Q&A with Photographer & Entrepreneur, Pazit Perez


World's Leading Vision portrait photographer, founder of the I HAVE A DREAM ACADEMY, a conscious creator & Entrepreneur. She experienced the power that photography holds by revealing a new healthy self-image. She helps individuals REBRAND themselves with their VISION FOR SUCCESS to CONTRIBUTE MEASURABLY TOWARDS ACHIEVING THEIR GOALS AND DREAMS, in a short period of time.  WWW.PAZITPEREZ.COM

Can you tell our readers about your background?

My love affair with print and photography started way back in my elementary school days. Whenever I had a day off from school, I joined my father at work. He was a printer, so I was exposed to magazines, photos, and graphics at an early age.

Fast forward, 20 years later, and I was delving into my passions for creative arts, photography, and film while studying in Montreal. I decided to focus on photography and started working at an advertising agency, as a photographer. This is where I sharpened my graphic skills and eventually became a partner, which introduced me to the world of business. As they say, the rest is history!

As an artist, I have developed my own signature style photographs, which are each made with love. My latest baby, Vision Portraits, was birthed from my own transformational journey, which led me to create a groundbreaking approach to photography. I became the World’s leading VISION portrait photographer who uses photography not to capture memories, but rather to capture Vision images of who you want to Become to create your future.

What inspired you to start your business?

Two main things Inspired me to start my own business.

    1.    The Creative Freedom of being an owner appealed to me. I could do what I want when I want and How I want.

    2.    As an Artist, I didn’t like when I worked for other photographers and they would take credit for my work. It did not feel right to me and knew that as an artist I would only work for myself.

Where is your business based?

My business is based in Montreal, Miami, and Online.

How did you start your business?

I started with a clear Vision of what kind of business I wanted to have. What kind of photographer I wanted to become. What kind of clients I wanted to attract. With that clarity of Vision, I set up to find a location to set up my new studio and open for business.

 What were the first steps you took?

I hired a real estate agent and shared my vision with him and all the criteria that were important to me. It had to look luxurious, edgy, artsy, free parking space, centrally located, well-priced etc….which led me to the perfect studio space. I then opened a line of credit to invest in the space to make it the way I saw it in my mind. I already had all my studio equipment, cameras, lenses, computers, so the rest was pretty easy and flowed into place over time.

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business?

Seven years ago when I moved to my new location, Living Social and Groupon had just started to promote local businesses.Timing was on fleek!  I did that for the first two years and leveraged off their lists to draw in a clientele and it was quite successful. Once I built a really nice following, word of mouth took over and haven’t really advertised since then.

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

The biggest challenges I faced were not in my business, but more in my self-image and mindset.

I continuously invest in workshops, seminars, books, learning, and studying myself so I can always give back a greater version of me to the world.

How do you stay focused?

I keep it simple. I have a clear Vision for my personal and business life and only focus on activities that will grow me into it.

How do you differentiate your business from the competition?

As a Portrait Photographer, I created my own signature style portraits and focused on capturing personalities rather than cheesy smiles. I was very influenced by other artists like Andy Warhol, Monet, and Picasso. I loved the idea that they had a very unique personal distinctive style and wanted to create the same with a Pazit Perez Photograph.

It gave me an edge over any other photographer because it made me stand out in a league of my own.

Lately, I’ve created VISION portraits.

Photographers use photography to capture memories, I use photography to create visions of someone’s future.

Let me explain.

I photograph people for who they want to become. I re-brand their Self-image to match a Higher level goal they are seeking to achieve. Now they can see themselves today as having already achieved their goal, they believe it's possible for them and emotionally connect with their new self-image. They grow into their Vision Image in a short period of time and get to witness their own transformation by becoming the person we created in the photographs. It's quite magical.

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business?

The most effective marketing strategy is having my clients share their game changer stories and VISION portraits via their social media networks. Also, I’ve focused on writing articles for Huff post, Success.com, Thrive Global to create awareness and reach a more Global market.

What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?

Invest in your personal growth continuously.

Have the right Mindset and Vision for yourself, as your business will be a direct result of what you’re thinking and how you see yourself.

What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

App. Lately, it seems like Uber lol

Blog. Nightingale-Conant, ProctorGhallagher and Tony Robbins.

Book.Think and Grow Rich, You were born Rich and Unleash the Giant within.

What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why?

One word. Google. It’s easy to find anything you want at your fingertips.

Who is your business role model? Why?

I have two that I adore equally Bob Proctor and Tony Robbins.

I love Bob for his poise, calmness, and ability to explain the mind in such a clear, organized and easy way to understand. I equally love Tony for his fire and vibrant energy. He sparks crowds of thousands at a time and lights everyone up in one room.

What do you have planned for the next six months?

Starting the month of January in a new city I’ve called home for over 10 years, (yes, I’m leaving Montreal) for Miami.

Working on creating Partnerships with Proctor Ghallagher & Tony Robbins.

Having My online Vision Branding Course Live early Jan 2018 and helping millions of people re-brand their self-image for success through Vision Portraits.

Speaking on a Global Scale to expand awareness that Science and psychology support that SELF-IMAGE is the PRIMARY driver for achieving the outcomes you want to see in your life.

How can our readers connect with you?

WEBSITE: PazitPerez.com

EMAIL: pazit@pazitperez.com

PHONE: 514.340.0400


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