"Understand that what lies between you and your dream is what you believe about yourself and your product or service" with Maureen Kemeny

Photo credit: Andrea Costrino

Maureen Kemeny is a certified Health and Wellness specialist who helps motivated women over 40 years old to lose weight, reclaim their health and optimize their wellness. Maureen works with professional women and business owners who strive for a successful, purpose-driven life and who understand that they can only reach as far as their health will permit. Her motto is: “Our health is our greatest wealth.”

Can you tell our readers about your background? 

When my brother was 23 years old, he was in a car accident that paralyzed him from the waist down. I had always been an active person, but I don’t think I fully appreciated the value of movement until my brother was unable to move.

Then about 15 years ago I was also in a car accident. Doctors recommended surgery and cautioned that I would likely never run again. I reflected on the importance of running in my life. Before my accident, I had already completed some races. Exercise was- and continues to be- my main way to release stress and maintain a positive mindset. 

I, therefore, decided to forgo surgery and instead work hard to heal my body. I discovered that to heal my body I also needed to really focus on my mind and emotions. Through tedious PT exercises and a huge mindset shift, my perseverance paid off. Within five years after the accident, I ran the Boston Marathon and competed in my first half ironman.
What inspired you to start your business?

The accidents were two events that really sparked my passion for health and wellness. Yet another huge inspiration for my business came from being faced with a rather large obstacle. I was living in New York State with my husband and two children. We had moved across the border from Canada. As a landed immigrant, New York state would not recognize my Master’s degree so I had to drive across the border every day to my job as a School Psychologist. Holidays in the two countries vary enough where I was unable to be with my family during many of the holidays. All of this combined forced me to find a solution. That solution became the seed of what is now LifeSwitch, Inc.

How did you start your business? What were the first steps you took?

I became a certified Nutritional Coach and Personal Trainer and started personal training part-time in New York State at age 43. Two days a week I coached and the remainder of the work week I continued to cross the border for my School Psychologist position. I registered my business name and advertised my services by putting brochures in people’s mailboxes; I didn’t even have a website! My clients came entirely from word-of-mouth. 

Fast-forward twelve years and the school board I was working at completely dismantled the psychology department. I then made the choice to run my own business full-time and pursue my passion. I named my business LifeSwitch because my goal in this endeavor is to not provide women with yet another fad diet or “get immediate results!” exercise scheme, but rather to guide them in a lifelong switch towards health and wellness. 

Along with my other certifications, I became certified as a Health and Wellness Coach through the American College of Sports Medicine.

Where is your business based?

As I learned about the world of entrepreneurship, my business changed and evolved. At the start, it was 100% in-person coaching in New York State. My first shift to online marketing was the creation of a weekly newsletter for my subscribers. Now- partially thanks to the pandemic- my business is 100% online. Although navigating how to provide effective weight loss coaching online was a huge challenge for me to overcome, this shift has allowed clients from all over the world to participate in my programs.

What has been the most effective way of raising awareness for your business? 

My weekly newsletter really helps in warming up potential clients. They get to know me and receive tips and information directly related to my programs. I write about overcoming obstacles, setting goals, weight loss, exercise, and many aspects related to health and wellness. To encourage newsletter subscriptions, I provide a PDF weight loss guide to anyone who signs up.

What have been your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

My car accident and the dismantling of the school psychology department were definitely two of the greatest challenges I have faced. 

I overcame injuries from the accident step by step, day by day. I had to have faith in myself and my body and keep going even when I wanted to give up. I had to learn patience and strength of mind.

Getting rid of the psychology department (and therefore my job) was a different type of challenge than the car accident. I had to either go back to school and redo my Master’s in the USA, or take the plunge and accept the risks of becoming an entrepreneur. Overcoming this challenge was really about just getting started and presenting myself and my skills to the world. 

How do you stay focused?

It can be a challenge! What works for me- and is also part of what I teach- is goal setting with a detailed plan. I make a plan for the day, week, month, year. It helps to break down the task into smaller pieces to encourage instead of overwhelm. 

Most importantly, I’ve had to learn how to become the CEO of my brain. The hardest part of being an entrepreneur is not giving in to discouragement. Being the CEO of my brain means learning how to be comfortable with failure and vulnerability. On a daily basis, I remind myself that the quality of my thoughts will determine the quality of my actions and my final results. Therefore, I need to be constantly vigilant and take ownership of my thoughts. There isn’t room for blaming or emotional immaturity. 

