of every item along with a product description. If it’s a virtual item, consider other ways to showcase what it is that you’re selling – videos and audio files can be incorporated into your store with ease.

You can create as many pages as you want on your website. Beyond the store itself, you may want to have an “About” page where you go into detail about your company and what inspired you to create the store. You may also want a blog where you can share information about what’s going on with some of the products.

Start Marketing

If you build it, they will come…right? Only if you market your website.

Unfortunately, it’s never quite as easy as simply building an online store. If you want people to know what you offer and where to visit, you’ll need to employ a few marketing strategies. One of the most obvious marketing strategies is search engine optimization (SEO). Through a combination of keyword research and backlinks, you can ensure that your online store is visible in the search engines.

Another strategy is to have a presence on social media. Create profiles on Facebook, YouTube, and more. As you gain followers, you can also consider paid advertising campaigns that will help you to improve your visibility and send traffic to your store. Once you learn how to sell online, you can turn all of your ideas into money-making opportunities. You can operate as many websites as you want, too, – one for each idea that you have.

Is Our Society Changing How We Shop Online?

In this technology-driven society, our routine and thoughts are constantly swirling around our steadily flourishing virtual world. Most of us openly and inexhaustibly plan our lives around the internet; whether it be social media to plan our events, emails to communicate or YouTube to be entertained.

The internet makes the unreachable reachable, and shopping is no exception. We can happily flip through our smartphones on our lunch break, and the tempting ‘online only’ deals can easily trigger an impromptu buy. 

E-commerce, or more commonly known as ‘internet shopping’ brought in a staggering £91bn last year alone; and 30% of all shopping is done via e-commerce and some of this is down to social media! Some may say that e-commerce’s accessibility is the most attractive asset for shoppers and at the tap of a finger we can have products flying through our letterboxes within 24 hours.

Social media has definitely swayed our views; we can see products and see bloggers using products way before we click buy. Making sense of how social media works as a business can be challenging too and with social media tracking, it makes things a lot easier. 


Photo: Pixabay

With our cities’ populations on the rise, the impatient line of people standing in lines is a constant battle for shoppers. We are never sure whether the ever-growing line for the self-checkout is the better option. There is always that rush of customers at Christmas or the Saturday madness, and e-commerce proves to be a welcomed escape from that peevish world.

E-commerce covers everything, from food, clothes, gifts, and even holidays, and in 2013, we saw a 16% rise in online shoppers from the previous year. If these figures continue, by 2020, just about all of our shopping will be done online. A big blow to our already established shops, and of course the lack of custom and an impending rise of e-commerce can only mean another spell of cutting layoffs, therefore, further unemployment; and could open up a whole new world of problems.

E-commerce is definitely changing our shopping strategy; cleverly laid out websites are unscrupulously appealing; with 25% of a £50 shop or free shipping over orders of £100. This lures us into a false sense of control, but some may think it’s just enticing us to spend more and more and ultimately rack up larger credit card bills. Shopping responsibly is always key! 

Of course, however, e-commerce has its perks, especially in the realms of marketing for new companies; then suddenly there is the capability of growth, and the figures speak for themselves; our shopping is changing, because our society is changing.

In a perfect world, e-commerce and commerce should run like clockwork together, integrating their assets; but in our electronic-addled society, one will always prevail. It may take time, and the natural progression of commerce will possibly, like so many other things, go full circle; but it is safe to say that the old school ways of high-street shopping, may soon be a dying enterprise