"Follow your own path. Do not think you have to do what everyone else is doing," with Nickquolette Barrett

Nickquolette Barrett

Nickquolette Barrett aka The "GET HIRED" Strategist, specializes in résumé writing, interview prep, career development & advancement, LinkedIn profile writing, and speaking. She holds four career industry certifications: CPRW, CCTC, CEIP, and NCOPE. She authored two books, You're Hired, Vol 1 & Vol 2. She won the 2020 Honorable Mention award for her interview prep method called iRockS.T.A.R. and the 2020 Pat Schuler Kick Butt Award for working tirelessly on behalf of the career services industry in the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion space both from Career Directors International (CDI).

Can you tell our readers about your background?

·      Sure, I’d be happy to. I have been in corporate America since 1991 and have worked for the last 26+ years for a Fortune 36 company. Twenty of those years have been in leadership/management roles. My career experience includes advertising, P&C insurance operations, marketing, and corporate training. I have moved several times for various corporate roles. I have managed and mentored hundreds of people during my career. With that, I know quite a bit about working and maneuvering your career in a corporate setting.

What inspired you to start your business?

·      It was after I had internal success in corporate America that helping direct reports, peers, and managers elevate their professional branding to land their next gig internally. It was at the urging of two of my direct reports to use my skills externally. With that urging, I began to explore the possibilities and opportunities. I found the entry point to what I wanted to do was writing résumés and cover letters. That eventually grew into a full-fledged career management firm.

·      Another reason is that I wanted to have more control over my career. For me that career meant entrepreneurship. After hitting roadblock after roadblock in corporate America, I became very serious about taking my side-gig and turning it into a full-fledged business. I took my corporate experience and decided to become a CEO leading a staff and coaching leaders in all industries despite what my corporation said. I became what I teach my clients, become the CEO of your own career, no matter the industry. 

Where is your business based?

·      We are a virtual business and service client's all over the US and Canada. Our business address is in North Dallas, TX.

How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?

·      I started my business through social media, more specifically, Facebook. I began to take orders via inbox request, text messaging, and email. I did not have a website, formal business name, formal email, or anything else. I filled orders using email mostly and learned how to use PayPal to collect payments.

·      I soon created a business name that I loved. Next came securing the domain, created a simple website, and business cards so I can look “official”.

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?

·      Social media. I shared my successes and testimonials via my personal and business pages.

·      I began going to networking events in my local area. I took me before and after résumé binder to show my work product when someone asked what I did. I learned how and perfected my pitch at those networking events. I began to grow a following and network. That network became my pipeline for the business. I did not, and still do not, have any paid advertising. My clients are all word of mouth and I stay booked up. That tells me I must be doing something right.

·      I also began live-streaming early when it was just Periscope. That helped me develop a brand and the know, like, trust factor.

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

·      Working and growing my business as a one-woman show. I hear about the value of hiring help but always felt I could not afford it “just yet”. What I found is that I could not afford NOT to hire help. When I overcame that fear, my business grew. It not only grew, but I showed the world that I was/am a serious business owner.

How do you stay focused?

·      I have always been a very goal-oriented person. I am able to stay the course even though failed attempts. I am always learning and trying things to figure it out. I have the goal of becoming a premier career development, management, and advancement company. Everything I and we do centers around that focus.

How do you differentiate your business from the competition?

·      I take the 3 C approach when talking with my clients – counseling, career document creation, and coaching. I take the client's emotions into consideration when providing services. If you don’t begin with the inside first, you won’t be as effective in preparing documents that land interviews or coaching that land jobs. After all, that’s what people want, jobs. This approach is what makes us different.

·      It also does not hurt that I have an informal background in Christian Counseling from being a Senior Pastors wife for 26+ years. I also have an extensive corporate career in a leadership position where I hired, performance managed, directed work, coached, promoted, and, unfortunately, fired staff.

·      Last but not least, I have four career certifications and two awards in the career industry.

