" If you have a dream, go after it now" with Amber Artis

" If you have a dream, go after it now" with Amber Artis

Amber Artis is the Founder and CEO of Select Date Society. She is a Luxury Matchmaker with over 20 years of celebrated expertise in curating meaningful connections. Amber has mastered the art and science of love and is responsible for introducing 2,000+ marriages and lifelong partners. Amber is recognized as the “go-to” matchmaker for successful executives, entrepreneurs, celebrities, politicians, and more. 

Can you tell our readers about your background?

I grew up in a small town in the Midwest and I always knew that I wanted to explore what else was out there! I moved away and went to college when I was 16 years old. I started working at a Matchmaking company in 1998 and immediately felt like I had found my calling. Prior to working there, I always thought that I wanted to go to Law school, but I was so fascinated with matching clients and watching relationships happen that I completely shifted my vision for what I wanted my future to look like. I spent the next two decades working for some of the top Matchmaking services in the country.

What inspired you to start your business?

At the end of 2019, my father lost a long battle with Parkinson’s’ disease. I flew home to spend the last week of his life by his side, along with the rest of our family. He was in a nursing home and in a coma-like state. I actually took my laptop into his room and continued working as I sat with him. I’ve always had an extremely high work ethic and I love what I do, so in some ways, it gave me comfort to continue to work during that heartbreaking week. I took two days off for his funeral and then went back to work. I’ll never forget the meeting I had with my boss on my first day back. She did not show any compassion. Instead, she asked why my numbers were down that month and told me that she was reducing my salary. I decided right there that I was going to start my own firm where I cared more about my clients than “the numbers” and where I valued my employees. I reserved a website but had a hard time finding extra time to work on getting it started. Then the Universe stepped in. In May of 2020, I had a sudden cardiac arrest while driving and drove into a brick home. I made the decision from my hospital bed not to put off my dreams any longer! I got to work, hired leading matchmakers in the industry who I had worked with for decades, and we launched Select Date Society on June 1st, 2020.

Where is your business based?

We’re headquartered in Richmond, VA. We have clients throughout the United States, in most major metro areas.

How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?

An online presence is so important, so the first thing I did was reserve a domain name and hire a web designer. I rented an Executive office space, filed all of the legal paperwork to incorporate, and got to work! There are so many little things to do when launching a business, so it is definitely a team effort! I had a master list of all of the moving parts and then delegated tasks to my team.

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?

Matchmaking is such a personal experience, so many clients come to us from direct referrals. I have been in the industry for over two decades, so I have a huge network and have people referred to me all the time. I’ve focused on building the Select Date Society brand by building our social media presence and focusing on PR. I’ve been quoted in Cosmopolitan, Today, MSN, Yahoo Sports, Well + Good, and other media outlets. I think that press is good for exposure and brand recognition, but the real way that we raise awareness is our approach with clients, which has resulted in great reviews on Google and Yelp.

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

I dealt with a personal health crisis which ultimately led me to start the business, but also made it challenging. I was still recovering and my body required a lot of rest as we were launching, so I relied a lot on my team during the first few months.

How do you stay focused?

I find that the best way to stay focused is to work in blocks of time and to schedule everything on my calendar. My household is hectic with my significant other and I working from home as our daughter attends school virtually. In order to stay focused, I schedule all of my work and personal appointments on the same calendar, so that my team and my family can keep track of when I’m working on the business or making my family a priority.

How do you differentiate your business from the competition?

My first instinct is to talk about our experience or the logistics of how we match our clients, but I think the real differentiator is the level of compassion and empathy we have with our clients and potential clients. I recently met with a woman who had met with several other matchmakers. After our meeting, she told me that the other services had focused on how much she could afford to pay and seemed more focused on closing the deal than with finding her “the one.” She felt my genuine concern for her best interest. She called me back the next day and asked if she could write me a review because she was so impressed with our conversation. That experience made me realize that the thing that really sets us apart is that we are authentic matchmakers who genuinely care about our clients!

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?

Setting up Google My Business is probably the most important first step we took in marketing so that potential clients could find us on Google. After that, I think that all of the press I’ve done this year has helped is tremendous.

What is your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?

Start TODAY! There are always easy excuses to put things off, but tomorrow isn’t promised. If you have a dream, go after it now!

What are your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

I listen to my Audible app and Apple Podcast app every morning as I get ready for my day. I love learning, but rarely have free time to sit down and read, so I love listening to podcasts and audible books. My go-to podcasts are “How I Built This” with Guy Raz and “Entrepreneurs on Fire” with John Lee Dumas.

What is your favorite business tool or resource? Why?

My iPhone! If I had to, I could run my entire business from my phone. I use it to meet with clients via FaceTime and Zoom, check email, make phone calls, texting, network on social media, and accessing my matchmaking CRM system.

Who is your business role model? Why?

I wouldn’t say I have a business role model, although there are certainly many people in the business world I admire. I love that Sara Blakely created a successful business by simply solving a problem for women. I love that Jay Shetty uses his experience as a monk to inspire people. I love that Lewis Howes uses his platform to learn from the best and spread positive messages. I definitely feel inspired by listening to other entrepreneurs!

How do you balance work and life? My significant other, Mike, is the key to work/life balance for me! I would work all day, every day, if I didn’t have Mike to reel me in. He makes sure that I make time to nurture my personal relationships and take time to take care of myself. I think that having the right partner makes all the difference for entrepreneurs, which is why I’m so passionate about the work that I do!

What’s your favorite way to decompress?

Laughter! My significant other is my best friend and he has a great sense of humor. My favorite way to unwind is to stay up late with him, having wine, and laughing together!

What do you have planned for the next six months?

I think that 2020 has prepared us to expect the unexpected, so I’m making plans, but I’m also approaching the future with flexibility and patience. I’m planning on adding an additional matchmaker to my team in the next 6 months as our business continues to grow so that we can continue to offer a high level of service to our clients.

How can our readers connect with you?

If you are single and interested in finding out more about our service, you can visit www.selectdatesociety.com. I’m on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/amber-artis-matchmaker or you can find Select Date Society on Facebook and Instagram.