How to Study for Your Property and Casualty Exam


To become a licensed property and casualty (P&C) insurance agent, you'll need to pass an exam to test your general knowledge. While the test varies from state to state, they typically include multiple-choice questions to get a sense of your knowledge surrounding insurance. The topics covered, as well as the exam structure, are usually the same no matter which state you are in. Here are some ways to prepare yourself to pass the P&C exam. 

Use a Study Calendar

On average, you should expect to spend somewhere around 37-40 hours studying for the property and casualty insurance test. Although it may be tempting to leave studying until the last minute, avoid cramming during the week of the exam. Not only is this stressful, but it can lead to lower test scores because your brain is under stress while trying to learn. The best way to plan out your studying is to utilize a study calendar. You can find one to print out online or keep track of one digitally if you prefer. 

Take a Pre-licensing Education Course

Even if your state doesn't require you to do so, it's still a good idea to take some sort of exam prep course. The property and casualty insurance tests aren't easy, and a prelicensing education course can help you make sense of all the information you'll need to pass. Most of these classes can be done online, at your convenience. It doesn't have to take up a huge chunk of your time, but it can help when it comes to passing the test. 

Study Without Distractions

While turning on the TV or the radio for background noise may seem like a good idea, it can hinder your ability to absorb new information. Becoming an effective learner is a skill that you can develop. It's important to remove any distractions so you can concentrate on the task at hand. While this may not be as easy as it sounds, try to plan some time on your study calendar that will allow you to study undistracted over a few-weeks time. 

Take Breaks

There's nothing worse than studying for such long periods that your brain refuses to take in any more information. It's important to remember to take breaks so that you can give your brain a chance to absorb what you've just learned. Some people find that taking a small break every half hour is effective. Others prefer to take breaks once an hour or so. When your brain starts feeling fuzzy, make sure to give it a rest. 

Give these tips a try to increase your scores on the P&C test. 


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