How do you differentiate your business from the competition? 

Many weight loss programs outline what to eat and what to do for exercise. Unlike my programs, they ignore the root cause- how the clients become overweight and why they are struggling to lose weight and keep it off. My Master in Psychology helps me delve into the beliefs that are limiting the success of my clients. This allows for a long-term change instead of temporary success.

Furthermore, my advice is geared toward women over 40 because our bodies change so much as we approach and go through menopause. It is only natural that what worked for women in their 20s may not work in their 40s.

What has been your most effective marketing strategy to grow your business? 

Despite the migration from in-person to online, my most effective marketing strategy continues to be word-of-mouth. By focusing on quality over quantity, my clients are happy with their results and recommend my programs to others.

What's your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs? 

My best advice for aspiring entrepreneurs is to understand that what lies between you and your dream is what you believe about yourself and your product or service. Anyone can learn the skills that are needed to run a business. What will ultimately determine your success is your ability to believe in yourself. 

Learn that failure means nothing to you. Failure is needed to understand what works and what doesn’t work in your business. You will fail and that’s ok. The more you fail, the closer you will get to your goal. 

Lastly, new entrepreneurs tend to look for teachers and programs to show them how to get the results they want. So much time and energy is wasted in looking outside of yourself for the answers. Learn to trust your own intuition. Learn to value your own thoughts above all else. 

What's your favorite app, blog, and book? Why?

I have a relatively new app called Levels that I’m so excited about! It reads my blood-glucose monitor and teaches me which foods create the biggest glucose spikes. This is really important data for weight loss. I then take this information and teach it in plain English to my clients. 

Lately, I’ve been listening to podcasts more than reading blogs. My favorite podcast is The Life Coach School. This podcast teaches how, ultimately, our success is based on our beliefs and thoughts and how thought errors can undermine our success.

My favorite book is currently The Deep Dive. This book is about how to change mindset and how to recognize our own limiting thoughts, as well as strategies for changing mindset. It’s a very interesting read.

What's your favorite business tool or resource? Why?

I’m part of a social media membership group called What the Heck to Post. I’m not at all savvy with social media, so this resource is particularly useful to me. The membership comprises monthly calls, daily examples of what to post on social media, a Facebook page for questions, etc. It really helps me navigate the social media world of marketing my business. 

Who is your business role model? Why? 

Brooke Castillo, founder of The Life Coach School. 

She provides a wealth of great resources and clearly lays out marketing details. Her information is clear and understandable, and is laid out all in one place. She knows how to communicate, deliver content, attract business and has done it all in a field with a lot of competition. She has created a very successful business and teaches how to replicate what she did

How do you balance work and life? 

I’ve learned a lot through experience and through trial and error. I rely on my calendar daily. On the weekend, I sit down and schedule out my week. I first pencil in what is most important to me: meditation, contemplation, exercise. I do my most important things early in the day so they are more likely to get done. Through my experience over the years I have learned to not sacrifice sleep in order to get things done. Sacrificing sleep leads to reduced energy and quality of work. I’ve also learned that it is vital to make myself a priority. I can’t show up for others if I can’t show up for myself. 

What’s your favorite way to decompress? 

Anything that combines movement with nature! Walking, hiking, biking, running,... There is a state park close to my home that is right on Lake Ontario. It’s a beautiful, quiet area. On clear days you can even see the Toronto skyline across the lake. 

I also enjoy decompressing by spending quality time with my family and loved ones. 

What do you have planned for the next six months? 

My husband and I have a trip to Costa Rica planned next month - fingers crossed we can still safely go. Later in winter we will drive to Florida for a month for some warm weather. The beauty of an online business is that I can do it anywhere (as long as there is Wifi).

On the business side, I will continue with group and private coaching and supporting my health club community. I will be adding new content to my group program, Reset, Renew, Results. I’m excited to grow the content and improve the quality of this program for my clients’ benefit. 

How can our readers connect with you?

They can visit my website at maureenkemeny.com to find information on the programs I offer. The next group weight loss program begins January 25, 2022. Here they can also subscribe to my newsletter, book a free consultation and find links to my social media platforms. 


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