" Just go for it! Don’t let fear hold you back." with Clara and Jacquelyn of Whoa Glow/Glow Radio

Clara and Jacquelyn

Glow Radio is a podcast for the sassiest of b*tches who are looking to dump their 9-5 for that #entrepreneur life. You can expect weekly conversations with unapologetic creatives, business owners and influencers. We discuss tips on how to reach your goals, manage your time and keep your sanity while being a major boss babe. Jacquelyn & Clara are life & career mentors, wellness advocates and your fave hype women who will cheer you on and push you to create the life that you want. 

Can you tell our readers about your background?

Jacquelyn: My background is in marketing and fitness. I’ve done social media marketing in a few different roles and also worked as a personal trainer/health coach for almost 5 years.

Clara: I have a background in business/project management and fitness. I’ve worked in management in the construction and the car industry and am currently a personal trainer.

 What inspired you to start your business?

We both have a very entrepreneurial spirit and knew that we wanted to have our own business. Our day jobs were unfulfilling and our goals were to work for ourselves. We discussed many other business ideas, but ultimately decided to start with the podcast because we both enjoy speaking and it didn’t require a lot of startup capital.

Where is your business based?

Glow Radio is based in Vancouver, BC. However, we are fortunate enough to have interviewed our guests internationally!

 How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?

The podcast life chose us actually! We originally were going in a different direction and but decided on Glow Radio because it was a simple and fun project to start! We started by investing in a mic, we met up twice a week, and that was the birth of our podcast! The first key steps were finding a podcast hosting website and settling on a launch date. After that we planned out our episodes about 1-2 weeks in advance and here we are today!

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?

The most beneficial thing we did for Glow Radio was to attend entrepreneur networking events. We got to meet so many amazing people that ended up being guests on our show! It was also extremely effective that our guests shared our links with their audiences as well.

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

The biggest challenge we encountered was when we were gaining a lot of traction for Glow Radio but we were still working at our day jobs. We ended up working 15 hour days and not having enough time to maintain work life balance and manage our stress. We overcame this by deciding to quit our day jobs! Now we are able to dedicate more time to our passion and have more balance in our lives.

How do you stay focused?

We set huge goals that make us excited to wake up in the mornings. We also have consistent meetings to organize our tasks and make sure to write everything out. For any projects that we are working on, we create timelines and work backwards from our goals. It helps that there’s two of us because we keep each other accountable.

How do you differentiate your business from the competition?

We’ve found that many other business podcasts are male-dominated and quite serious. For us, we are two Asian females who like to keep it real and raw. We do our best to be relatable and create informative, yet entertaining, content.

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?

Instagram has been a great tool to grow our business. We have been able to connect with so many of our loyal listeners and also reach new listeners as well. Whenever we have a guest on the podcast, we make sure to cross promote each other on Instagram and it has helped us widen our reach.

 What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?

 Just go for it! Don’t let fear hold you back. We often say that we wished we started sooner. It’s definitely okay to make mistakes along the way, but if you don’t go for it you will never know what you can achieve.

What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

Favourite app: VSCO because we have to do a ton of editing and VSCO is a beautiful app with amazing filters and makes my day so much easier!

Favourite blog: Song of Style, we love her style and can relate to her a lot as we are also Asian.

 Favourite book: Why Not Me by Mindy Kaling. We just absolutely love that she is a badass Asian that made her way into Hollywood with her hard working ethics and it is so inspiring.

What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why?

 Our favourite tool is Google Drive. It makes our lives a lot easier as we can share all our documents and work on our projects from anywhere.

 Who is your business role model? Why?

One of our business role models is Jenna Kutcher, a photographer, self-made millionaire and host of the Goal Digger Podcast. We love her podcast and all her valuable resources and tips. She also started from nothing and we really respect her journey.

What do you have planned for the next six months?

We are currently developing an online course teaching others how to start a podcast. The course will offer specific tools on how to brand your podcast and make money from it. We found that most of the current online courses about podcasting are mainly run by males and are very technical. We wanted to create a course that is valuable, but also fun and business-focused.

How can our readers connect with you?

You can follow us on Instagram @GlowRadioCo, Facebook.com/GlowRadioCo and subscribe to Glow Radio on iTunes, Spotify and Youtube.


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