Website Tasks to Keep You Busy

If you run a business, your website is probably a big part of it. You may use it to sell products and advertise services or to communicate with your customers and clients, and attract a wider audience. Websites are crucial to modern business, and many operate solely online. If you make money from a blog or e-commerce store, your site might be all of your business, and looking after it may be a full-time job. 

Running a website can be tough. You might spend a lot of your time creating content, taking photos, replying to comments or emails, and advertising and sharing your work. You might not always have the time to deal with all of those smaller, behind the scenes tasks. Unfortunately, without committing time to these back of house jobs, your website or blog will never be as good as it should be. Many seem like smaller jobs, but failing to give them time might be holding you back and stopping you from reaching your full potential. 

However, thanks to a global pandemic, a lot of us suddenly have a lot more free time, or time stuck at home than we are used to. It could be the perfect time to get stuck into some tasks, which will both keep you busy and improve your website. 

How to improve your website

Delete Some Old Posts

Running a website, whether it’s a blog or your business, is a steep learning curve. Most of us learn as we go, and it’s common to look back at early content and cringe. 

Some of these older posts and pages will be salvageable. You’ll be able to update them, add new information, improve your writing, and insert photos and videos. Others are best just letting go of.

Poor quality content or old, outdated posts bring your site down. They can stop you from being found online and hinder your reputation. So, work through your old posts. Improve where possible and delete any that aren’t worth your time. 

Add Some New Photos

If you are currently stuck at home, you may not be able to take photos as freely as you’d like. But, there’s plenty that you can create in your house and garden, and if you look vastly different from any photos of yourself on your site, you could update them. Adding high-quality stock photos can also be a good idea if you have posts that are heavy on text, or with very low-quality images. 

Work On SEO

SEO is crucial when it comes to getting found by search engines. Good SEO means high placement on SERPS. This doesn’t just increase traffic; it also improves your reputation, boosts conversion, and helps you to become an authority in your field. 

But SEO is hard work. It takes a big commitment, and the rules change all of the time, as search engines grow and develop and algorithms change. Get the best SEO services to help if you are struggling or don’t have the time to commit long-term. It can be well worth your while. 

Fix or Remove Broken Links

How to improve your website

When was the last time that you checked your site for broken links? You might think that there’s no need, but broken links can affect your SEO, and they are more common than you might think. Every time someone has left a web address in a comment, and then let their site go, a dead link has been created. You may have created many yourself by deleting content or changing URLs. Spend this time searching for broken links, fixing them where you can, or removing them if you can’t. 

If this process has a significant impact on your internal linking strategy, you may also want to look for orphaned posts and add new internal links where necessary. 

Track Stats and Study Analytics

You might give your stats a cursory glance every now and then, but do you ever make time to study your analytics? Do you look at your demographics? Do you know where your audience comes from, or what their interests are? Are the people visiting your site the people that you are writing for, or do you need to rethink your target audience?

Spend some time learning as much as you can about your viewers and customers. This can give you a fantastic opportunity to create significantly more effective marketing campaigns in the future. 

Clean Up Your Social Media Feeds

As a small business or blogger, it’s tempting to follow people on social media in the hope that they will follow you back and help you to build a presence. This can work, but it can also mean that you are following countless accounts that bring nothing to your business. Take the time to clean up your feeds, getting rid of dead accounts. This will give you more time to engage with your loyal customers. 

Tweak Your Branding

Branding has trends, just like anything else. Color schemes become more popular, or they start to look tired and dated. Minimalism is in one day, retro the next. Broadly speaking, if you want to design something that will last, it’s best to avoid trends and be true to your business and its message. 

But, that doesn’t mean that it won’t need tweaking occasionally. If your branding is dated, or it no longer speaks for your company or to your audience, make some changes and give your customers time to get used to them before things start to pick up again. 

Evaluate Plugins

There are plugins for almost everything nowadays. Some are very helpful. They can give you far more control over your site and add functionality. But, we often get drawn in to installing far too many and leaving old, broken, or no longer used plugins on our website. This can be a security risk and slow your site down. Try to condense your plugins by using those with more than one function, and make sure you delete anything that you no longer use or need.  

Update Profiles and About Me Pages

You may have added a profile to your social media feeds and an about me page to your site when you first set it up, but have you updated it since? This is a great time to update images and info on all of your channels. 

4 Reasons Women Who Love Design Should Consider Learning PCB Design


If you are a woman who is passionate about design but not sure how to turn that passion into a viable career, it is worth learning PCB design. PCB design is more accessible than it has ever been before, and there are a number of reasons that it is worth studying. Below we have listed just four of them.

It’s More Accessible Than You Might Think

Many people are under the impression that a printed circuit board design is a fairly difficult and abstract task. And while some guidance initially is often essential, PCB design today is much more accessible than it once was. In fact, while it is easy to spend many thousands of dollars on PCB design software, there are now options that are browser-based and completely free to use.

Not only can you access the design software much more easily today than in the past, but there are also innumerable online tutorial repositories. This puts all the knowledge you need to get started with PCB design literally at your fingertips.

If you have been deterred from learning PCB design before because you have assumed that it will be too difficult, it might be time to rethink. In terms of accessibility, printed circuit boards are only a little bit more involved than something like a Raspberry Pie.

PCBs Are Everywhere

At the heart of every single consumer electronic device today, there is a printed circuit board. PCBs are essential to the way that we approach the design and manufacture of modern electronics. If you have any interest at all in how consumer electronics are designed and built today, learning about PCB design will enable you to understand these devices on a deeper level.

The fact that PCBs are so ubiquitous in our daily lives speaks to what a versatile skill good PCB design is. If you are able to design PCBs reliably, then you can begin to design hardware for a variety of different functions.

A Solid Career Move

Because printed circuit boards are required in such a wide variety of contexts, learning PCB design can be the first step towards entering into a career designing hardware for whatever purposes appeal to you. There are a number of different professional roles available to those who have formal training in printed circuit board design, reflecting the fact that printed circuit boards are used in industries of all types.

DIY Electronics

For women who are passionate about design, learning PCB design is an excellent way to apply this passion to unique scenarios. Design is often an abstract and artistic endeavor, but when applied to something like a printed circuit board, it is merged with the practical and logical.

Producing your own DIY electronics has never been easier. Once you know how to design the PCB, then all you need is the right PCB design software and you can handle the entire process, from making designs to sending designs to manufacturers all on your own.

Any woman who is passionate about design should consider learning how to design printed circuit boards. Not only is this a great way of expanding your horizons, but it can also form a solid basis for a career.