Would You Make An Effective Nurse Manager?

Are you a nurse who wants to climb the career ladder? Maybe you’re not even a fully-fledged nurse yet, but you want to motivate yourself by considering what direction your career could go in once you’re fully qualified. There are so many paths and options you could take, so your dreams really can touch the sky. 

Many nurses dream of becoming an effective nurse manager at some stage in their careers. Here, we’re going to discuss the skills and traits you’ll need to become one yourself. Take a look. 

Managing Nurse Retention

An effective nurse manager has many roles, and one of them is nurse retention. Managing nurse retention is a tough job, and not just anybody can do it. This means you need to keep a team of nurses happy and working to the best of their ability - a high nurse turnover is a bad sign. 

Patient Care

You will still need to care for patients as a nurse manager, so on top of all of your newfound duties, you’ll have to give the same care to patients. 


A positive attitude is something every nurse manager should have, not only for patients but for staff. A nurse manager with a bad attitude will struggle in a healthcare setting. 


Teamwork is also essential - just because you’re a manager doesn’t mean you can be all out for yourself. The infographic below will help you to see what else you need to become an effective nurse manager. 


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