"Just start. It will never be perfect in the beginning" with Kara Freedman

Kara Freedman

As a New York native, Kara Freedman has a keen eye for trends and emerging markets, as she has spent the last seven years working with, and marketing, top hotels, cruise lines, and food & beverage outlets. Kara has developed and promoted unique and successful culinary experiences on behalf of chefs, restaurants, and hotels. With her previous experience and passion for food that makes you feel good, Kara launched Baked by Nature in March of 2020.

Can you tell our readers about your background?  

I have a Public Relations background! I started my career representing hotels, restaurants, and others in the hospitality space on the agency side. In 2016, I moved in-house to a hotel company and then moved over to Hilton in 2017. I have always had a passion for wellness and food, as well as an entrepreneurial spirit. My biggest joy and happiest memories always involve hosting friends and family, cooking and baking for them, and enjoying laughs around the dinner table.  

What inspired you to start your business?

Baked by Nature is inspired by an incredible WWII Veteran, my grandfather! After escaping the Holocaust and fleeing to America, my grandfather was drafted by the US Army to fight in WWII – where he was injured and received a Purple Heart. My grandfather died in August of 2019 at 99 years old, but always placed an emphasis on wellness, and as an entrepreneur himself, inspired me to start Baked by Nature.

Where is your business based?

Baked by Nature is based in New York City.

How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took? 

I started Baked by Nature in March of 2020. I began by first registering Baked by Nature as an S Corp and secured insurance. From there, I applied and received my home processing license. Once all of these legal items, among a few others, were in order, I built a website. With my recipe perfected, I began selling online.  In addition, I applied and was approved as a vendor at Down to Earth Farmers Market – Rye.

One additional positive outcome about starting a business during this time is that I was able to launch by giving back. I committed to donating 1000 of my oat-bites to the frontline and healthcare workers at New York hospitals. We also had a “purchase a bag as a donation” – option. I donated to White Plains Hospital in Westchester County and NYU hospital here in the City. This allowed me to get the word out and share that Baked by Nature existed.

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?

Having Baked by Nature at Farmers Markets is key to raising awareness for the business, and I would say the most effective way. It is important to connect with customers, receive feedback, and understand how Oat Bites fit into their lives. As I learn more and more about my customers, I am able to convert them to repeat buyers online, as well as market our products in a way that makes sense to our buyers.   

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?  

I would say my biggest challenge currently is connecting with people during the pandemic. I would love to give customers samples of new flavors and ask for real-time feedback, but this is not permitted with pandemic market regulations.

How do you differentiate your business from the competition?  

Baked by Nature Oat Bites have six ingredients or less in each Bite. Most “healthy” food companies produce products with ingredients that you cannot pronounce (and would not want to ingest). We offer a light and small, natural option that is perfect for breakfast, post-workout snack, or quick treat.

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?

Being present at Farmer’s Markets has been my most valuable marketing strategy. Being able to explain what Baked by Nature is and more about our Oat Bites is an invaluable marketing tactic.

What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?  

Just start. It will never be perfect in the beginning, you will never have the best of everything, but you won’t be able to strive for any of that until you start. So just start!

What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

My app is Good Reads. I love learning about what others are reading and finding new books that are of interest. My favorite blog is Women on Business – the name speaks for itself. I have so many favorite books, but one of my favorite cook books is Eat Beautiful by Wendy Rowe. I love learning about why food is good for you, and not only does Wendy do that, she also shares the best ways to make those delicious ingredients into spectacular meals.

What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why? 

I had a professional contact refer me to SCORE. Her husband was a former mentor and she raved about the free offerings SCORE can provide. 

SCORE is filled with business leaders who volunteer their time as mentors and my mentors are some of the most inspiring women I have ever met, and often make me think differently. My mentors have also created a food processing forum, where they organize monthly meetings, which feature a guest speaker! The forum also gives me the opportunity to connect with other SCORE mentees, which is invaluable.  

Who is your business role model? Why?

My grandfather is my business role model. After fleeing to a country where he didn’t even speak the language, he started a business. I think about how much he had to overcome to provide for his family and it inspired me to move forward. He will always be someone I look up to and a true hero in my eyes.

How do you balance work and life?  

I still have a 9-5, and work my primary job every day between 9am – 5:30pm (and some days until 6 or 7pm). After that, I dedicate two to four hours a night working on Baked by Nature. I spend a few to 10 hours a weekend working on the business (depending on the weekend).  

I find the best way to balance both jobs, with my personal life, is to take a night off from Baked by Nature when I need to; I listen to my body and mind and when I need a break, I take one, so I’m rejuvenated and can dedicate more time on Baked by Nature the next day.  

I would pass along the advice Barbara Corcoran touts on Shark Tank and on her podcasts – keep your 9-5 as long as you can! 

What’s your favorite way to decompress?  

My favorite way to decompress is meditating. Over the summer, I started spending 10 minutes each morning meditating and love the way my body and mind respond to it. I find the best way to calm down, de-stress and relax, is to steal 10 minutes from my business day and just breath.

What do you have planned for the next six months?  

I will be participating in the Down to Earth Morningside Park Farmer’s Market on select dates from January – May. I will also be updating my packaging and look forward to showcasing the new look.

How can our readers connect with you?

Readers can connect with me on Instagram @bakedbynature_ or by sending me an email at hello@bakedbynaturefood.com.