"Don’t wait to get started because there will never be a perfect time" with Wade Brill

Wade Brill is a Mindfulness Coach, Podcaster and Speaker who helps busy professionals experiencing stress and overwhelm be more present, productive and energized. At the age of 21, Wade survived Hodgkin’s Lymphoma while simultaneously losing her mother to Leukemia. This major life interruption inspired Wade to realize how precious life is and that practicing radical self-care is smart, not selfish. Wade devotes her life’s work to helping others connect to their own inspiration.

What are the interview questions for entrepreneurs?

Can you tell our readers about your background?

I am a born and raised New Yorker who currently lives in Seattle, WA. I am a trained meditation teacher, Professional Certified Coach, Energy Leadership Index™ Practitioner, and Meditation Facilitator through UCLA’s Semel Institute of Neuroscience and Human Behavior. I host the popular Centered in the City podcast and I am the creator of the Centered In the City, a virtual platform that helps people build mindfulness based rituals to support them having daily practices to stay centered.   

What inspired you to start your business?

My life experiences as a cancer survivor and losing my mother at the same time, taught me how precious life is. I knew I wanted to live my life by design and not my default. I became a life coach and a meditation teacher because I want to help people learn how to listen and hear themselves so that they can make intentional choices in life that light them up. I wanted to help people build resilience tools to help them navigate chaos and overwhelm. I am grateful to be alive and I feel this is my mission in life. I work with people in a 1:1 coaching capacity, facilitate corporate mindfulness workshops/retreats and I run an on-demanding mindfulness ritual building platform called Centered in the City. 

Where is your business based?

I am currently based in Seattle, but I work with people all over the world thanks to modern day technology. 

How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?

When I went to coaching school, I didn't realize I was “starting a business.” I felt I was just living my purpose and thought my business would just magically grow. However, after I graduated, I realized I was indeed starting a business and I had to learn about marketing, accounting and self-promotion. I would say my first step was starting a blog. It was a way for me to talk about what I was passionate about, connecting to people’s needs and curiosities and exploring the world of wellness. It is helpful to establish yourself as an expert in your field with a consistent body of work. These days it can be podcasts, youtube interviews, blogs or Instagram lives.

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?

It has changed with the times. It used to be my blog when I first started as well as hosting in-person events. Over the last 5 years, I would say my podcast, newsletter and Instagram are the most powerful and popular ways to connect with people and build brand awareness. To me, brand awareness is about building relationships with people.

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

My biggest challenge was trusting myself. When I first began, I kept getting caught up in having to have the perfect niche statement or the perfect piece of content. I looked at what other people were doing, instead of trusting my own inner voice and business intuition. I worked with my own coach to help me tap more into my authentic voice, build trust and be more consistent with my messaging.

How do you stay focused?

A few ways I practice staying focused:

1. I have my ideal client avatars on a blackboard plus the way I work with people. This supports me staying clear and consistent on who and how I work with people so I don’t try to do too much. 

2. I create a Power Intention for the year, which is a word(s) that help me stay focused on how to take action and why it matters to me. For instance, this year my words are BOLD & love. I use these to help me design my business vision, my business and personal goals and how to take action. 

3.  I try to focus on monthly or quarterly focused projects that align with my bigger annual goals. For instance, in January I am working on building a corporate mindfulness meditation reel. 

How do you differentiate your business from the competition?

I have stopped worrying about this and instead focus my attention and energy on my authentic voice. I like to keep blinders on so that I can let my own voice glow instead of getting trapped into a compare/ disappear conversation. I trust that my unique story or point of view will be enough. 

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?

Tapping into my own network has created a huge impact on my business. People hire me for their corporate teams, retreats and speaking engagements.This then exposes me to a bigger network of people I can support. 

What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?

Don’t wait to get started because there will never be a perfect time. Ask yourself, what’s one thing I can experiment with to help me explore my business concept? Maybe that’s starting a blog/podcast. Maybe that is designing a prototype. Maybe that’s interviewing your ideal customer to learn more about their needs. Taking action helps you explore and learn more about your business and if you actually want to make it a business or a hobby. 

What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

My favorite book is “Wherever You Go, There You are” by Jon Kabat-Zinn. It’s a mindfulness book and the first book that inspired my practice. It helps me root into a beginner’s mind. I also love Zinn’s writing and find inspiration every time I open the page.

What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why?

One of my favorite business tools in YNAB for accounting purposes. Feeling empowered around the finances of my business is life-giving and helps me make strategic choices. As a solopreneur, it is important to hire help and delegate tasks. Being conscious of the business finances supports me in investing and noticing the returns.   

Who is your business role model? Why?

I have a few: Jenny Blake has been a friend for almost 10 years. She continually grows and morphs her business through the lens of Joy and ease. She is super authentic, transparent and discusses the importance of heart-based business. Kristoffer Carter of This Epic Life Coaching has been an expander for me of how to bring meditation into the corporate space to shift culture. It is helpful to see someone a few years ahead in business and to know what’s possible.  

How do you balance work and life?

I make time and space for both! Knowing I don’t work a clear 9 am - 5 pm, I am very intentional about how I structure my day and my “get to-dos.”. I always schedule in my movement, morning meditation and mindful eating rituals that help me stay grounded and connected to myself. I see clients on certain days and btw certain windows of time. I schedule calls on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. I block off time on the calendar for focus time where I can do deeper work without interruptions. The evenings and weekends I make sure to play! I am also able to meet friends for lunch, coffee or a walk during the day, which I love! 

What’s your favorite way to decompress?

A walk and then a hot bath with Epsom salt and bubbles. I literally love feeling my muscles relax and tension melt off of my body. 

What do you have planned for the next six months?

I am kicking off the year by following a lifestyle vision of working remotely in Mexico for a month with my husband. Followed by a month-long silent meditation retreat. I will then ease my way into spring with corporate workshops, speaking engagements and continuing my work with 1:1 clients. This year, I am ready to take Centered in the City to the next level so I will play with different ways to expand this community.

How can our readers connect with you?

I love connecting with people so say hi on Instagram @OneWade, reach out via my website’s contact form at WadeBrill.com, or join the Centered in the City Community at CenteredintheCity.org.

Instagram: @OneWade

Centered in the City: https://www.centeredinthecity.org/

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/wadebrill/

Website: www.WadeBrill.com 

Podcast: https://www.podpage.com/centered-in-the-city/episodes/


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