Q&A with Clinical Therapist, Karolina Pasko


Karolina Pasko is a registered clinical therapist and coach, helping people overcome the pain that comes as a result of divorce, sexual trauma, or a heartbreak. Mostly working with your typical ‘power women’ and overachievers, Karolina herself is no stranger to love and intimacy struggles. With a rare combination of academic credibility, experience, humor, Russian flavored straight-talk, and strategic advice, Karolina Pasko is a sought-after sex therapist, media psychologist, and relationship expert. She invites you to Date Yourself!

Can you tell our readers about your background? 

I was born in Russia. I was fortunate enough to find my way to the UK, where I studied business in Cambridge. Living on my own in a new country since I was seventeen was a remarkable experience. When I moved to Canada and became one of the top students representing Canada on different Marketing competitions, I realized that I wasn’t fulfilled. This what a turning point in my life when I decided to scratch my success and start all over. I’m proud to have become a "power woman," beloved wife, and entrepreneur under 30. 

What inspired you to start your business? 

From a very young age, I was curious about relationships, love, and sex. I’ve gone through my share of toxic relationships, abuse, self-doubt, and betrayal. I remember staying in an abusive relationship, where my ex-was cheating on me, only because I thought the problem was me. I was never taught how to love and stand up for myself.  I thought love was a self-sacrifice, pain, and doing what the other person what’s you to do, hoping to get love in return. One day, I couldn’t take it anymore. I left my old life, healed my pain, and decided that I will do everything I can to help other people do the same.

Where is your business based?

Everywhere. I’m about breaking limits that we use to imprison ourselves. I remember my friends telling me to first build a successful private practice locally in Vancouver, where my husband and I are currently residing, but I refused!  I started building my clientele internationally: North America, Europe, and Asia. Believing in myself, when no one did, helped me break through the traditional brick-and-mortar model of traditional counseling and build an online-based platform that opened unlimited opportunities for my clients.  

How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?

Business Knowledge: Even though my parents forced me into business school without ever consulting with my desires or dreams, I am deeply grateful for this experience because I was able to learn the fundamentals: accounting, financial forecasting, and planning. 

Professional Expertise: Then, I got my professional credentials earning a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from Adler University.

Emotional Grit: I used to measure success by how many clients or money I had and what I could buy.  This motivation brought a lot of pain into my life forcing me to reevaluate my mindset. Once I shifted from money to doing what fills me up, money started to flow into my life. Once I moved from push to pull, everything I have ever wanted began to appear in my life.

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business? 

Consistency. I remember posting my YouTube videos and having only one person watch them, or doing Facebook Live with no people joining. I continued and never stopped. Also remembering that I am a brand, helped me maintain the integrity and not jump into collaborations that could have been potential financially rewarding but detrimental to my brand equity.

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them? 

Mind games!!!! Comparing myself to others was the greatest challenge. I remember always checking what other people in my industry were doing and then questing if what I was doing was wrong. Seeing their posts about how they made six figures in just six months, made me question whether I was good enough. This was egregiously cancerous. I went on comparison-detox and never looked back.

How do you stay focused?

First, it’s about motivation: my WHY and WHAT are the powers that keep me focused when it gets hard and feels like I’m hitting the wall.

Second, saying NO: Knowing what I want and why help me decipher the projects that I say NO to and the ones that I pursue.

Third, being my own creator of life: I make sure not to allow other peoples’ urgency become mine. Deciphering what’s urgent and what’s important is the key for me.

How do you differentiate your business from the competition? 

Just by being me and leveraging my talents. I’m not afraid to share my story and be vulnerable. Having experienced excruciating pain in my life, I don’t want to see another person go through it. My honest, upfront and no BS approach is refreshing and healing. When you say what other people think but might not have the courage to share, they start feeling the strength in themselves, knowing that they can also speak up for their truth and let go of what other people think of them.

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business? 

Full funnel marketing has been crucial. The objective is only to spend money on profitable returns. For that, you need to know your CORRECT audience: Who Exactly? Why them? Next, it’s about building a relationship with your audience, so you are at the forefront of your audience’s mind.  Last, it’s all about evolution, experimentation, and measurement.

What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs? 

Don’t let your business become a reflection of your insecurities. Make sure you are strong and feel complete on your own. The emotional grit will help you love yourself unconditionally and not base your self-worth on the status of your business.  Ladies, learn to date yourself, so you are a woman first, boss second.

What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

Clips – this app is my golden chain to creating great videos on-the-go.

Shots of Awe – Jason Silver’s 3-minute videos supercharge me and give me permission to just be me: weird but amazingly real.

My favorite book is “How to Finally Get The Love You Deserve.” I’m so proud of myself for creating this vulnerable and honest piece of art. I share my story and professional knowledge of how to stop allowing men walk all over you, how to become a woman first, boss second, and get the unshakable confidence that is a magnet for the right men to enter your life.

What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why?

It’s the masterful Jay Abraham’s free resources on his site. I had a pleasure of meeting this legend during Tony Robbins’ conference. His thinking and innovative approach are mind-boggling.

Who is your business role model? Why? 

I don’t have just one. I look up to many people for different aspects of their success. Tony Robbins for transforming personal development industry. Beyoncé for becoming Queen B and setting a new record for what a woman can do and be: mother, sexy lady, lady boss, and brand legend. Oprah for being an outstanding example of that your past doesn’t define your future.

What do you have planned for the next six months? 

I’ve just recently released my first book “How To Get The Love You Deserve” that is exclusively available on my website. There is a ravishing adventure ahead promoting it. My one-on-one clients are my priority. I work with women who’ve achieved success in most areas of their lives except for one – love. I will continue helping them heal their hearts and date themselves, so they can get the love they deserve.

 How can our readers connect with you? 

They’re always welcome to explore my website http://www.passioninlove.com/, they can find an abundance of resources to start healing their emotional pain. I share my weekly love advice on my blog.My

YouTube Channel where I release new videos weekly deep dive into questions we all have but too afraid to ask.

Facebook - My biggest platform. Join the Date Yourself community & stay up to date on everything I do.

Instagram - My favorite place. Quotes, stories & your chance to rejuvenate


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