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?

·      Two things – customer service and obtaining certifications in the industry I serve.

1.     Customer Service: I love my clients and take good care of them. When I do, they take care of me. My business is approximately 95% referral base. The other 5% comes from my social media presence. I have not paid for any formal advertising. I may in the future, but to date, I have not. I have a financially stable business without advertising.

2.     Certifications: While I did free marketing via social media, my credibility did not increase until I secured certification in each area, I specialized in. I am holding four certifications in the career industry.

§  CPRW - certified professional resume writer

§  CEIP - certified interview prep coach

§  CCTC - certified career transition coach, and

§  NCOPE - nationally certified online and job search coach (LinkedIn).

What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?

·      Follow your own path. Do not think you have to do what everyone else is doing. It can be quite overwhelming if you follow what “everyone” else is doing and the perceived success. I am a very practical person. While I looked at what others were doing, I had to determine if it was right for me. I did not want to chase money but chase excellence in my service to my clients and my staff. I have found that is the best way to grow a business. It may be slow, but it is sure steady. The bottom line is if you don’t want to create a course, then don’t. If you don’t want to create a major funnel, then don’t. Do what will help you make the strides you need. Those things can happen overtime.

What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

·      Right now, Clubhouse….It’s big right now. I am a listener and plan on being more active with my own content soon. I am learning the platform and it is right up my alley! Follow me @irockresumes.

·      I love books…..I have too many. If I had to recommend one, it would be Profit First by Mike Michalowicz to get your finances right. For career professionals, it would be my own books – You’re Hired! – 10 Tips to Rock Out Your Résumé to Land an Interview and You’re Hired! – 10 Tips to Rock Out Your Interview to Land Your Dream Job.

What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why?

·      Right now, I’m loving click-up. It is giving our business a very structured way to operate.

·      I also use and love Dubsado, Microsoft Office365, StreamYard, and Canva.

Who is your business role model? Why?

·      I have several but I will name two that are local.

1.     Kimberly DeShields Spencer of Sow. Reap. Harvest. She was my former business coach in a group she ran called Thrive under her marketing firm, UImpact. She has a brilliant marketing mind and is very creative. She is quiet in her approach to business and marketing, but it speaks louder than words. She was very instrumental in giving me the tools and confidence that I can do this.

2.     Myaann Payne of MYNImage.com whom I met in the Thrive business coaching. We have been stuck at the hip ever since we met as we both have the same drive, tenacity, and “go-getter” attitude. She and I are business sisters for sure. It also helps that she’s my stylist too as I suck in that area.

How do you balance work and life?

·      For a “goal digger” like me, this was tough. I have to say, there is no right or wrong way to do it, just that you must do it.

·      I credit my organizational skills for allowing me to get done all that I do. I am a planner and goal-oriented. I use Time blocking to help me balance what I need to do and time with my family. Hiring a staff has helped a lot with this.

What’s your favorite way to decompress?

·      Hanging with my family and spoiling my daughters’ dog, BamBam. I am his maw-maw. I talk to him as if he is a real human. He melts my heart.

What do you have planned for the next six months?

·      For the next six months, I am launching three things

1.     Resume Writing Business Course. This course is for those who want to start a resume writing business as a side gig. I did a successful beta course fall of 2020 and now I’m ready to release it to the world.

2.     Opening up “iRock Online Academy” and my first membership. This online academy will have courses. The membership will be a curated database of all things career-related. These will allow iRock to serve more people as my calendar gets filled up fast with 1 on 1 client.

3.     Releasing my third book of the You’re Hired! Series. I won’t tell the name yet.

How can our readers connect with you?

·      Three ways

1.     My virtual place of business – irockresumes.com.

2.     LinkedIn – my jam! Connect with me there using my full name or my business page iRock Development Solutions, LLC dba iRock Résumés

3.     Subscribe to my YouTube channel – there are 100+ free videos of my past live stream shows.