Demystifying the Myths Around Conversion Rate Optimization

Demystifying the Myths Around Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is an enigma for many businesses striving to enhance their online presence. Too often, it is shrouded in myths that can mislead even the most astute digital marketers. High-quality conversion rate optimization services aim to peel away these layers of misconception, offering clear, informed guidance rooted in evidence and results.

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The Right Way to Do Mobile Advertisements

Mobile advertising

How many times have you scrolled through your social media feeds or encountered a website to find advertisements that don’t display properly on your mobile device? Or how many mobile ads do you see daily that are full of hype or self-serving to the advertiser?

So many advertisements these days are fairly awful. Although statistics show that they might lead to high conversion rates and brand exposure, the reality is that a lot of mobile ads aren’t as effective as they could be. So in this informative piece, we’re going to give you some practical advice on how you can drastically change the way you approach mobile advertisements and thereby increase your overall conversions.

Keep your mobile ads clean and simple to increase click-throughs

One of the most important keys to effective mobile advertising is to make your ads clean, simple, and friendly to the eye without a lot of distractions. If it’s a product you’re advertising, then a shot of the product in action is ideal; and if it’s a service then the picture needs to be related to the service being used. Additionally, incorporating a minimal amount of text is ideal. A headline, sub-headline, and one-sentence description are sufficient in a digital advertisement. The copy needs to give your customer an idea of what the product/service is, what it does/the benefits, and how they can use it. Pricing can also be added to the advertisement if it’s relevant. You can add percentages to show how much it’s discounted or even a price tag if you plan to keep it relatively consistent. Less is more due to space constraints.

The goal here is to make the entire advertisement easy for the consumer to scan. The clearer the picture is, the more meaningful it’ll be, and the more interested your audience will be, which ultimately helps increase conversions. If you add too much text and too many different elements to the picture, it’ll get cluttered, making it hard to look read and process.

Video can be an effective element if used correctly

We’ve all seen those terrible YouTube or Instagram advertisements that just don’t grab our attention. Instead, we go for the skip button as soon as we see them or scroll right over them without giving them a second thought. The important thing to understand here is that there are a couple of seconds before the user is allowed to skip the ad. This is your window of opportunity to draw in the consumer’s attention and make them look at your ad with the hope of getting them to click on the call to action.

There are a couple of ways to catch the attention of the viewer. One such example is by telling a compelling story. By using the first five seconds to establish a story to build a meaningful emotional connection, you greatly improve your chances of having them watch the rest of the video and click through to the website or landing page. Another popular alternative is to use an influencer or celebrity in the video that your audience might know to capture the attention of the viewer.

Partnering with creators or other influencers is another effective way to improve your video reach and size, especially if you’re targeting your video advertisements on YouTube or Instagram. By having creators appear in your ads, there’s a much higher chance that the video will be relevant to your viewer. However, it’s important to understand that this can be expensive and will generally only work for a short amount of time with certain creators. At the end of the day, a high-quality video with a story to tell is going to be far more successful than relying on traditional advertisement concepts that might work on TV or on other advertisement mediums.

To help increase your chances of generating a high click-through rate on your mobile ads, keep these other tips in mind:

  • Keep your ads clean and to the point. You don’t want to include a bunch of images or design elements that ultimately distracts the viewer from reading and taking action.

  • Use visually-pleasing images that show off the features of your product. One image is usually enough.

  • Limit the amount of copy you use in each mobile advertisement. I usually only include a sentence or two to captivate the viewer’s attention and educate them on what the product does. Remember less is more here.

  • Include a strong call to action to increase the conversions. “Get Instant Access” or “Book your free demo here” work well.

  • Be clear in what actions you want your audience to take in the advertisement.

  • Personalize all advertisements across all platforms to create a strong connection with prospective customers.

  • Include the price and whether you’re running a sale.

  • Make use of targeting options to refine your customer base and increase the chances of conversions.

E-commerce Tips for Boosting Conversions from the Start

There are still a lot of opportunities to succeed as an e-commerce business in today’s oversaturated market. In fact, there are more opportunities to seize as customers began to shop online more than ever. Unlike a decade ago, setting up a new e-commerce business is also relatively easy to do considering that you have plenty of resources to utilize these days.

The real challenge is not setting up the e-commerce business or developing products to sell. The actual challenge comes in the form of a crowded market and ensuring that your e-commerce store stands out from the crowd. You have to go the extra mile to convert traffic into email subscribers and customers. Fortunately, we have the top e-commerce tips and tricks for those of you who want to boost conversions from the start.

Be Personal

Forget about trying to build an extensive catalog with hundreds of products. What you need to be focusing on is user experience or UX of your website, specifically delivering a personalized user experience to potential customers. That’s not something you can do with hundreds of items in your catalog. Remember, less is more here.

If you pay attention to the latest e-commerce trends, you will see that the most successful sites focus on a handful of products, and then invest in making sure that customers can get to those specific products quickly and intuitively. When a website is organized well, this helps increase click-throughs and ultimately generate more sales.

Optimize Your Checkout Process

Another thing to forget is asking customers to go through three or four steps just to check out. Those days are gone. While you want to get more information about the customers at this stage of their journey, asking them to fill long checkout forms is a recipe for disaster. No one wants to spend 10 minutes checking out.

Make sure you choose a platform where the checkout process is simple and where you can easily identify where your customers are dropping off when it comes to completing orders.

Deliver Value

Delivering value is something that needs to be done before the customers start their decision-making process. If you want potential customers to remember your products by the time that they consider making a purchase, you have to deliver value before that.

Content marketing is a great way to deliver value to customers while still marketing your products. You need to generate interest in a particular product or a solution from the beginning. If you read our previous article about proactive marketing, you know that you then have instruments like flash sales to convert visitors into customers.

Beyond Sales

Last but not least, make sure your optimizations don’t stop with the purchase decision. The customers’ journey doesn’t stop there either. You have to think about maintaining a consistent – and positive – user experience after they made their purchases to stay ahead of the market. You want to ensure your customers keep coming back.

At the end of the day, after-sales are part of the customer journey. When customers are happy with your follow-up emails and after-sales services or exclusive offers, they are more likely to promote your products and e-commerce site, and you are more likely to grow your customer base in a sustainable way. One-off sales are not the way to build a long-term business.

So, do you want to boost your conversion rate from the start? As you begin creating your e-commerce business, use the tips and tricks we discussed in this article to get things right, and optimize your e-commerce site. If you follow these simple steps, you will see an increase in loyal customers.